Red pill me on ADHD, i just found out i have it

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Other urls found in this thread: b peterson adhd

I would but you probably wouldn't be able to read all of it.

its fake, made up to sale drugs.

fuck off lol

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It's not real, so you don't actually have it. They're just trying to sell you the cure to their fictional disorder.

first post best post

but i have the symptoms...

Disgusting tits

it's male behavior that you just need to exercise out. unfortunately, to make women and men more equal, they drug you up instead

hmm please explain more

>its fake, made up to sale drugs.

Unironically this

consume stimulants
adhd is result of low activity in certain brain areas
>caffeine, theanine, guarana, b vitamins, nicotine, rosenrot, ginseng, chocolate

No, you possess common behaviors that the people who want to sell you their drugs claim are symptoms of a disorder.

it's not a real thing. the jews just want to sell you more drugs

Why can't i read books then? i don't think all humans can't read books like me.

see schools used to just wear boys out, now they're dominated by females who see male behavior as toxic or whathave you and instead of treating it properly, by physically wearing them out, we get this bs

if you are bored, it's because you are doing something boring

like college. of course no man can sit through that shit. men only learn by doing, not sitting

If you can't read books then your retarded, sorry.

most people don't read books

130iq sorry i am not retarded.

lift heavy weights before you read


Are you illiterate? If not, and you actually have the desire to do so, then you probably just lack self-discipline, which is something that you can gain without taking drugs that only "work" by subduing your brain. b peterson adhd

literally this
terrance popp says it best
about 7:10 in
your bottled up energy makes it harder to focus

it will release endorphins and help you focus

Dude i can read ofc, but not for too long. I never studied in my life, i answer exam q of what i learned in class, but college put me in a situation where the prof is fuckin shit and i can't study alone. So my doctor tells me i have adhd and here i am.

If its discipline, how do i parent myself? i do all that is fun and never work. cant control myself. i live in fuckin hell right now for fuckk sake i am off, post closed.

sometimes im able to concentrate and read an entire book sometimes i cant read even one page
it's just being a male and how you feel at that time

Exercise, cut out sugar, have some green tea in the morning, watch your behavior and set reminders/lists if you need to. Adderall makes productivity easy/nice for me but it's still a drug in the end. A crutch, sometimes [seemingly] necessary, but shouldn't be relied on too much all the same.

For most people it's really really bad behavioral conditioning, more than it is actual add/adhd. Not saying they won't have it, but most of the problems are just untreated childishness.

ADHD is literally the lack of discipline. Go blame your parents.

Yeeees goyim, don't worry about those pharmaceutical drugs. Start smoking instead! Your money will be much better spent...on me.

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A “disorder” diagnosed exclusively in America and countries which are bitches of America. It wasn’t around when society was still functioning and people used tgeir hands do to do stuff, at least sometimes.

Omg did you know squirrels can be wonderful pets? I saw a squirrel yesterday the size of a ten speed. I wonder who first called it a ten speed?

Try fasting. It will either relax you the fuck up or it will make you very alert and focused. Either way, it should be good for you. Check the threads on Jow Forums.

Just designate some time every day where you read and nothing else. Make sure that you do it in a quiet room that's free from distractions, because it's definitely all of the distractions (Internet, video games, etc) that's the problem. The bathroom would honestly be the best place since you won't be surrounded by electronic devices and such. This sounds simple, but it's the only way you're going to train yourself. Your problem isn't a fictional disease. It's years of bad habits that need to be undone.


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Ok i won't take medication and try your methods first.
First i will watch the jordan peterson video now. Today I will lock myself in a bathroom and slide the key under the door and let my mate have it for 8 hours. but i will be fasting for 20 hours before i do that. Then read as fuck. Repeat for a week, if it doesnt work then fuck you faggots.

oh and lift weights after i am done.

I've had severe ADHD my entire life. It's a deficit in the neuro transmitter dopamine. This chemical, besides being the reward chemical, is also responsible for higher level functions. The lack of it will feel like your brain is flipping through thoughts like they are TV channels and someone else has the remote. Some drugs that are amphetamine based will help you gain control and allow you to focus. Ritalin will stop the dopamine you do produce from reabsorbing so quickly, Adderall will make your brain produce more and stop it from reabsorbing (not as well as Ritalin), and Desoxyn or METH, will just make your brain produce more than usual. ADHD without medication throughout school and my time in the military made it very difficult to make friends as it is a behavior disorder, and the traits of ADHD turn most people away as someone with it is "annoying". This is due to impulsivity associated with ADHD.If you just became diagnosed, I would try medication and see how easily you are able to perform tasks that you used to try to avoid. Also, try making lists. If your post is genuine, I hope this may help you a little, even if only to understand it a slightly better.

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Yeah those drugs are pretty fun tho

I wish that this board wasn't infested with shills.

ITT people who either haven't taken the time or don't have the mental capacity to read and analyze actual studies and statistics on ADHD yet somehow still think their retarded parroted opinion actually has merit.

