Burning my Jordan’s to own the libs

Holy shit Boomer twitter is pure gold tonight *chef’s kiss*


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But you already paid for them.

These people are truly galaxy brain levels of stupid

Lmao what next? They might burn down their neighborhoods in protest?

The economic model is such that these guys (((Nike))) probably need more than one pair off over the lifetime of their deal customer. They could justify debt this way. These could as well be pictures of Nike's share price, they trade at 70 times earnings.

It's to flex on blacks dumbass.

Chicago PD set up a sting with a bait truck full of Jordan boxes. They were scolded because blacks LITERALLY CANNOT RESIST JORDANS. Burning them is a next level flex on blacks who could never bring themselves to do that.

Boomer reactions are always stupid, but Nike really fucked up. They're leaning 100% into being a brand for niggers. Seems like a weird choice for such a popular brand. Maybe they think it won't hurt them among white people at all.

Kek, now that’s what I call “stuntin” on them there ho’s

Wow. Take that black people. These angry white guys that hate you don’t have shoes anymore and they’re out $150, I bet you feel just awful now, don’t you?

>owning the blacks by setting shit you paid for on fire
take THAT, libtards!

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It really is.


I won't burn my nike clothes, because that's my entire wardrobe. But I guess I can get some adidas

You do realize boomers are retired now, right?

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Jokes on you, I only wear new balance and dress shoes.

I haven't own Nike over 20 years. Shit looks gay as fuck and for some reason never liked the brand.

>Global sportswear empire runs campaign drawing from decades of running culture-defining marketing and analyzing impacts using data models you’re incapable of grasping.
>Jow Forums sperg, “duhrrr they fucked up.”
I’m going to guess Nike knows what they’re doing. Boomers wear New Balance because they can get them in extra wide with Velcro. Nike loses nothing.

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You should go out and buy some nikes so you can set them on fire to own the libs

I thought this was a BLM dumstunt.. 'burn your Jordans for justice'... that crap only works on white SJW's though. Blacks aren't burning Jordans no how.

So -.01% of his wealth. I think he'll be ok.

>base business model on nigger purchases
What could go wrong?

Ok, apparently I've been living under a rock. WTF is going on with Nike?


And this is the cherry on top


While the Adidas stocks are soaring all time high

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They’re pandering to dumb niggers by signing this guy

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Boomers are pooping their pants because Nike is using Colin Kaepernik as their Just Do It guy. Burning their Nikes and buying more Nikes to burn them.
The intelligent response is to ignore it and it goes away. Boomer will make this ad campaign very successful.

FUBU 2.0

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Burning shit you already own is a Leftist thing. Don't stoop to their level.

White kids buy what black kids make cool. If you left your basement you’d know this.

>go to goodwill / thrift store
>buy some $8 pair of Nike's
wow yeah Nike scored BIG on that sale

This doesn't make sense to me. Do they really think this kind of gamble is going to pay off? It seems like a completely unnecessary risk. Everything to lose, with very little to gain

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>So -.01% of his wealth. I think he'll be ok.
>shit company
>conservatives burn their shoes because kerfag
>libs burn their shoes because drumpf

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Drumpfy keeps getting BTFO by antifa's burning trash receptacles.

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Lol what are you talking about? This is exclusively the behavior of the reactionary suburban dwelling boomer. Don’t you remember a few months back when Keurig pulled their ads from Sean Hannity so they started filming themselves smashing their coffee makers they’d already payed for? Or even back during the Bush era when France refused to join the “coalition of the willing” they were going out and buying bottles and bottles of French wine just so they could film themselves pouring it down the toilet.

This is them in their purest form. This is them doing what they truly love


>implying blacks make anything "cool"

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>30 year old boomer unironically memeing himself

>having a pair of Nike urban wear rather than adult clothing

Well i guess they saw how well Nascar's queat for diversity worked........