He's right, you know

He's right, you know

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And with this deal for a rich person to get richer....black on black crime will be wholly eradicated.

Wasn't there some news about black kids jacking Nikes off of a truck as a police sting which went wildly too successful for the Media's liking?

he used to correct form of their, proud of him

niggers love them sneakers

This won’t impact Nike sells at all.... it just makes a handful of white liberals justify and ignore the child labor involved in producing Nike shoes/clothes

LBJ knew this

Are blacks really this easy to manipulate?

Oh look, it's a liberal pretending like they bought Nike stock... as if the stock market was open... on Labor Day.

Attached: NIkeStock3.png (638x833, 708K)

>Implying Niggers have any money to invest in the stock market or buy their products en masse

LMFAO, my sides!

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Ten months from now a bunch of apes in Nike gear are gonna burn all our cities to the ground because they don't have enough money to feed themselves.

Yeah, all charges were dropped because racism n shiettttt

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90% of Nike's revenue from overseas and no one give a fuck about that nigger

Why didnt you kill John McCain when you had the chance


>Owning stock

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now that's what i call jewery

Nothing but the pointless shifting of money.
Let niggers and liberals throw their "earnings" away at the soulless conglomerate. I'd be more upset if I actually watched football or cared about shoes.

Came to post this. I wonder if they knee that guy that posted the "and not a kaffer in sight, paradise" video is also affiliated with Nike.

Probably not, dumb niggers.

When have niggers not bought Nike’s?

They wont sell anymore than they normally would because niggers can barely afford shoes in the first place.

muh shoes

Attached: AA-Obama.png (514x836, 526K)

implying niggers know how to purchase stock at all

>we will forever support you.
Yep, just like you did with Sprite.

Also; keep in mind (Denny) the color scheme used is almost the same as the Tim Roth 'Disgust' meme.

>buying anything

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Can one of you mutts tell me who the fuck Colin Copernicus is and why this story has any importance?


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Kaepernick is high IQ tbqh. He knew he was starting to decline as an athlete so he pulled this ''muh race'' stunt to grab some good shekels.

It'll lead to a surge in theft of Nikes

Niggers steal more Nike than they buy lol

He's wrong, you know.

tthinking buddies

Stop with these threads, Nike just masterfully baited a bunch of conservatives with their "controversial" ad campaign.

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>Implying they'll actually buy nikes, not steal them

This. Best post in a shit thread.

You think there's anyway we can get Trump to increase black unemployment so he doesn't get BTFO'd by Nike?

White pipo only hate Kaepernick because he speaks unpopular truths that challenge their power, but they love Muhammad Ali because they view him as "safe".

Holy christ niggers are stupid.

pic related

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And all the profits go to white men. Now they wear their chains on their feet.

Is that why teams run obvious plays against him because they know he’s too stupid to audible?

Yep, regardless of the 13th amendment, niggers are still slaves to the state.

you had ONE job Vietnam! ONE JOB! Why didn't you finish the job and get rid of that faggot traitor McCain?

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Muhammed Ali was actually good at his sport

So he was a paid shill for shiny shoes all along? Why did they wait until a holiday where most retail is closed to blow the lid?

How you gonna make a profit?

Attached: looters-miami-footlocker.jpg (640x370, 48K)

But BLM and King had polar opposite messages.

King was for societal peace, the uplifting of blacks and assimiliation. BLM is about segregation, racial conflict and gibs.

>At the peak of their protests, both men were widely hated by millions of Americans

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Bl*cks to only steal Nike 2k18

Are you fucking kidding me?

There’s gonna be a lot of disarmed nigs now

Why would they get rid of their agent? Nobody was kidding when they called him a war hero but they dont tell you which side.

Niggers don't have money, tho.

This. But what would you expect from a wigger like Shaun King?
>He's literally hu-white trash.

the money they do have is already going to nike


Yea sure they did great supporting the aduture tiger

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yeah he's not. what's a word for something, idea or concept, that is racist but doesn't mean to be? cause they faggots treat niggers like animals with no agency, but still try and acknowledge that they're human

Kap is a shit player tho

I don't think Nike takes EBT.

