Are leftists really this retarded?

Are leftists really this retarded?

Attached: IMG_5088.png (980x551, 1.01M)

Yup, they are emotionally driven. They don't use logic

They're sucking the dick of the neocon fag they loathed just a few years ago.

Draft dodger v. true military hero who fought for his country and showed genuine valor.

I wonder which one I would look up to?

Attached: McCain thumbs up.jpg (800x543, 58K)

False flag...

The one that banged supermodels, is a billionaire, currently President of the United States, and is still alive..
The "war hero" is dead.

Yup. If Trump had praised John McCain leftists would have said John McCain was awful.

The one that didn't cause an aircraft carrier fire that killed 100 people

The teevee told her obongo and mccain were pals so now mccain beez alright in her book.
