This country is a fucking corrupted shithole...

This country is a fucking corrupted shithole. I was asked to give 10 000€ to work in a city owned company in the lowest rank where I've been working as a student for more than a year. But instead of finally employing me because I'm a good worker they fired me, said they don't need me anymore and than proceeded to employ some retards who have strong political ''connections''. I want to kill everyone in this company. Corruption and nepotism- that is Croatia.

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your own fault for paying them
should have torched some cars of some executives

I'll help clean up the mess, my parents never should have left the country

I didn't pay anything, If I had that sum of money I wouldn't need this job.
>should have torched some cars of some executives
I will.

embrace your inner splitcan non-coastfag

Well same situation here.
My suggestion start learning programming. Those Curry niggers are getting fucked so more space for us Balkan niggers to take jobs in IT.

i agree

That's why i'm in Ireland now

and that is why we need to privatize everything
fuck off with your commie mentality

Commie menatlity? Just beause I'm a good worker ( that's what they said million times) and want to work, start a family etc. I'm a commie? wow. Dude, there was nepotism and corruption in ex-yu just like now.
I agree about privatization because if this was a private company, my executives would appreciate work, dedication etc. and not political connections, who is my father etc.

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I will move to Germany, eventually.

Hrvatska Zajednica Leinster-Munster when?


They just wanted to get rid of you so they can employ their friend's relatives and the sort.
Usually they will demand that much on jobs where you make 40000 a year with corruption.

Tribaš ih izasrat po novinama

file report to anti coruption agancy. file report to eu anti coraption agency.

change wont come from it self.

>if this was a private company, my executives would appreciate work, dedication etc. and not political connections, who is my father etc.
lol, think again

>I was asked to give 10 000€ to work

Dont you normally get paid to work?
Who would pay 10k to get a job?

Same thing happening pretty much everywhere. You had bad fucking luck. Keep looking and keep piling up skills.

This is frustrating. I want to anonymously give interview to local newspapers and expose their shit. They promised to employ me eventually, but some local politicians in HDZ had a fight and dismissed the only influential person my father knew and degraded him to some insignificant position.

I šta onda? I Kamensko se vazda vuklo po vijestima i nikom ništa...

da ih se ocrne

Mislim se ocu li ih u Slobodnu dat, kreteni.
In normal countries like yours this is ridiculous but in my stupid country it's a normal thing sadly.

koja firma i di?

Dobro, da, možda propadnu ako dođu na loš glas

Split parking. cigani

>file report to eu anti coraption agency.
The EU anti-corruption agency is such an inefficient quagmire of shit that his report would only see its queue and light of day 10 years later.

It's the same here you can even kill people and still not go to jail if you have a politicians cover

>but in my stupid country it's a normal thing sadly.

maybe its time to leave.

auu, Split parking. Nema tu pomoći
sad kad vidin koja je firma, drže monopol za pauke, parking i još neke pizdarije po Splitu. I još su napravljeni od braniteljske udruge, nema pomoći

Same thing in Canada, one of the businesses I do work for lost a government contract because American corporate refused to pay a "It's a pleasure to have you as my customer" fee that was worth over a year of work.

Don't bother, knew a guy straight A student, finished in Vienna, Ph.D and everything.
Came down to start as an University professor, and the Rector demanded he pay 8000 euros for the job. He naturally said I don't get payed that much to provide you with that money, and he said that you make easily 30k a year from all the students that want to pass.

Posaljem dvi molbe direktoru, preko ocevog prijatelja nesto pokusavam sredit i obecaju mi da cu bar moc kao student nastavit radit preko godine ako nemoze odma zastalno, al ne..dodu i jedan dan samo pocnu srat da kako 2 ure nisam nikog kaznila i kazu aj ca doma..netrebaju studenti, i jos 2 kolegice je tako potralo..a ja tu radim najduze godinu dana, ostali studenti su normlano nastavili radit. Vec odavno rade pritisak na nas da radimo sto vise kazne, nisi dobar radnik ako ne udaras ljude na 5 min isteka.

