A Cabal

A Cabal.
Wonder why there is anti-Semitism.


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Other urls found in this thread:


This video keeps getting pulled because you idiots keep making retarded titles like "God damn jews plot extermination of whites". Use a little tact, try something "Brave resistance fighters plan solution to white supremacy". More people need to see this but you keep getting it taken down.

Attached: 1505624576477.jpg (835x386, 64K)

wtf is this. tell me this is fake.

Attached: 542342246456.jpg (426x627, 237K)

the guys title pretty much sums up what is happening.

for what reason. To make us hate them?

I thought they were eating a giant fried egg

I don't even know how to react anymore. In a different time they'd be hung, but now nothing will happen and evil will always win.

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what is the name of the organisation?


Attached: 1536011305492.jpg (576x384, 27K)

oh no



Attached: NOSE.png (341x447, 150K)

Mirror the fuck out of it and try to show every single Polish you can.

bump bump

Obviously fake

I can't believe there are still people in denial about the Jew's

what is this? who is this? when was this? these questions need to be answered, some back story to this. otherwise it will be dismissed as fake.

it does seem fake, but this slawomir is deranged as fuck. check him out

google their names, let's dig. Seems really fake but we should look into it

also post any and all tidbits

Sławomir Sierakowski, name at the beginning. Let's look up these other names


Attached: Screenshot (39).png (222x301, 68K)

A half hour video to insight anti-Semitism?

It's on bitchute. Look it up there is you can't get it on yootube.

This is the guy who hosted the symposium of international Jews plotting subversion in the sovereign country of the Poles.

Here you go, friend.

Finished the Video and I am in complete support of this plan to move all the Jews to Poland and then NUKE IT FROM ORBIT thank you Jews.

Forgot link.


Attached: aXm3226xjU.jpg (650x650, 35K)

>3 film degrees from california universities
it's worse than I could have imagined

Upload to bitchute

i liked this moment.

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very nice, lot of film people. Marc Siegel as well as pic related Michal Zadara


Attached: Screenshot (40).png (471x407, 326K)

>Solve all problems.

>Final solution

Is this real or not? Has it been discussed in any alternative media? This is literally Protocols of the elders of Zion. Why would they broadcast it openly?

It's real

Also pic related is two very scary jews in conflict

Attached: nani.jpg (803x271, 41K)

Lol it's fake you retards. This was debunked yesterday. It's some art shit.


Fucking kikes

So assuming its not an elaborate ruse, why was it filmed, especially from multiple camera angles? It truly sounds like the kind of bait in order to get people riled up only to come out a week later saying 'haha we were only pretending to be kikes you bigoted goy' and the fact that it was filmed at all makes me suspicious as fuck.

How can they be so Fucken blatant and keep getting away with it wtf how much evidenced do the normies want

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This seems fake, but even if it is fake who the fuck made it?

This feels like some of kind of orchestrated bait. They're testing waters and gauging reactions. The only thing the Polish government needs to do is monitor Jewish influence and stop them from coming back, then this would become a non-issue.

bitchute link

Attached: 2784cbcad53641ed2fd4b86f51fd817f5d2e598f5e1f300ee4c35474d09f15ab.jpg (1200x900, 287K)

see link in

But also this

Attached: db715c6c01e7f351f8efc3fc64f1a8772c30b2ddd04ba474a043a4f343657138.jpg (500x717, 138K)

>it's just a prank guys, we are just larping as subversives, don't worry, It doesn't reflect our real aspirations and desires

but... why? I mean this isn't even like someone snuck a camera in there this is fucking subtitled, and the whole thing is just so bizarre. Just fucking what?

link please then if it was debunked? Like I literally have no idea whats going on in the vid, and if its a dud I don't wan to focus energy on it.

It is all just ironic without any explicit or implicit irony baked into it. All the posters, the website, the goals, the visions, the agenda, the people... all of it is highly ironic you goy- I mean guys. I p-promise.

Goyim are too fucking stupid that why the kikes see them as cattle, they don't even question why they want their children to get blacked or becomes trannies, that's just the way of life and the culture and trends are forever changing.

>wtf is this. tell me this is fake.

go to a museum, or to the humanities/arts/sociology department of any university. talk to people. you will see that similar opinions are held by a good number people in these places.

the video is quite something but it is not farfetched. if you watch through it, there are opinions which are shared by members of EU parliament, by politicians who are members of the "green" and "socialist" parties of various european countries.

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Got the video of the same meeting they held discussing how to finish off the USA?

Attached: Jewdar.gif (300x300, 185K)


Sounds like someone is trying hard to make people hate Jews.

Too fishy, not buying it.


See I think that too this seems way too out there. At the same time I don't understand who with the resources to get this stuff together would actually try and do that.

