Yet another shooting, this one in San Bernandino (Again)

And again I ask, what is America's obsession with guns? How many more kids have to die before you come to your sense like the rest of the world and enact sane and sensible gun control laws? There's absolutely no reason a private citizen has to own an assault rifle. It's absurd rubbish, and the rest of the world is shaking its head in sadness as this insanity continues.

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shitskins killing each other, this is not news.

>how many kids have to die...

Congratulations. You read the first response, then copied the punchline.


Worst pasta ever.

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We have shootings here every now and then. Guns aren't the problem, (((some))) people are the problem.

>what is America's obsession with guns?

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There is hundreds of millions of people here. Who cares if a few die? More kids probably died from peanut allergies this year than guns.

Shitskins like to kill each other. They do it with guns or other means, but the weapon is not the issue.

This is literally not a mass shooting. Dindus were playing dice in the apartment complex and one of them chomped out, gunfight ensued.

Designated shooting Schools
Designated shooting Theaters
Designated shooting Concerts
Designated shooting Clubs
Designated shooting Tournaments
Designated shooting Apartments

Seriously? You're saying all the shooters are Jews?

Come take them so we can kill you all and end the mass shooting problem, faggot.

>How many more kids have to die before you come to your sense like the rest of the world and enact sane and sensible gun control laws?

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Now this just furthers my point, the irrationality of gun fanatics. I simple plea for reasonable regulations to protect your children, and you saying you want to kill me and call me a faggot. Ridiculous.

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>the rest of the world is shaking its head in sadness as this insanity continues.

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>How many more kids have to die before you come to your sense like the rest of the world and enact sane and sensible gun control laws?

From my cold dead hands bitch.

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>liberal gun free zone state btfo yet again
When will neon colored hair having libcuck progressives learn?

It's just how we relax, Pajeet. Don't throw shade at our hobbies.

So in lieu of an actual argument, you're just going to repost the same stupid comic yet again? Predictable and sad.

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>no reason a private citizen has to own an assault rifle.
Except you know,for the fact that we believe it's a human right. In our eyes you cucks are humans right violators.

I posted it before I actually entered the thread and read the comments beneath it.

>There's absolutely no reason a private citizen has to own an assault rifle.

The overwhelming majority of citizens do not own "assault rifles". Assault Rifles are selective fire rifles chambered in an intermediate cartridge (meaning they must be able to fire burst or auto, rather than just semi). The Armalite 15 Rifle (AR-15) is a Civilian Sporter rifle. Over 90% of all handguns sold on the civilian market today are Semi-Automatic just like the AR-15. One pull of the trigger, one bullet is fired. Most Handguns have a 15+ round capacity. There are many reasons to own such a rifle, competition shooting, home defense, hunting, etc. You have no right to tell me I can't own one, so stfu and go back to sucking your wife's boyfriend's dick!
>and the rest of the world is shaking its head in sadness as this insanity continues.

What the rest of the world thinks is irrelevant to American domestic policy. You're basing your arguments off of emotions, and not logic, and reason, much like any other sub 100 IQ retard.

>San Bernandino
Just spics getting killed. Nothing of value was lost.

Because no matter what dishonest language you couch it in, your end goal is complete disarmament. This is simply non-negotiable

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You're sure about that?

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All of them, now stfu and join them.

Better than being covered in shit

So, just out of curiosity, did somebody just shoot up a bunch of kids? I'd hate to be missing out on a habbening.

Gun control won't save a single life.
People are dying in ever larger numbers in London where guns, knives, sticks and forks are controlled.

Posting Brievik, a lone wolf attack, and a single incident that hasn't been repeated since, as an equivalent to the criminal habits of millions of niggers in the USA is disingenuous to say the least.

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Need guns to protect ourselves from the government and other humans.

And plastic straws. Dont forget about those evil plastic straws.

I looked outside of Jow Forums and haven't seen any info, OP might literally be a mossad agent posting about shit he hasn't done yet lmao.

Shart in mart, RogaJogaBogan

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People hyping the ethnicity of shooters/using shootings to push their agenda are, undoubtedly

One of the Few things that Marx got right.

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Now to be fair, most of that shit comes from hippees, niggers and immigrants. And San Francisco has been lost ever since the fags set up shop there.

Are you daft, or just refusing to do your research?

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Why should I care about a bunch of Mestizos dying? Answer me that.

>Eight people were shot during a dice game at an apartment complex

Literally not even a mass shooting, this is just shitskins shooting each other, because some nigger or wetback lost at a game of dice. I'd be willing to bet $1,000 the firearm used was an illegal firearm.

Guns aren't the problem. Go look at the Gun Laws in the california state legislature and you'd be amazed at how great gun control has gone for us in the Golden State so far. What pisses me off more is that the liberal media machine likes to visit san bernardino when it suits the narrative of confiscating weapons rather than showing what happens to ordinary communities after they live under liberal policies for a few decades.

Well, Shlomo needs to get his ass in gear. Shouldn't bait people with happenings that haven't happened, matzoh monkey.

I'm restless now, and you can practically hear crickets around here. We need another antidepressant-related psychosis parade ASAP.

What shooting?

It is funny because in France you can replace gun by Muslim

Coons shooting coons. Doesn't fit the liberal narrative of whites terrorizing blacks and won't be reported on. This happens in every metro in the country every weekend of the year. Only local media reports on it.

