What I don't get is why. Why are the Jews subverting western civilisation with the intent on destroying it? Then it dawned on me: maybe there IS no reason, maybe the Jews are simply pure evil and want to see the world burn. Why do you think the Jews are like that, Jow Forums?
The Jew Menace
I was into this jewish girl and she ruined like 2 months of my life so I don't like them anymore
They are taught to be corrosive and destroy civilizations from within. This mindset goes back almost six thousand years and it's part of the Talmud series
But don't they feel guilty about crossing the moral horizon? No? Maybe they are psychopaths?
read mein kampf and you'll understand
Sorry, but can you give me a short answer?
The globalists do want to watch the world burn, but I have another theory. It is in some people’s nature since the dawn of time to be tribal and reign supreme over the other tribes. We are still in a game of thrones, with tribes competing against each other. Think about the Jewish creation of their ethno state, the subversion of America to serve their ethnostate, the endless pointless middle eastern wars to further the borders of their ethno state, the Arab spring and arguably 9/11, was a giant ploy to eliminate all threats to Israel in the Middle East. The immigration open borders scam in Europe and America are genociding whites for the purpose of Jews retaining superiority over them. You see, we are in a very brutal game of thrones, and if you don’t fight for your existence, death will come.
because they're foreigners and they need to ensure ethnic nationalism is never a powerful culture among the people thus diversity is a way to ensure ethnic nationalism is destroyed
So after white countries are destroyed, I'm guessing they'll come after the asians next? Because they're the next most powerful.
Most leftists and jews genuinely believe that what they are doing is best for humanity.
Jews are a destructive race whose intent to do damage. You have to ignore this fact to constantly ask "WHY DO JEWS DO THIS?!?!?!". It is what Jews do.
Not really. Leftists, I understand because of their ignorance. But for the Jews I can't really understand them. It's like their intent is just to destroy western civlisation and nothing else. It's just pure evil.
remember the story of the scorpion and the frog
Why the fuck do you think we are like this? I am literally the most peaceful person out there. tf is wrong with ya'll?
I think this is true.
And precisely the reason why they don't want to stop, which is they won't stop
Peaceful, except to trash cans and buildings.
Except what Jews are doing right now is the complete opposite: spreading degeneracy and being fully aware of it.
Honest answer? we are anarchists by nature.
No that can't be right. You might as well be animals then.
They hate themselves because they've been abandoned by their own god. They have no temple and they lost their priest lineage so they can't do temple rights. They can't practice their own religion. The Ashkenazi are not even a pure race, they're half white half semite. They know anything good about them comes from their white half, yet they're unwilling to give up their Jewish identity. Add in hundreds of years of victim complex and a fake holocaust, plus extensive inbreeding causing mental problems
>The immigration open borders scam in Europe and America are genociding whites for the purpose of Jews retaining superiority over them.
It also makes the multicultural European cities living hell for Jews, incentivizing them to move back to Israel
If you ask something then dismiss every answer you're given as "not right" then you shouldn't have asked the question in the first place as you're too braindead to understand it
what is your opinion on abortion?
>pure evil
I would not have believed it had I not met many Jews in the years since coming to Jow Forums. This is the kind of evil not done intentionally. It's part of their nature. Every cell of their bodies is a tribute to Satan and they carry out his bidding believing themselves to be good people. Just as a man-eating Bear see's no problem hunting and dismembering humans, Jews see no problem destroying, subverting and exploiting everywhere they go. It's in their nature.
I'm not a meme loving 'the niggers' racist but if you can't see what the jews are about you need to do some more research.
>jews dont believe non jews are cattle
Asian here. Good luck with that and trying to infiltrate our positions of power. The kikes don't even look like us and, no matter how much racemixing they do, they aren't gonna get anywhere. We also don't have the white man's altruism so they should watch out because if we did a Holocaust, no one would know what happened to the bodies. A real Holocaust would happen and the whole world is going to be like "what Holocaust? Asians are nice people." Kikes better watch out because Asians are their dead end.
The future is grim
I just can't accept that they're doing all of this because they're "arnachists".
Watch out for zuckerbergs kid
Really? You think so? Then how can you explain khazar jews?
The future is grim for them. Deep down inside they want to die because of their nature so let's give it to them.
Not Asian enough. You whites may think we all look the same but we can tell if some kid is mixed.
What a small comfort. Thanks, Chang.
No you don't get it. The jews inflitrated whites into look like them by becoming khazar jews. What makes you think they wont do the same to asians, so that there will be asian jews
Because the retardation is more prominent unlike with whites.
It's generally best to just not consider them human.
Just some advice for the future.. You came across as a jew to me within the 2nd sentence.. You are too eager, asking weird questions that white people dont ask or care about. Its obvious you are trying to undermine people so you can feel self-righteous.
Have a nice day, kike.
Really? Is that what they told you in Japan? Is that what the entire society of angry people who have been duped and are flaming out the ass because of it told you?
Dude, listen.. youre wasting your time. Its too late for any of this faggot philosophy.. Its either us or them... OK? If you really want to find something out then do it on your own, but asking questions the way you do on here is only what kikes do to undermine people..
I gaurantee you that at the end of any type of understanding, no matter how deep, no matter how true, no matter how correct, you will only have these people doing the same shit they always did.. fucking you over...Dont be a fucking cuck.. You sound like a 5 year old.. you arent white.
These people are wired differently than us and it benefits them to kill us off.. Just like it does with an animal. There are a myriad of reasons, over population being one of them.. You trying to find some type of median in this or middle ground is what they want.. its a scam.
I should know.. i've spent years doing exactly what you are.. very deeply.. I must have put in 20 years worth for a hours a day of going into this shit.. Thats why i write so lucid.. And EVERY STEP OF THE FUCKING WAY THESE PEOPLE KEPT FUCKING ME (kikes, niggers, globalists, leftists etc.).. Its us or them.. and thats all there is to it.. Nobody gives a fuck when a peaceful person dies.. all that shit is romanticism that the kikes created.
>Ayys created matrix around our solar system using Saturn and it's rings as source of manipulative lower vibrational frequency, moon as a tool like a speaker multiplying & tuning that frequency until focusing it to earth.
>They come from other dimension and are trying to live as unconnected from the god, source.
>They can't deal energy from that source so they need to use us and our negative, lower vibrational energy.
>They have manipulated human DNA trough our history and created races aiming to create hybrid that they can use better in our dimension same time trying to stop our natural evolution to higher, multidimensional beings.
>they are infiltrated trough hybrids into our societies and created from the shadows this binding world we live in.
>these hybrids are also known as elite bloodlines, vessels to them.
>These bloodlines control everything from the top, some men worship these and material where we are bound into. These men are Satanist. Among Sabbateans, Papacy & Jesuits. They control everything, Banks, Media, CIA, School systems, entertainment, Hollywood. Everything!
>Everything goes trough cycle in this reality, so does our planet and our level of consciousness as we get closer to Sirius. 2012 we entered into age of Aquarius and that's why people are slowly waking up into this. Even when (((they))) try to suppress it.
Jews are a feminine race, whose goal is security and resources without actually creating or producing for themselves.
everything they do is feminine.
you constantly bitch and scream that the jews are evil
but you don't understand why they are evil.