Free Will vs. Determinism

Does free will exist, or is everything predetermined?

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I don't think free will exists. But it doesn't make much of a difference because we perceive reality as if it did.

false debate. pick up a book about the subject.

you have free will, but the world around you is predetermined

Oh, also. Preferably not by a pseud like peterson or harris.

Those are best popscicles.

Everything is predetermined in that all things have, will and are happening at the same time. our extremely limited ability to perceive everything is what makes it seem like its all moving one life at a time and in a certain direction.
So no matter what choice you make, have made or will make, other choices have also happened.
But sure, on an individual level you must choose the choices to push forward the line of perception you are currently in tho. So I guess its both you have free will to make the choices that have already happened. There.

Everything is predetermined. However nobody knows the future, so from your perspective your actions matter.

How do we know if anything exists?

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Walk through a wall. Its real enough.

Anyone claiming to know is making a truth claim, if you turn around and say you can be wrong you’ve violated the logic of knowledge, and thus also violated the consistency of the earlier statement.

I presuppositionally appeal to an all knowing God because the question in fact requires a will to believe, there is no possible way for people especially the left for instance, to be able to deny reality. It would be compelled upon them personally as well as externally. The discrepancy between reality denial for only some and then to come to others that have accepted it clearly contrasts a choice out of faith.

To know requires an axiom that fulfills the absolute requirement of a truth claim. Which is the state called “Certainty” or “Without doubt”. And it’s completely rational to believe this because logically it is impossible to reject God and then continue to use logic without running into ad infintanum ad nauseum.

When you use logic as your method of thinking what axioms of “sense” or rationality are you using to make logic “consistent” you’re not presupposing all of it, are you?

Where would such power or authority come from?

Well it would have to come from an extreme or platonic absolute.

You are presupposing all of it and evidence as a concept doesn’t exist outside of God, and this is why no one can deny Gods existence, yet they can choose to suppress it. Infinite regression only happens in absurdity and to reject the axiom that gives your logic consistency and reason is absurd.

This is why morality built civilization.

Also as a side note, the simulation theory or matrix theory is horseshit, computers in concept cannot relay information without calling it from somewhere else. If the computers keep regressing infinitely, then the information they’re conveying cannot exist. So there is a possibility of a simulation, but it inevitably leads to a reality.

Blue is the best

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everything is predetermined to a point, but the individual can force path changes if he pushes hard enough to change fate. though some fates are more set in stone then others.

walls are like a construct duuuuude woooo

it was predetermined by what exactly that I call a carrot and basque and the vaseline

seriously nigger? that was just my choice. determinists have a lot of burden to have to explain what caused me to do that, alone... let alone every human action

>Amerilards unironically believe le ebin you can be whatever you wanna be

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You have free will within a scope, but you can't break that scope.

Physical reality is either deterministic, or random. In both cases there is no free will. Free will implies the existence of some kind of supernatural soul that exists outside of this material world and does not adhere to its physical laws.

>The unmeasurable will to believe == the empirically measured and weighed power to act.

As a European I find it ironic that you guys are shit at philosophy given your western civilizations second hub after Greece.

>Free will implies the existence of some kind of supernatural soul that exists outside of this material world

What the Fuck, no it doesn't. Define 'free will' for me

The presuppositional state that you exist and have the power to choose what to do uncontested.

The key word meaning presupposed.

You can’t do shit without proving that you exist, and materialistically you’ll fall flat on your ass trying to prove what you’re even talking about exists with logic that you assume is consistent.

It is 100% rational for man to appeal to a higher metaphysical power for the use of logic and the concept of Truth in order to keep man himself from fucking corrupting it and breaking it. If people can flat out be charged in court for crimes they didn’t commit clearly there’s a fucking higher power granting you the authority to choose to convict them despite not having the truth to do so.

Materialistically there is nothing about evidence that compells a person to believe it exists or that it’s correct or that it’s relevant.

Free will exists only if you place yourself above natural laws. Otherwise, you are trapping yourself in a deterministic universe where there is no agency.