>8 shot during a dice game in an apartment complex.
Sources say niggers nigging. Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

Descent parent home school their kid anyway

I've been meaning to ask one of you frogs, why haven't you let the Muzzies help you out with your Jew problem?

I mean, if you just let the Muslims have their way with the Jews, there wouldn't be anyone left to tell you that you can't deal with your Muslim problem however you see fit. Problem solved, right?

>8 shot during dice game

Holocauste pos traumatisme (from french , which can not criticize Jew because mue colaboration ) also the end game Muslim are worse than Jew , because they behave like them but they reproduce also

>"how many kids have to die"

this fucking argument again
give up my firearms and my right to defend myself because children I've never seen, never spoken to, do not live in my community or hometown are dying, for the express reason that there is nobody to defend them?

the only thing that will stop bad men who are skilled at violence is good men who are better at violence

drown in a puddle of your own cold piss

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More guns won't mean less gun violence any more than more McDonalds will mean less obesity. Are you thick?

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you are a robber

one house contains a firearm and a man skilled at using it

the other contains no firearms

which do you rob?

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A straw man, but I'll play along. Of course I'd want less resistance. Curious though, that to defend your position, you have to put yourself in the shoes of the criminal.

But more relevant, I'd say that if I were the home owner, I'd much rather live in a country where we could trust our police to protect us (rather than brutalize) instead of worrying about legions of unstable, untrained civilians doing God knows what with their guns.

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More guns means more safety

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And again i ask, what is your obsession with us? fuck off.

And do more fast food locations mean less obesity?

Oh. And i dont give a fuck. Again.

Mate, I'm just a concerned observer with compassion for my fellow man. Try it some time.

your defense and well being is your responsibility, not the responsibility of the government

I open carry and am proud to say that I have only drawn once and it was to protect a person from a drunkard outside a bar who was trying to harm them. The man stepped down and didn't want any trouble. No police were around.

Nobody got hurt, no rounds fired, simply the presence of a weapon was enough to diffuse the situation. Suppose me and my trusty Glock had not been there?

Shove it up your ass

>our trust worthy police should telepathically know when a robber has broken in and teleport into our houses so that they can then immediately deal with the criminal

I have enough compassion for myself

shove your compassion up your own ass. you need to respect yourself, be a man, and own and carry the means to defend yourself. This is duty of all men.

Priceless response by a vulgarian without an argument.

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It was during a dice game, I bet it was those white supremacists. Fuckin white supremacists and their dice

Apples and oranges, he's shown you the data

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here's a legitimate argument: Second Amendment of the United States Constitution

here's an illegitimate argument: dead children

So a 200 year document written by slave owners, which has been amended many times, is more convincing that the masses of dead children?

1 example for the past 25 years?
We can make a whole wikipedia page for shootings in America of the past 25 years, dumb nigger.

the masses of dead children are an argument that the founders knew more about how to run a nation than any world leaders in the last 100 years


the constitution is the law of the land just as the federal law requiring people to be of age 21 to buy handguns from FFLs is the law of the land

you cannot choose which laws to follow and which to ignore

dead children mean nothing to me

the Constitution is the backbone of my nation


>We can make a whole wikipedia page for shootings in America of the past 25 years

Which is exactly the problem. You're overrun with gun violence. Why are we arguing.

a dozen pales in comparison to the amount of deaths prevented by gun owners. niggers probably shoot a dozen dead every weeks or two

>dead children mean nothing to me

Says it all, really.

I agree, we need to ban abortion

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Daily reminder that Americans are the descendants of undesirables and heretics. Of course they're strange and their logic is nonsensical.


your argument is illegitimate

I will continue to buy, own, and drill with my firearms including handguns and long rifles.

know one thing

if you were my neighbor, I'd put my life on the line to defend you with my rifle

sorry about those dead children, it's the price we pay to live in this nation. Maybe, if you were concerned about those children, you'd lobby your government to put trained men who are skilled at violence to defend those kids within their schools.

let me guess, niggers at it like in the hoodd


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Do you have a single example of control lowering the murder rate? I've yet to see it. All that's accomplished is the disarming law abiding people.

nice switch over to memeflag fucking faggot.

Always fpbp

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Fuck off with this Slide-shit-thread.
Sage & neck yourself you faggot

There's >350 million of us plus 30 million extra illegals. And 13% of that is niggers. The fact that we don't have a mass shooting an hour is a fucking miracle. We could literally have one a day and it would still be a statistical anomaly not worth the removal of a basic human right to mitigate. Commie kikes just want gun control so that they can have a monopoly on violence and the means of force. Can't have those goyim thinking that they can fight back now can (((they))).

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>Are you "thick"?
Get a load of this Limey poofter (probably still thinks faggot means cigarette) posting from an American IP.
>trust our police to protect us (rather than brutalize) instead of worrying about legions of unstable, untrained civilians doing God knows what with their guns.
Spoken like a true cucked-out faggot.

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Nobody cares.

Does anybody have some statistics about happenings since 2018 ?

It is God punishing America for turning up to world war 2 late which cost many allied lives. God is punishing America through their children. The blood of American school kids is penance for being a nation of cowards.

Let's hope there's dozens more lives lost.

Knowing Americans, even then it would still be highly contestable

>Reverse engineering the pajeet meme against Americans
Bravo, Sanjeet. Bravo, indeed.

What if the drunk guy had a gun?