NRW Polizei

I ll leave this here for all the Geranon faggits here

Attached: IMG-20180904-WA0003.jpg (540x960, 57K)

Is this real? If so, we really ARE fucked.

translation pls

Seconded, please translate

nice fake from a retarded faggot who doesn't even know how to Behördendeutsch

the german people are losers, look at how those tin foils still think the holocaust is real when its been debunked time and time again.

If one part is fake then all if it is.

Attached: 1528296319425.jpg (840x894, 274K)

Proof? How is this not all over the internet?

Don't talk to media if brown people did it.
Don't prosecute crimes if brown people did it.
Protect witnesses and victims very much if they're brown people.

If refugees commit crime, social media to be blocked, their crime to be written down with a pencil not a pen, and they should get a warning not a penalty. That’s the gist of it

Quite explosive if real. This might be there very letter that sparks the civil war in germany.

holy shit wow

Attached: 1528229127507.png (1024x1024, 1.3M)

this. There is no source and the used language is not fitting


Was ist da unglaubwürdig? Wenn's echt sein sollte, isses echt der Hammer!

keine Wappen, keine Siegel, keine richtige Behördensprache. Hast du jemals ein richtiges Dokument der Polizei in der Hand gehalten?

Send the document to a prominent AFD-politician but with the remark that you don't know if it's true.

No Stempel, no Unterschrift. Shady. Could be a trap.

>herp derp have you ever held a police document in your hand

these are not arguments you are presenting, you are just making claims and demand people to believe you with even less factual information than the OP; at least try and make a real case instead of just this. Because when you do, people get angry that you try to act so smart and informed but refuse to share your so-called superior information. With your tactic you will have a MUCH harder time to convince anyone.

And there are still people claiming there's no anti-white bias and no white genocide.

I don't give a fuck about "tactics". But if nationalists spread fakes to convince people and normies catch them lying, it's quite damaging for them. If really a policeman took this picture, why didn't he photographed the entire piece of paper, where it becomes visible, that it's an official document? This shit is shady.

Oh look the first believer of obvious bullshit arrived.
>isses echt der Hammer!
Sort yourself out Ronny

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Wenn's nur 'ne Dienstanweisung ist, brauchts weder Wappen noch Siegel. So wie ich den Laden hier kenne, scheint mir das Schreiben durchaus im Rahmen des Möglichen zu liegen, wünsche allerdings das dem nicht so ist. Weil: dann sind wir wirklich gefickt.

Some good evidence that this is a fake:
>show several cases where the orders weren't followed

It looks to me like the orders are being followed, regardless whether this particular document is real or not.

>durchaus im Rahmen des Möglichen zu liegen
I think anyone who disagrees would have a hard time finding any counterexamples. Look at Köln, for example

because its an obvious fake dumbass

Über dieses Dokument ist bereits bekannt, dass es von rechtsextremistischen Verschwörern entworfen und in Umlauf gebracht wurde.


>falsches Dokument zubereiten
>beschreibt genau, das, was tatsächlich bei der Polizei geschehen ist
>"Rechtsextremisten" zugute kommt? wieso?