I know that you can do it. I believe in you.

I wish you niggers on this board knew what you're talking about.

Remnants of our old hunter-gatherer ancestors. Your brain is designed for a different, more 'primitive' type of environment. A question: are you able to get into a kind of 'hyperfocus' if you are doing things you are really interested in?

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This isn't true. It's a chemical deficit in dopamine due to heredity, they can see it on MRIs.


Exactly! Most of the times it is actually a genetic mutation in the receptor for dopamine which makes it kind of 'numb' to the incoming signals except for those that are really strong.

It's not just about reading though. It's comprehension. Kids with ADHD usually have bad reading comprehension. I was a really good speller but shit comprehension so I tried Ritalin. I like adderall better. I don't need much but it helps.

I iz redarted

How soon until I can gene thearpy it away and have a "normal" brain that produces normal level of dopamine?

Get plenty of exercise.
Dont have a shitty diet.
Dont drink coffee or energy drinks.

That should help a lot.

dont take the drugs, if i could change 1 thing in my life, i would never have taken ritalin or adderall. but i was 5 when it started and all my teachers praised the drug

I'll bet you could read a book about a super-attractive nymphomaniac who solves crimes by partaking in kinky sex or some shit.
You're just trying to read the wrong books (uninteresting subject matter to you) and blaming your lack of sustained interest on a "flaw" in your chemistry.

>if i could change 1 thing in my life, i would never have taken ritalin or adderall. but i was 5 when it started and all my teachers praised the drug
5 years old?
holy fuck
of course your teachers wanted you controlled, who gives a fuck what they said, don't you have parents??

As a teen I knew a kid diagnosed with ADD (that was they called it before adding the H). Said he couldn’t focus, concentrate on reading, blah blah blah. But amazingly, he could read books about Kurt Cobain (he was a huge Nirvana fag), practice guitar for hours and play GoldenEye. Oh, but algebra or English Lit.? Yeah sorry no can do. Good kid but I thought the whole diagnosis was bullshit

Meth is better

Don't waste time on this bullshit, after all ADHD is fake and made up, right? Don't take meds either, unless you have a really important test. Once you start, you probably won't go back. I pushed through school without any meds and it was mostly cheating that got me through. Focusing on reading and studying took a lot of energy, you probably know how it feels but do your best even if it takes you 2 hours to read something that should take you 1 hour. Believe me, I was reading at 5 years old and had great grades but right around 5th grade I started noticing problems with my focus. Also be careful with weed, even though it was fun it only made it worse for me in high school. Find something where ADHD might help you or where it might not be that much of a problem, personally I found myself in programming, I can code and study programming related stuff for hours without losing focus, I don't even know how. Good luck on your journey.

get free prescription drugs every month, use them maybe once or twice weekly and keep most of the pills, then sell them when you have the opportunity

This is good advice.

Cool Comment, Ahmed. Wanna bring it to the whitehouse?

Start jacking off and drinking your cum to regain the energy you lose. This will help rebalance your life force to optimal levels.

Fake and gay

for what it's worth...
> be guy i studied with
> have adhd and meds
> important test so take extra stims
> overstim.spacemarine
> letters all swim together while jittering
> get a B
pro tip: join a sports team in college that does early AM practices. this is how to do college right. party with them, too. since this is Jow Forums, also join your school's Jewish organization and read your fucking talmud

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You have 3 months to live

I'd not wait for that. In theory it would be rather simple to replace the 'broken' gene but the problem is to deliver the machinery for gene editing into your brain cells without severe side effects.

I'm dealing with similar problems but found ways to arrange myself with it. Mostly by trying to isolate myself from outside stimuli when performing a task and by using all my frustration and aggression as a 'motivator' to get shit done. Also, I accept that there are times when I am simply incapable of performing a complex but boring task ... then try to give my brain the kick it seems to need by hyperactively browsing through several interesting but ultimately pointless wikipedia entries and/or scientific papers while shitposting on Jow Forums like a fucking Aussie cunt.

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Guess you must be in the second camp. No amount of drugs or lifestyle changes will help with that, unfortunately.

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Do 10 push-ups between each chapter of reading.

I don't get the training part, how is this gonna help?

Raises endorphin and dopamine levels. It actually does help, but not to the point that medication will.

It's not fake, but procrastinating isn't ADHD. If you browse the internet and play games instead of doing work, you're just lazy as fuck.
I've got ADHD, but I'm not lazy trash so I can get along just fine (phd plus)

Exercise may trigger a dopaminergic response strong enough to satisfy that wet spongy matter inside your dense skull for a while ... resets your neurochemistry.

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You Sir, are a faggot

80HD is a made up syndrome to excuse poor parenting.

It's fake, but some of the drugs they prescribe are pretty awesome. Milk it.