2 years ago at my faculty, some student tried to bribe calculus profesor. She was terrified and threw 2000€ through window

zašto uopće radit u Split parkinga? Šta imaš od škole

This is disgusting, this mentality, way of thinking..

ma gimnaziju obicnu i bzvz filozofski faks za engleski, al nevolim ic na predavanja pa rade radim..a tu mi je dobra placa, stalan posao u drzavnoj firmi bi bio vrh. Nemozes ni ulicu cistit ni davat kazne ljudima bez da znas gradonacelnika, nebi da ciljam na neko mjesto u uredu...

a u kurac, sjebano. Provaj završit taj jebeni filozofski, nevolin ni ja ić na predavanja, trenutno mi je ispit a sidin na kavi. Samo je meni lakše jer ne završin li strojarstvo uvik iman srednjoškolsku diplomu sa kojon mogu radit šta oču. Ti sa gimnazijon moš ić na bauštelu radit ko najobičniji radnik

na kojem faksu se može ispit kupovati?

>stalan posao u drzavnoj firmi bi bio vrh
kao što rekoh na početku
commie mentality

u Splitu koliko znan može se na pomorskom. Platiš 100k eura brzi smjer i prođeš iz pizdarije. Al to ti je samo za one šta su već radili na brodu i zaradili toliku količinu para

B...but I though the EU membership will end all that...

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lolz they were charging 500 euros for exams in one of our faculties
They got caught, no arrests were made but many people lost their diplomas

Ma bježi van brale, idi zaradi nešto dok si mlad pa se vrati poslije ako se popravi stanje u državi.

nema to veze s komunizmom, jednostavno zelim sebi bolji zivot a ne od privatnika do privatnika, malo u studenca, malo u pekari. I radim vamo godinu dana i dobar mi je posal, volim ga radit iako je klosarski. Godisnji, bolovanja, porodiljni..i sve placeno..jbg onda je 90% splita s commie mentalitetom po tebi, svi bi to tili

ček žensko si? Uvik moš nać nekog lika sa ok poslon i bit mu kućanica

Imam ja muza vec, al od jedne place se nezivi vamo ko pristojan covik. A opet je bolje da bar neko ima stalan drzavni posao radi kredita, sigurnosti itd. tako je to u hr, mogu bit na bolovanju cilu godinu i 4k primat misecno.

Well that's how you ruin a society. The few people who are capable are prevented from prospering because thieves reign.
Thieves reproduce the most. No surprise that one ends up with a society with so many criminals.

>na faksu
ženo božja koliko imaš godina

Enjoy being raped by an extra empire level government hahahaha


enjoy being raped by a the EU. A government no one elected. The EU is basically a tolerated mafia.

znači moje godište a već se udala. Pičku je san ostaria... Završiš li na filozofiji engleski, oš moć radit u školi predavat dici engleski

speaking of, i represent croatia at my uni model united nations and i'd like to know
what your ruling party's stance is on drugs trafficking, higher education and external debt

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there are EU elections, but in last one 10% of voters even bothered to vote here. And all parties by default work with other european parties what they want
same as in all EU

koji ste vi klošari, idite za njemacku ko svi normalni ljudi, nema buducnosti u ovom gnoju od države


odjebi LARPeru sa svojon usranon švabijon. Triba ostat i borit se da bude bolje. HDZ-SDP osovini odgovara da nezadovoljni ljudi idu vanka tako da ostani samo njihovi poslušnici


Why didn't you give 10.000 instead of bitching on pol? Even better leave the country problem solved.

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Why aren't you leaving for the west yet? Yugo is such a high competition region for jobs. Every croat and serb here that speaks perfect english should try to emigrate to Canada or UK (america has a lotto system which is practically impossible to complete if you're not a rapefugee).

>Why didn't you give 10.000 instead of bitching on pol? Even better leave the country problem solved.

nepotism is part of life and there is nothing wrong with it

this is what lolbertarians actually think.
i hired two of my cousins because they don't screw up and i'm helping my own.
strengthen your family bonds, urbanites.

a nebi bas u skoli, a i za to triba veza, to je isto ipak drzavna ustanova
Ma to sam ja bzvz upisala samo da imam iskaznicu da mogu radit ovako. Ode sam se snasla, dobro mi je i ako me nevrate, cili split ce znat sta je split parking, kako forsiraju radnike da budu svaki sekund prisutni na terenu, da rade sto vise kazni i zaskacu ljude, a da nasi naredeni samo gluvare okolo i nama seru
Valjda ima neki grad di nema tih migranata i to, ili di je vrlo mala kolicina

My mom's a professor, she never took a bribe in her life, but I mostly account to us being good economically.
During communism this kind of mentality was unheard of, but now everything has degenerated, and you end up with dumb fucks all over willing to buy their diplomas.

Wow indeed. Wtf is your problem. You don't have connections. You don't want to pay to get a comfy government job. You hate this country. J U S T L E A V E.

