In this video Icke is telling the truth. His source is probably the “Anglo-American Establishment” by Quigley. Why did he change from telling the truth to talking shit about lizard people? Does he want to sell more books? Has he become a Jewish puppet?
He has woke millions of people up, and been shut down by the ADL as they say lizard people is a codeword for jews. He always stole other researchers work and collated it into massive books. He has all the personality flaws of Boomers, narcissism and grandiose sense of self but it is hard to to respect what he has done, but he isn't on the cutting edge anymore. Its like a grandad trying to teach memes. That said I'm going to see him live in Torquay in November.
Nicholas Peterson
Too much LSD
Evan Ramirez
Exactly. Psychopaths and sociopaths fit this definition, and it's well known they gravitate to the top of social hierarchies. Some even take on reptilian facial features, appearances and character. If you believe in Astral intuition, someone who meditates or is intuitive to other energies and thought patterns like schizophrenics may also literally see the individual literally appear vaguely lizard like, like when taking certain hallucinogenic drugs, which just trigger chemicals that are already produced in the brain. Not sure why this has always been difficult to people to understand or find plausible about Icke's reptilian theories, they're quick straightforward actually.
Or they are just straight up lizard-people(rather hybrids then fullblood reptilians). Hell maybe all the psychopaths have some reptilian blood in them.
Ayden Richardson
these kind of nutjobs are entertaining at least. A person isn't a slave for following authority figures like Trump and I'm not a lizard man for paying taxes
Landon Campbell
Zachary Green
I gotta admit unlike these other idiots like Alex Jones. David Icke names the Jew, and shits on Israel, and has the balls. Even though I don't believe in some of the shit he says about lizard people. He is spot on about the Jews, World Order, and Pedophilia in our governments.
Blake Rivera
I also think that lizard people could be a code word, and not actual people like David Icke is talking about. It seems that is he hinting about the Jews, about regardless. He always shits on Israel.
Robert Cox
Anyone who takes this guy seriously is a fool. Although he can be a bit tricky to decipher. He is equal parts honest conspiracy theorist, charlatan and nutter.
Julian Russell
Yeah, I am just saying just take the parts in where its the truth such as world order, Israel, and pedophilia, but the other bullshit, just don't believe in it. Even though he says random shit, some of the stuff he says is true,
Wyatt Green
>I'm not a lizard man for paying taxes No you're certainly not. You're a slave who serves the lizard men and are proud to do so.
Christian Gutierrez
I haven't listened to him in years, has he actually started naming the Jew now? There was an excellent Jon Ronson documentary way back when, where the ADL tried to prove that when Icke mentioned lizard people he was really dog whistling to the far right about jews. It eneded with the ADL trying to custard pie him in I think a Canadian bookstore during his tour. To Icke's luck it completely missed and he ended looking good and the ADL looking like hateful fanatics.
Landon Martin
stfu lizard niggers
Angel Parker
That's Nubian Anunaki to you pleb!
Isaac Turner
Yeah, there was a video 2 days ago of him saying who were behind the criticisms of Corbyn. Even though most of video's don't criticise Israel, there are a few, but on his website. There are lot of articles bashing Israle. Check the front page as well, I saw 2-3 with Israel, even though he says shit about the Jews and such, I don't believe in everything says, but out of it there are a lot of truth.
Anthony Martinez
>Muh reptilians! >Muh visions! David Icke is fucking insane, and so are you for believing a word that comes out of his mouth.
Christian Stewart
he's so lucky! how does he do it Jow Forums?
Brody Phillips
the entire ancient world depicted the "gods" as a fish, bird, or reptile.... the closer to the true form of the aliens... the more forbidden the depiction was.
The reptillian complex is a literal reptile brain that is an inheritence from ancestors... why the fuck cant you dummies understand that lizard humans are totally possible? WE ARE FUCKING LIZARD HUMANS!!!
You need to understand that the reason why he was talking about Jimmy Saville in the early 90s and everyone scoffed at him for it was because actual insiders who witnessed evil and crazy shapeshifting shit contacted Icke because he was actually on the trail himself
Kayden Thomas
What trail?
David Foster
I was given the book Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More from an /x/tier co-worker. Fun stuff. Also they use a few Icke drops in this song.