Are niggers immune to lie detector tests? You never see or hear of a nog taking one

Are niggers immune to lie detector tests? You never see or hear of a nog taking one.

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I know how to fool lie detector tests

Lie detectors aren't admissible in court because they're useless shit

Because it only works for humans.

Watch Jerry Springer


Because blacks are smart enough to not cooperate so they just give stupid answers to questions or dont answer at all, and eventually stall long enough for a lawyer to show up and say hey don't do that Tyrone. White people are so dumb and polite they actually beleive the cop when he says "I'm here to help you, this will help you, just relax, im your friend here."

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>Watch Jewy Springer

Jerry's a lot like cops. It was fun to watch before pol but now it's just infuriating and depressing.

I'm actually curious now if different races benchmark differently on a polygraph though.

Have you ever watched Maury?

real ones arent needed.

lie detector is a lie, faggot

Nah, they work, but (((they))) spread propaganda saying that they don't

You also never see a civilized country using this kind of stuff

only when the machine is Made in Russia

also, nafpbp.


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Because polygraphs are a fucking meme.

Why would you waste time testing someone who’s already guilty

darkies are dumb enough that a skilled interrogator can trick them into telling the truth pretty easily. For example, the "pit two suspects against each other" method works really well on them. It works by separately telling each guy "hey your buddy already threw you under the bus, you better say what you know or he's going to get away while you get locked up"

(((They))) created them in the first place and spread the lie that they work every single day.
You can also see niggers taking them every day on afternoon TV.

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Dr Phil uses them a lot with his guests. The guy who he commissions to do them seems competent as fuck.

>the guy who got his doctorate from Oprah has one on his show and it seems legit.

What brand of stupid are you?

Attaching a polygraph to a nigger is stupid, because niggers can't do anything but lie.

Confessions can be had at the cost of a bucket of KFC, why pay for a lie detector test?

>"Ph.D. degree in clinical psychology in 1979 at the University of North Texas,"

Polygraph tests dont work on the borderline retarded and those with no empathy for their actions

Any of you faggots old enough to remember this LA detective? He fucked up the OJ Simpson trial simply because an audio was leaked of him stating 100% truth:

"The first thing out of a nigger's mouth, is always a lie"

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No, you don't

Never used in France either

Some courts in the states actually do allow lie detector test results.

I'm going to be taking one soon and I'm going to tell the truth, I'm just worried that my social anxiety doesn't fuck it up. I get nervous as hell around people.

A Jew saying something derogatory about blacks in private.. makes ya think...

They generally don't cooperate with police. That said, I wouldn't take one either. Unless my lawyer advised it. Which HE HE HE never would.

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>Which HE HE HE never would.
Why emphasis? Suggesting that you would never hire a female lawyer?

Niggers have no experience or concept of empathy. Lie detectors work primarily on people with souls with an innate sense of right and wrong. Jews and niggers are immune.

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Same, literally did it once but apparently it gets harder as time goes on because you become more comfy
But for a good 30 minutes I was able to mess the writing by purposely making my stomach uncomfortable whenever I had to say a truth, and keep it normal when I saw a lie

>"Oh no I'm nervous that it'll make a mistake and they'll convict me even though I'm innocent!"
>Lie detector spikes.
It's a fucking joke that can show if people are nervous or not. There's a good reason they're inadmissible in court.

Has anyone here seen Penn and Tellers: Bullshit?

Its not a lie if you believe it.

>nervous because of test
>nervous about how a machine could ruin my life just because I'm nervous
>incriminating questions make me more nervous because of this
Lie detectors seem like bullshit to me

Not sure I agree with your overall impressions about which of are is smart and which dumb, but in general yeah it is definitely a problem that a lot of white folks are just too damn trusting/naive for their own safety

They are bullshit. So are tiretracks, footprints, hair samples and sometimes even DNA. It's all just methods for prosecuting whoever they want to prosecute.

That was fucking funny using a damn copier as the lie detector