Kentucky Governor will not consider legalizing marijuana due to it causing too many "overdoses"

Do people really believe this stuff these days? How can someone who believes that you can overdose on marijuana be governor? Isn't that laughable when almost everyone today knows that marijuana is one of the safest drugs that you can take? Why don't republicans just let go of being antimarijuana? No young person today will respect someone who tells them that marijuana should be the same schedule as heroin.

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lol! boomers don't know difference between organic and synthetic

the only thing i hate more than potheads is retarded boomer politicians

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Old religious right thinks it's all heroin and everyone who does it should be in jail for 100 years.

Bevin is a retard, even in this deeply red state, everybody hates him. He's gutted our education funding, and teacher retirement, only to give huge raises to his cronies. He's a one term shitshow. Him and Mitch are gonna be out asap.

I've had severe panic attacks on edibles. Was convinced I was going to die.

Oh look, it's another DUDE WEED LMAO thread.

Kill yourself, degenerate. Weed is for brainlets and the mentally ill

The governor of Kentucky must be hoping for a different kind of overdose!

1.) Cram the cities full of shitskin immigrants
2.) Decimate the countryside of its Republican voter base with opium overdoses
3.) Start flipping red states blue
4.) Kikes profit!


And yet here you are.

If weed is degenerate then why does it literally help people regenerate from illnesses, like when they're undergoing chemotherapy?

Good, the butthurt from stoners is funny

You overdose on unhealthy amounts of stupid and lazy, obviously

When I smoke weed I feel like I'm going to end up choking on food. Does anyone else know what I mean?

Lol goddammit bevin is such a little bastard

Kind of like video games & a million other things. Should everything fun be illegal?

As a Kentuckian I must say that I have been trying to DITCH MITCH for many years, and Bevin definitely needs to go too.

Rand Paul is the only good politician in the state.

"You have law enforcement people in emergency rooms being overrun by problems. You have homelessness spiking in that state. It has not been good for that state, and states like us would be wise to look at that and realize that’s a sucker’s bet.”

Law enforcement in emergency rooms & people homeless because they smoke too much weed. Okay.

That can happen. You just need to not overdo it. Edibles can get me as well, and I'm a veteran smoker. My mom likes to trick me with edibles, especially the drinkables. If you're going to live on the edge, you need to make sure you're in a comfortable, safe environment. I never get too mad at my mom, because it's just always while I'm at her house. Last time she got me, I about fell into the frying pan while making schnitzel. After I finished frying, it was everything I could do to keep from freaking out. Then I got over it and stuffed my face with schnitzel and perogies, then fell asleep. Movie theaters are pretty good for keeping the freakouts at bay, especially the 3D ones.
I don't even know what she gave me, it was a liter of something weed infused from a dispensary. After I drank the entire fucking thing, I read that each bottle was like 10 servings.

the LD50 for marijuana is about 300lbs smoked in an hour.

>How can someone who believes that you can overdose on marijuana be governor?
By never having overdosed on marijuana for starters.

I took a few tokes and has similar shit when I was a teen. You know what? The effects wore off and I said "this shit isn't for me".

Lolz you got a point, I know so many leftie feminist drones that moved to Louisville because "it's the new portland but nice" might be a small influx of lefties for now but transplants are getting interested in your state. Would be shame if someone diversified it to save you from your own racism.....

That is cherry picking stats. Everyone knows that hard users inject marijuanas and the risk of overdose skyrockets.

STFU, pothead. Nobody cares about you.

It does appear to cause a 3% rise in auto accidents after states legalized cannabis.

...The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety analyzed insurance claims for vehicle collisions filed between January 2012 and October 2016. The IIHS researchers compared claims in states that had recently legalized marijuana (Colorado, Washington and Oregon) with claims in similar neighboring states that hadn't.

They found that over that time period, collisions claim frequencies in the states that had legalized marijuana were about 3 percent higher than would have been anticipated without legalization. The researchers characterized that number as small, but significant. Collision claim frequency refers to the number of claims filed divided by the number of insured vehicle years.

“The combined-state analysis shows that the first three states to legalize recreational marijuana have experienced more crashes,” said Matt Moore, senior vice president of the IIHS's Highway Loss Data Institute, in a statement...
...The researchers analyzed U.S. government data on fatal traffic accidents from 1992 — shortly after 4/20 was popularized as a pot holiday in High Times magazine — through 2016. They compared driver deaths on that date with deaths on a day the week before and the week after during the study period.

Deaths increased slightly in most but not all states, amounting to an overall increased risk of 12 percent — or an extra 142 driver deaths linked with the holiday, said lead author Dr. John Staples at the University of British Columbia.

Other studies have found a similarly elevated risk linked with alcohol and driving on Super Bowl Sunday and New Year’s Eve....

Keep it illegal. Black market profits >>>>

Is this what GMO weed looks like?