So even more niggers looking each other over their jordans

Like niggers actually pay for Nikes

Noone who grew up in America throws a baseball like that.

He is a football player who didn't stand for the national anthem. Also a self-righteous dickhead.

Insightful. Of course, leftists are the all time champions of cognitive dissonance.

He is unironically better than Dak "house nigger" Prescott

No, it's because the fucker isn't even really so much black as arab, he's forgotten how good he had it with his adopted family, encapsulated other people's grievances in life into his persona for the sake of virtue signalling, and basically is an example of image related hypocrisy.
It's all so tiresome. I'm just genuinely trying to imagine into being a giant fucking meteor hitting the false Israel and it all being razed to dust, bunkers and all while also imagining new organic pathogens from the Earth attacking the nephilem, rephaim and the others who have and are still trying to subjugate God's children for their own use.

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An average Thai girl is superior. These are hideous for fucks sake.

At the end of the day they most likely won't make any long lasting attempts at self improvement and will be in the same place as before, just with a 23rd pair of overpriced sneakers

Lol definitely not. Kaep is a one read option QB. Dak can actually run a proper offense.

It's a shame. I used to like nike because I knew they were using yellow niggers as slave labor.

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What does it even accomplish? Nikes got enough money. Go ahead. Throw more at them.trump is manipulating the stock market. Not for personal gain though. Thats what all this controversy is about. In n out got a shit load of money the other day too. Hes manipulating the stock market for the better of the people and businesses.

I saw niggas on instagram argue that leaving it unlocked was entrapment.

Never mind it was an unmarked white box truck, and at no point did the police goad anyone into opening the back, and it was put there after a string of robberies at the trainyard

Wait, so after seeing this video, there's still ANYONE who didn't think the cop was justified? The kid was obviously TRYING to make the cop think he had a gun. This was just suicide by cop.

Is it possible to steal Nike stocks?

Yeah, pandering to black people is the easiest thing in the world. They love spending money when they don't have any.

Honestly think it’s kind of hilarious. hahaha stand during the anthem, just do it

It's racist to assume that the gun wouldn't jam.

Is that why niggers still vote Republican?

He's a former professional athlete who insisted on taking a knee rather than standing for the national anthem at the beginning of every game. He was attempting to protest the alleged maltreatment of blacks by law enforcement officials. While many black players followed his lead, he found himself off his team and therefore out of the league. This is possibly due to his peculiar form of protest which many find offensive or to his being somewhat "washed up" as an athlete. He had a couple of good seasons but had failed to perform to expectations of the last couple of years before. This may have started as a righteous (though misguided) attempt at free speech protest, but it's become a publicity stunt and a very profitable one at that.

>me on the right

I'm a New Balance man myself

It's important to mention that Kaepernick is effectively jacking himself off for all to see.
>Oh, criminals are pointing guns at cops. I'll protest for them!

>Republicans buy shoes too
-Michael Jordan
Insulting half your potential customer base is not good for business.

Every nigger is going to have double the chance to steal your shoes if they're Nikes!

The video was made by someone

Are you a septuagenarian retiree spending your mornings drinking coffee at McDonalds?

Black people were the only ones buying nikes anyways

>Bringing a"New Balance" to the racial equation
>White: 100%
>Shitskin: 0%

If only they were aware of their marionette strings

What does a corporation giving money to a ball player have to do with the nigger community?

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That would imply niggers don't already spend a large chunk of their disposable incomes on Jordans.

Most people believe whatever they want to believe for whatever reasons they want to believe it. Facts really don't matter. The "low information voter" is a myth since people end up voting the way they would anyway even when provided with factual evidence contradicting the factors most affecting their voting choices.

Red pilled, blue pilled, most people are close-minded and inward facing instead of open-minded.

its warfare, spread the word, repost and share

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Well yeah, why would I vote for things to benefit others over voting for things that will benefit me? Win win if it helps others, but you should always vote selfishly


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