It is getting better and better, but there are still some professors that think they are untouchable.

Nice edge kiddo. (you)


you're everything what's wrong with this country. Instead of hiring based on merit you want bribery and political connection and therefore reinforcing current rulling elite which is destroying us as a people
bolje išta nego ništa. I netriba ti svugdi veza, nisu svi korumpirana stoka

I'd rather pay double for a balkan nigger than a fucking pajeet
slavs aren't known for lying through their teeth and being rapists

balkan niggers are the best mate, fuck ill even defend your country when the time comes, bash some skulls on the streets

>Instead of hiring based on merit
Ask amerimutts if they hire based on merits or gender quotas and diversity.
If you want to be an idealist try joining a political party and change shit instead of sitting on your ass and bitching. Until then get with the program. I hate it too but it is what it is.

10 000€ is a lot of fucking money

But it's Eastern Europe so, not really surprised

>that bitter diaspora serb who keeps spamming this image in every single cro thread

Sucks but there are always possibilities. If diplomas are a scam go into another field like software development.
You don't need a diploma for that. You've just got to work with the options you've got.

are you supposed to pay 10,000 in one lump sum or do they take part of the 10,000 out of each check?

I've never heard of this practice

I mean if you can't have a normal job because everything involves bribery then you create your own.
You can offer to do work as a dev to foreign companies, you're then not dependent anymore on the system in your country as much.
Just don't let too many people know if you are doing well, otherwise I suppose there'll be people knocking on your door wanting a cut.

Od korupcije ne mozes pobeci veruj mi. Ni u nemackoj, svajcarskoj. Nigde

>if they hire based on merits or gender quotas and diversity
and that's why america is getting shitier over time
>try joining a political party and change shit
I will. I still look at parties which one would be most suitable for me, I don't want to make mistake

It's not that everyone gets their diploma by paying, there are a lot of good students.
The guys that pay don't survive for long, and just get one to get a government job and be a parasite.

tgey don't take it from your paycheck, because it it is illegal. It's just a bribe, you pay it to a person who hires you, a bribe, nothing more. Common practice in balkan for hiring people in state companies. Either that or political connection

Also I would rather take out a loan and pay 10.000 to have a comfy dgaf government job mowing lawns for the city of ZG than be without a job. All my jobs have been through connections.

That's not true, I've made my own software dev business here in Austria and it's running very well and I've never had to bribe a person in my whole life.
I bet I could do the same in Serbia without bribing anyone too. I would just work around the system and offer my services to companies in other countries.

I got one pajeet in the company I work for remotely. My god man, there has not been a single day he didn't try to get into some german pm's pants. Even tho she looks like a fucking guy.

Nepotism is good. All is pretty well. Stop complaining and make some friends. People abroad are slaves. Here you can rely on plenty of people, if you're not socially inept that is.

Have a sage.

My thoughts on diplomas in general are that there are very few that are actually useful in the economy.
Like for example if you want to be a doctor you need one, or want to be a lawyer or scientist.
But for most other types of work you don't need it.
Just decide what industry you'd like to work in, practice a lot, find a capable guy you trust and start offering your services to customers and slowly work your way up.

homosex party of no hope reaching over 0.1%

But I can't take out a loan because I don't have a stable job. I just want to pull some connections, my father works in TV repair service and has contract with HEP, so he met lot of people throughout years, I hope someone from HDZ will pop up..I don't know what else

Welcome to America.

Then join the social democrats you homo.

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Set up your own business then. Do stuff that people want whether you like it or not at first then when you have some more money start the next thing that you are somewhat more inclined to enjoy doing.
Don't give up and leave your home nation work to make it a better place for your children, These are the best times to be alive.

>homo calling me homo
I would rather kill myself than joining cancer that is SDP

>tfw goat job
>tfw in Croatia I am the 1%

>stalan posao u drzavnoj firmi bi bio vrh

Luzerčino baci se s mosta. Kao da slušam svoje starce. Ovakav mentalitet nas je i sjebao. Uzmi neku zemlju uzgajaj konoplju. Snađi se. Postani stručan u nečemu imaš više mogućnosti nego bilo koja generacija. Naučiš bit stolar preko interneta za pola godine jebote reterdiranog. Al ne odi van i budi kujica Šiptarima i Arapima i njemačkim cuckovima. Jebo te život i državna firma.

>Set up your own business then.
In Croatia... lol should we tell him lads?

Kao što rekoh, baci se s mosta jebote te connections.