So what's the difference

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nothing, they're all ugly niggers who stink and vomit cacophonous noise when they speak.

the arab is aggressive
the paki is predatory
the poo is pathetic

Pakis are niggers by arab standards and poos are niggers by paki standards.

And don't get me started on sri lanka

Bottom right is a different subspecies. Like distant as fuck. Poos have about ski. Tone and likely come from the same haplo group

all three of those things are indian
we usually laugh at people with skin that dark when we see them

No genetic difference between Pakistan and India. But if you can't see the difference between Paki/Indian and Arab, you're probably blind.

All I know is I'm glad to be white. I might be ugly by white standards but at least I don't look like a brown skinned subhuman.


free my guy arab andy