How many pots do you need to smoke to go insane

Maybe if these shitshow red state governors were more focused on building up their communities instead of gutting them and selling their souls off to the Jew, then we would not have millions of white people desperate for answers that never come and shooting dope.

Apparently you're wrong because they keep legalizing it everywhere.

quick rundown on the "safe" drug weed

>Weed raises Estrogen levels:

>Weed decreases testosterone and growth hormone, tobacco increases them (but also raises cortisol which is a catabolic hormone):

>Weed Reduces Volume Of Various Regions Of The Brain And Negatively Effects Motivation :

>Weed Worsens Symptoms Of Social Anxiety Disorder:

>Weed Causes Long Term Cognitive Damage:

>Weed Causes Depression And Anxiety Disorders:

>Weed Causes Psychotic Disorders:

Has there been an increase in the number of illegal immigrants in those areas?

And its amazing when you remember neuroscience is in its infancy. There is quite a lot we don't know about the brain. The effects could be far worse than we could imagine.

it'll cut into opioid profits.

I have been in and out of rehab for years because of marijuana. I recently got out again.

I almost died last time I relapsed. I had to have an epinephrine shot to keep breathing.

I wish that one kid in highschool never tricked me into smoking in the woods after school that first time. That first time, I came. I have been chasing that feeling ever since.

I tried smoking recently after a 15 year hiatus just to remember what it was like because most of my really close high school friends are still daily smokers (successful, but they smoke after work). The stuff I was smoking was EXTREMELY strong and I only took one hit big rip and that was enough for me. I found that I did not like the first hour to hour and a half because it was too intense and I would become paranoid and self scrutinize too much. It just wasn't pleasant. After that when I mellowed out ti was enjoyable, but the juice just wasn't worth the squeeze and I remembered why I hadn't smoked in 15 years.

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This lady must be lying, weed is degenerate.

>it has a limited and questionable effect (which we don't know that much about) in its CBD form
>therefore thc should be legalized for everyone so we can become brave new world

>Got too high
>It was nice when feeling went down
That just means to smoke less when you try it again at 75, shouldn't take more than 1/20th of a cigarette worth to feel pretty high.


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Stop shovelling food down your gullet and take it slow.

I love Rand Paul, I hope he runs for pres one day.

Lefties generally get brought to the middle after living here long enough. Dealing with entitled ass hood rats is all it takes.

More than anybody is humanly capable of, unless you're already fucked in the head

All these people are lying degenerates.

they are a bunch of journalists and tv experts that just want to keep their paychecks.
Let them go broke for working with the Koch brothers and giving americans cancer as they sell formaldehyde.

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Marijuana is bad. M'kay

>ad hominen
Not an argument. Worse than stormtards when you give them 100 sources and they don't accept any of them because they claim that its written by (((them))).

You may find many surprising political "leaders" share the same characteristics

Quietly paying homage to a deity
Righteously indignant with regard to non prescribed substances

Might be worth trolling Trupm to get a position on this matter?

There was 40 of them I one day
You can overbdose on anything
Weed should not be not them

Not only that if you need weed to stay sane your retarded need necked

the same people saying weed is bad are the same people profitting of cancer drugs that don't work.

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Whats really fucking annoying is this guy got elected by saying there was a good chance he would legalize it

Applying cannabis oil to the skin literally eliminates tumors without harming the skin, but weed is degenerate.

>>Weed Causes Psychotic Disorders:

Fuck that. It can make existing issues worse it doesn't just cause people to go nuts. That's reffer madness levels of shit.

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>Everyone knows that hard users inject marijuanas and the risk of overdose skyrockets.

you literally cannot inject marijuana.

that article is ncbi admitting about their research practices.
No one brought up any jewish conspiracy besides yourself, what are you antisemitic?
I've seen Israel's research concerning Hemp.

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Nice strawman. I don't support most prescription drugs either, especially things like SSRIs etc.

It's true though, read the studies. It is especially terrible for youth where it has *caused* things like schizophrenia and the like. We learn more and more about the brain every day.

You guys and your fucking weed.

Okay how does it invalidate the rest of those articles? It literally doesn't, retarded frogposter.

Marijuana tampons actually do work however.

you can actually jail him for that you know.

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Shut the fuck up leaf. Your shitty worthless country brought all the ((modern pharma solutions)) to the US. Adderall, SSRI's, "Anti-anxiety" pills, Opiates, all thanks to Canada.

"Cringe" is giving little girls acne medication that defertilizes them in order to make them more compatible with oily-ass Jermaine.
Cringe is giving Veterans with PTSD and chronic pain pills that worsen these conditions over time (Opiates and Cannabis have opposite treatment vectors,) or letting kids grow up as retards because Brain Scientists can't figure out how Cannabis immediately gets rid of speech impediments, stops/prevents various mental episodes, etc. without 1/100th the detrimental effect of their "medically approved" pills.

it's kentucky, he has to find something to say against it to please the boomers who will vote for him

See children, here's why the class system exists.