You place yourself above natural laws by realizing that every second is a gift and the past literally does not exist. You are offered a chance to start anew with every single breath you take.

HaShem maintains the universe in existence in an act of love and kindness. If you want to be free, you have to emulate the Creator. Give up the ego, help others, do things not because they benefit you, but because they help others.

You have a choice. If you define yourself as your body, you will die as all bodies do. If you think you're more than a beast, you will start the long process of correcting your animal desires.

HaShem wants you happy, but there is no happiness when you separate from the source of all life -- only sadness, loss of meaning, and death.

You are not your body. You are not your mind. Both are the deterministic result of the various effects your environment had on you. You are a soul whose task is to make this world a place where HaShem can dwell. You are not alone. Schechinah or the Holy Spirit or whatever you want to call it is with you and will comfort you when you ask.

Be happy because Heaven lacks somethin. All beings who live in the presence of HaShem's Glory can only do HaShem's bidding -- how could you oppose an infinite force of kindness and love? We here have a chance to face obstacles and reveal HaShem's will on our own accord. Heaven is not perfectible. This world is.

A single day of revealing the Torah in this world by studying it and doing mitzvot is worth more than a thousand years in Heaven.

Rosh Hashanah is this Sunday. We celebrate the creation of Man and the entire creation goes in the face of HaShem to be judged. Ask for forgiveness, forgive others, give alms, reconcile with your fellow man, and be happy.

according to the many worlds quantum interpretation, you do everything possible simultaneously, so maybe you don't have free will over your own actions, but your consciouness/attention can select which timeline it focusses on.

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This. Supernatural is the only explanation for free will. Everything is determined but we still have to "make choices".

Imagine if someone predicted what you're going to do and told you.
If determinism is true you couldn't change what you would do after that.
But humans are a spiteful bunch so you totally could.

both, but it doesnt make a difference

Something tells me your people are very lenient on the reuqirememt of giving alms.

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Do you honestly believe that? Can you read what you just wrote out loud and say "yep, that's that the kind of shit I can get behind"?

the many worlds part is very reasonable theory, the consciousness extension is my owm rhetorical flourish just to add in some sort of free will.


At least conspiracy theories are somewhat grounded in objective truth

god determines who goes to heaven

but you can choose what to do but you cant change what happens when you go do that thing

Hard to say. Time moves in a straight line so you could argue that existence is inherently deterministic. Every action and thought is pushed into being by the actions and though before it. Believing in free will might be a convenient delusion. Yes you have the choice of pizza or hamburger for din din but that choice is heavily influenced by past experiences with said foods. Could be a mix, 80% predetermined/20% free will. Or you could say that the fact we did not create ourselves nor our space-time realm is evidence that there is no free will; we are only experiencing a simulation of ourselves.

i assume you reacting badly to the actual theorectical physics bit:

If you can ask if free will exists it doesn't really matter if free will exists.

And not accepting that scope can lead to hardline determinism. I mean I get where that comes from but there is something to be said for acceptance of the fact that you aren't god. And who is the say that god is not bound by rules that even he doesn't understand?

Free will can be conceptualized in a way that can map to moral systems. But our concept of moral responsibility is wrong and unless you come to terms with it the new free will conceptualizations will seem like copouts.

Long story short, the infinite regress argument against common moral responsibility is true.

"free will" is the reddit buzzword

Completely impossible to prove either way, thus pondering it is about as useful as shitposting on Jow Forums

You have to escape ur flesh and hit rock bottom. Water fasting, nofap, no drugs. Starve the flesh of all these. Kill the the day to day pattern of chemicals. You gotta experience real suffering of the lowest the universe has to offer. Depression is beautiful, nothing but pure thoughts to decide what you believe in, want, can do. There is unlimited potential inside you, the system is created to control our limits. Which is for good reason as not everyone can understand and withstand the lowest suffering.

Only maybe 0.0005% have true freewill. Its being consciousness of the spectrum of the smallest and biggest around you.

The elites / someone discovered that the answers are always in suffering, its a race who can suffer the most and survive. Theres always a new way to suffer.