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45 minutes of cardio 3x per week is just as effective as medication, I read a study about it.

t. therapist

You don't have anything wrong with you. ADHD is just a way to explain away how education is tailored towards women and leaves men restless and bored

Let me guess, your parents didn't read to you every day as a child.

Becuase your parents spoiled you when you were 6 years old and didnt slap you when you didn’t do homework reading.
Focus is a skill like anything else, and can be practiced. You are just used to tv and video games with Insent rewards and jump cuts.
Don’t be retarded. Just do 5 minutes, the. Do 10 minutes, hen work up to an hour, don’t try to force it in one session, you will just fail.
Neuroplasticly kod. You just see habits developed over 10 years of bad schooling on MRIs, which is why it is so hard to fix.
Yes, behavior can change brain activity, and even things like how many domamanie receptors you have per NT, which you would know if you had taken a neruo biology class in the last 10 years.

I believe a shitton of people just get the prescription meds and sell them on the black market in bulk. There are tons of people wanting these meds for “recreational” purposes without having a prescription.

ADHD is where you're five and you can't sit still for two hours straight without moving a muscle or saying a word, like your morbidly obese Nazi German kindergarten teacher wants you to

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Not going to lie, Austriabro ~ I always wondered if I had some form of whatever the docs call ADHD and the like. Went through college no problem for a shit degree, but I did everything in a spam. 2 hours a day study? Fuck you. I'll write 15 page papers in 12 hours on subjects I have no clue about and pass with an A.

I went through depression after an ex broke up with me and tried Ritalin or the weaker version of it, and everything went slow in my mind with high reaction time for my body.

Otherwise I'm a normal person who floats around and gets lost in thought all the time. I'm 12 steps ahead and lost to explain those steps because nobody understands.

>niece drops a bottle
>niece is too old to drink from nipple bottle
>has constant tantrums
>isn't wearing top
>ask sis-inlaw if she has tried removing all bottles from the house except the one baby uses because her 4 year old dropped her bottle.

I'm hyper social and appreciated in general, but my mind floats.

Lads i can't thank you enough, i haven't got this much of information and help about this topic anywhere in the internet or from my doctor. I will do everything you instructed and will award you with steam codes, only if your tips work. I promise. come back in 11th sep around this time (9am in Norway) to recieve them. If they don't work i will gather my dudes and spam the shit out of Jow Forums. Cya in a week.

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>I'm 12 steps ahead and lost to explain those steps because nobody understands.

Hahaha, damn, we share something here! :D
Often not really consciously aware of what my brain is currently working on but I've got used to just 'going with the flow'. I've recently got the opportunity of switching from my shitty lab job into industrial facility design ... and fuck, thinking in this step-to-step manner required for planning such a thing is giving me a damn hard time right now. Then again, I already figured out some small innovations which deviate from standard procedure and may improve efficiency.

Wut?? You a faggot or something?

Go with the flow is #me too. My friend is trying to get me into programming and says I will be great for it. I think he's right.



That sounds about right. Godspeed and don't be frustrated if you got a 'bad day' ... think we just have to live with these from time to time.

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Day of the rake when?

You too, Austriabro. I wish for success in both of our happiness.

when I smoke weed my adhd goes full steam and it's so fucked up; it's like just scattered unorganized thoughts

I use to take ritalin, but now I just drink coffee to keep me calm minded and focused

You need to be 18 to post here.

Thank you, based burger.

But user what are the sources?

>at first I thought the Ustaše did a bad job in the 40s clearing out the big-nose lizard people and then I remembered that proxies exist.

Also, what is the harm is postponing the medication while trying psychological therapy that he himself came up with? Obviously the cunt is axtually coherent and intelligent, so it's not life threatening to postpone the prescribed ((((chemical lobotomy in a pill bottle))).

Also, it's a plan he himself helped write and worked on. If changing his diet, and abundance of visual reward stimuli doesn't work, he can just take the good goy pills after a week.

ADHD and ADD are real but treatable in more ways than just by either drooling chemical castration+lobotomy happy pills or hyper-adrenal ampethametheroin stimulants.

>Mfw ADHD and take medication for minor epilepsy that fucks my memory and concentration up
>Mfw speaking to my boss about new strategies we could employ to improve something then I start thinking about dinner on Friday and 30s after an hour after we finish I've forgotten all content of the meeting besides what I decided to eat
>go to British doctor and their only suggestion is to take different medication which will ban me from driving for 1 year
>ask about any drugs for concentration and he looks at me like I've just asked for meth

It's not real, and in reality it's more of that calling a bad thing good and good thing bad schtick, the evils fucks love to do some much. They want people like you to feel out of control and that you need what only they can provide you, as they get paid for it, so you aren't a threat to them. That's the real story.

i just graduated with a politics major. It waasss hard.

I'm now working as an apprentice carpenter. I do not want to sit at a desk all day dumping ritalin just to get thru the day... Or im a lazy cunt who wakes up at 4.30am because im too lazy to look for a job...

look... a cat!