My guess is this is either some kind of jewish theater larping session where they act out their power fantasies but aren't actually being serious, or it actually is real.

Attached: sweating-pepe.jpg (218x218, 8K)


>trying hard to make people hate Jews.

They are Jews, what do think their objective is then. Do you think they don't sincerely hold these views?

Google their names. They're real jewish commies. They might be mocking us by pretending it's some kind of performance, but they think those things for real. Polish commies hate the nation of Poland (which is ironically the same to nazi larping Germans)


nice try you fucking retard kike
go into banking instead of shilling

It is, when producer and paid actors came out, narrative will be established as "lol its what right winger nutjobs actually belive"

I think we are meant to think that this is just some art piece where Jew are acting out their real power fantasies but we are meant to take it ironically, as if it would be silly to think that Jews actually do this and actually hold these opinions.

Don’t underestimate the arrogance and ignorance of the Jews, they make the same mistakes over and over

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google the names of the people in that session
its real

>it was debunked yesterday
>0 proof
This is the second thread I’ve seen somebody do exactly this kind of shit

I know they hold these opinions its just this Bond villain tier setup is bizarre even by their standards,

It may just be an "art piece" but the opinions and desires expressed are as real as the fucking sun.

nope, again, not an art piece
these are real people using their real names, they're not trained actors

Poland is an artificial country anyway.

It is meant to "fool" right wingers into spreading it as being "real" and then reveal that it is just a "piece of art". The only thing fake about it is the room, the setting and the expression of power that these certain individuals hold. Everything else is very much real.

This is some next level deception attempt.

They hold meetins for jewish lobbies all around the world.
Most people don't give a fuck and even if those are "private meetings" they are not "top secret".

All around the world jews meet to talk about how to lobby for jews.
Yes, that's real.

Yes, but they are mocking the idea of a room of Jews plotting the subversion of a nation. They are real people and real opinions but it is meant to be ironic art so that they have the ability to turn around and laugh at people who took their words seriously, even though they were serious.
Are you getting it yet?

You're a smart man. Respect.

Nice manipulation tactic, schlomo


If you have actual evidence show it because looking into the names of the people there I'm becoming more and more convinced. Idk if linking to their professional pages would get me banned from doxxing or not but look up the names of the people in the video (each of the people in the main circle have a name plaque) followed by "jewish renaissance".

> Guys it's obviously just an art piece

It's not.

> But but it is, it's just bait

If jews can "transform" fake nazis into nazis and make them "real".
Then this "art" expositions are the real thing. I don't care.

> it was just bait goy, i swear
Then fuck you for being retarded in your baiting.

Also there is no proof that is actually fake and not something REAL that filtered and they are trying to cover creating the whole "art exposition" around it.

this guy gets the first spot in the oven.

Attached: henryford.jpg (900x750, 82K)

>google their names
>all of them are actual commie and jewish activists

its real, despite this, if this blows up in alternate media circles they WILL say it was just a joke despite all the people there being connected to leftist journals, activist groups and Stanislaw Brzozowski Association which is a communist think tank.

You should just call them cowardly bioterrorists.

Attached: THEY LIVE.webm (1588x820, 616K)

It's known that in Israel students are paid to join forums and post exactly that kind 'debunking' laughter

neutron bomb, kill humans, save buildings


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>get people riled up only to come out a week later saying 'haha we were only pretending to be kikes you bigoted goy'
They want to do exactly that.

i want switzerland to be banned already from the boards , this is some canadian tier shitposting you just did there. fucking dumbass kike.

Yes it is real but they have set-up a situation where if any significant noise is made about this they can just turn around and claim that is a provocative piece of art.
Don't fucking fall for the bait. Be smarter, please.

We can all agree that is is real but if we make any noise about it, we have no proof that it is real. All we have is the connection to the art museum.

Has something like this happened in the past? I've part of the reddit crowd that showed up in 2014 so idk the whole history behind jewish trickery.


before any significant noise is made we have to research the VIPs at the meeting and connect them to their employers and past movements to show intent.

Could easily show this too people and explain how a movie is being racist to white people, and show how they don't care because have double standards.

They have been caught in bullshit in the past. After which, they turn around and play victim or if they have the ability, they claim it as a joke and laugh at you for being so gullible and falling for it.
Off the top of my head I think of Griffin holding up the severed Trump head. It went from her making a serious political statement and then it was all just a joke and then she was the victim for the feedback she received.

It appears to be some kind of art project.


This is what the project is called:

"JRMiP Congress (2012)"

Notice how everyone has a smirk on their face.
They are just terrible actors doing some fucked up art project.

Attached: 1375054594651.gif (96x84, 10K)

Good plan.

They still have to defend every point they bring up.

>The jewish smirk of deception

>pic related

Attached: FuckedUpArt.png (658x457, 30K)