Have a big crush on a chick

>have a big crush on a chick
>big tiddy, cool, into gaming and weed
>dare to ask her out, actually works
>after a couple of dates she wants me to meet her parents
>fast forward few days, get to their house, they welcome me in
>first fucking thing my eyes see is a fucking chanukiah

I fell in love with a jew

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Jesus fucking christ you illiterate 17 year old. Know your fucking enemy you dumb mutt, it's a menorah. You wonder why jews pull the wool over your eyes constantly when you can't even identify their shit correctly.

>big tiddy
Don't screw your chance to get going on those Khazar milkers user, Im counting on you

racial or just religious non-racial? If the latter, there's hope user. You won't get by with her parents but they're jews so who cares.

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"The Chanukiah (sometimes called a menorah) is the nine-branched candelabrum that is used on Hanukkah . Chanukiahs are commonly made out of metal, or stone, and can be purchased at a Judaica store, but they can be made out of anything, and many people choose to make their own."

There you go you fucking inbred dipshit, menorah is a broad term used by imbeciles such as yourself while chanukiah is literally hebrew

user my grandfather was in the SS, he'd haunt my ass to death

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She's racial but her dad has the dumb ass haircut and the stupid fucking haircut while her mom is copy pasted Kyle's mom from south park

stupid fucking hat**

She's not a believer but still

Back out, man. It ain't worth it for the milkers if they're tainted with hooknose blood.

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>Weed and video games
Your granpappy already despises you child.

Dude, you better fuck her before breaking it off.

Dated a Jew chick and she was absolutely nuts during sex. Was into all kinds of kinky shit, roleplay, slapping, spanking, deep throating, anal, etc etc

They're all fucking crazy and have serious daddy issues. Bust a nut and then never talk to her again.