Now that the dust has settled

Can you guys tell me what is truly happening to the wh*Te farmers in South Africa?
Asking for a friend.

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Nice coalburner.

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Rhodesia 2.0

>half black
Look at his hair. She's lying. He's probably Indian/Paki or Arab.

She did it all to win back Dr Murdoch

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They are being murdered daily, that's whats happening.

It's a conspiracy theory made up by racists. Nothing to see.

I'm half black and don't have crazy frizzy hair.

Theyre taking white peoples farms away. They say its not genocide. But it takes a few months for people to starve to death. And by then the story will be long forgotten and thoroughly written off as a racist conspiracy theory.


911 was inside job

They're giving people tens of millions for their farms but the white farm owners all follow a crazed cult leader that wants to start a race war because they believe it's the beginning of the Armageddon. They're essentially the same as the evangelicals that support Israel.

The people who say its not a genocide are the same people who think food comes from convenience stores, not farms. Niggers are fucking retarded and their retardation is about to kill people.

the eternal nigger wants their gibs. they will stop at nothing to take everything and they are supported by the cucks in the British government and communists. it does not matter to them if they starve or if the entire thing falls apart like in Zimbabwe. Hopefully the boers fight back, and I believe they will. Many believe in what Siener van Rensburg said, and its all coming to fruition.

Tens of millions to buy what? Mud cookies and roadkill? With a glass of malaria water?

Obvious lie makes a good propaganda.
Vox. I will never forget your quote.

You know your in very small minority with your hair type and mix and you live in England so you know that guy looks Indian /pakistani

This is a good summary. But odds are nothing will happen because the nigs in charge aren't competent enough to expropriate shit from their own rectums, let alone land from armed Chad boomers. Still though, they will fuck up the country trying or their names aren't Nigger McKaffirstein

Every recent documentary about the topic claims that White South Africans are being killed DAILY, by blacks. This is happening, they need too fight back every white death emboldens them further. When will they turn the tide and take 10 out for 1 of theirs.

Weird question but how many half blacks (from whites) do you think made up new births every year?

whi*Teoid nonhumans are getting removed by based and redpilled africans

This was only getting international attention because the actual Government of SA was pushing for land seizures and a change to the constitution that would allow it. Even if the government has backed down, it doesn't stop the local populace and their fanatical leaders from wanting the heads of white SA's.

I feel bad for those who donate

Once you go black, we don't want you back!

We've got bigger problems than blacks

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Good video.

Asian century? More like Asian centipede.

Chinks will devour the landscape for stupid shit like "dick pills" made from endangered rhino horns while they skin the animal alive to eat it.
They'll wreck the ecosystems, chop down the rainforests, drain all the wetlands, interrupt all the migrations...
... As they breed themselves another into another billion people and mine all the resources...
"But at least they'll kill the niggers!"... who were way too incompetent to ever destroy Africa's wildlife completely, like the Chinks will.

What's funny is that the farmers bought the land after apartheid when Desmond Tutu was President from black people. They can't pull the "well it's our land they stole it from us" card.