Weed makes you lazy and stupid

none of those articles make it "unsafe". Drugs have side effects. Not all people get side effects.

See Why do you instantly assume that i support (((big pharma))) just because I don't support marijuana?
Sure, marijuana might have some medicinal uses but the verdict is still out on that. Regardless, it's not an argument for legalizing it recreationally.

>cause psychotic disorders
>just a side effect bro

Coffee and cigarettes, and lack of exercise are far worse for laziness.

Boomers hate pot. I really cannot wait for them all to die, even at the expense of my own family.
It'll be a couple of presidents' time, maybe 2028, before national legalization.
Until then don't get your hopes up.

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Autism, the post.

It invalidates not only your claims their articles but also their positions of employment and freedoms.
Wow would you look at that the source of your evidence admitting they are knowingly putting peoples lives in danger with their products!

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It's not physically addictive, only psychologically. You're a fucking idiot.

The problem is that people have built up an identity around being against marijuana. They literally need to find more things in life that gives them happiness and try to move past being so hung up on this. It's not like homosexuality or transgenderism where society is in decline because of this, cannabis is literally not degenerate.

Not everyone dies from heroin or cocaine either but, they are still just as evil as marijuana.

my journey through the planes and mountains has been long and arduous but I have come to check these digits.

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The propaganda has been going for decades.

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He's a nigger. He'd have fallen regardless.

Calm down. You seem like you are upset.

The only thing I see around here is the person trying to control other peoples lives ?
Since you are siding with a politician whos platform is based upon the predication of children I can only assume you are therefore guilty of child sexual exploitation yourself, Define : Bipartisan.

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So what's your position on alcohol? Should be banned too, right?

kys degenerate pothead

Irrational emotional outbursts are a psychological effect as well.

>marijuana might have some medicinal uses but the verdict is still out on that
Not sure if you're trolling... Cannabis cures cluster headaches, one of the many nightmare scenarios facing people across the planet. Migraines are gone within 45 minutes using CBD alone, which is already legally shipped across the entire planet thanks to Pharma focusing on preventing people from aquiring THC, which: Eliminates inflammation, clears gastrointestinal issues, and increases recovery from major injury, eliminating the need for any pill I have ever taken in my life.

Cannabis is a plant that is solving issues which have been around for thousands of years, I don't intend to rely on "medical studies" (every single one funded by Pharma rats) or "government health agencies" (who patent the technology for curing cancer, and classify it next to heroin)

Only thing I need is access to my green Tylenol without a bunch of niggers trying to take away my gun rights for it.

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Again, not an argument. I have a few other sources on there. Besides these studies are well recorded, you can look this stuff up anywhere on the internet.


Check out Dunedin study and Swedish Army Survey as well, both proving my point.

things fags need to know about weed

1.) it is serpent honey
2.) it is sweet venom
3.) you are not supposed to smoke it all the time
4.) its highly addictive. highly highly addictive once you pass a certain threshold
5.) the addiction is unique in its own way. like nothing else
6.) take long breaks if you smoke for long periods
7.) it is highly addictive

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I shudder to think of how you might have acquired this information.

fuck off, you moron.

okay and? It would be quite drastic to rush into it when studies point out the chilling psychological effects. Again, minor CBD uses is not a reason for legalizing THC for the general population.

>coffee makes you lazy
Source nigger

t. Former weed smoker. It makes you lazy and stupid, although I do miss being able to sleep

Alcohol had no beneficial uses in any form or capacity whatsoever. Any thing you need to clean with it can be cleaned with kerosene or diesel.

people should be able to ingest whatever they want one dude even ate a entire plane.
are all already crimes.
Your in control of your actions no matter how high you are it is not an excuse.
oh yeah REALLY well recorded Im sure.
Do you have any idea what you are even trying to say or push onto people ?
Your pushing their crimes onto the victims of crimes.
The long arm of the law doesn't care about borders this is an international Police Matter.

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Your telling the people that got electroshocked while poisoned by LSD that they should do that shit again.
As a Bar Qualified lawyer I have to ask you to cease and desist for your own safety and freedom.

You're the one who can't understand a joke in a text post.

Ultra lights and a kink for sticking things in my dick hole

I'd love to see studies that don't rely on flaky self-reporting from people who are mentally ill

>why does it literally help people regenerate from illnesses
It doesn't. I'm sure (((you)) want us goiyim to believe that. Don't forget to tell us that tobacco is also bad, while (((marijuana))) is a miraculous cure-all even though with both you're literally inhaling smoke.

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it has certain uses. the problem is that people abuse it and undermine people who know that it can cause harm. people dont even think its a problem if a child smokes weed anymore even tho smoking weed is horrible for the brain during the formative years

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lmao what is your argument even? Drugs are not a victimless crime. People are not islands. Once their lives become ruined because of addiction, it hurts the lives of their loved ones, emotionally and financially. This becomes a blight on society.