On your 25th birthday you should be perscribed one (1) mid strenght dose of DMT by your doctor in order to trancend the...

On your 25th birthday you should be perscribed one (1) mid strenght dose of DMT by your doctor in order to trancend the physical plane and realize nothing in this world even matters.

The flesh is just a vessel as we gestate our minds for our eventual transformation into energy based spiritual beings and DMT helps us see into this world while stuck in our meat suits

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Fuck off, retard. Life may be a simulation but while we're here it feels real as fuck and we gotta play by the rules.
The black pill doesn't shield you from this reality.

pic related is lsd not dmt. i know because lsd brought me to this place

You don't need DMT when you can use meditation

>and we gotta play by the rule

Aye, it's a fucking solid idea to sever a vital spiritual connection that we're all inherently a part of :^)

Some people are so far gone that they need a high dose of DMT to break their conditioning.

There are many ways to get there. DMT is the easiest one. Hyperspace is no joke. Lots of entitys there that are probably archonic.

OP is right though one of the first things you learn is that our bodys are just meatbags and we are actually sparks of the source.

or it could be that the drug is just fucking up your visual perception / modeling system and you're taking what you see too literally.

nothing happens when you die, literally nothing. you stop experiencing sensory input and enter the eternal void from which you came. there is no reincarnation or at least it doesnt matter because, well, do you remember past lives? nope, and you wouldnt remember this one either. think about from before you were born.

don't you meet entities on dmt? machine elfes and sorts? op's picture are no entities, just infinite souls tied to eachother in a blank space

drugs can help people to look at bigger pictures, but some people dont need to do that shit and just reading and learning is more productive.
ive taken psychadelics and when you get past the new experience your "broken reality" become easily explainanble symptoms of the drug and not paticularly mind blowing.

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Sounds neat, but I’d be worried that my 15 minute high or whatever wouldn’t be productive enough and I’d be too anxious about it going to waste throughout

Oh tell me divine holder of knowledge, how did you come to this amazing wisdom???

Listen to this expert who knows first hand what happens when you die lmao

Your brain releases DMT when you die. I believe it sends you into hyperspace but you don't return to your meat suit

Although no entities are depicted I can attest to seeing the same visuals before breaking through.

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I dont know what you see in OP pic but yes you meet lots of entitys on DMT. Ive broken through many times and talked a interacted a lot with them. Pic realted is the basic leech.

Machine elfes is a stupid term though. Mckenna was an idiot.

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This reality is a dream influenced by consciousness. You are me. I am you. Enjoy the ride and try to banish negativity, since this too influences this dream of reality.

Not political

huh, didn't expect this
what does the leech say/do?

>Your brain releases DMT when you die. I believe it sends you into hyperspace but you don't return to your meat suit

You actually do return but to another meatsuit. At least thats their plan. They feed of energy we excret while in highly emotional states and are invested in us reincarnating.

used dmt once couple of months ago. All dmt did for me was that I saw a green and purple dimension full of uncomprehensible things. The visions I saw seem te be without meaning, however a day later I stopped suffering from my severe anxiety. Its strong and weird stuff, but it helped me so much.

I could believe this.

Part of one of my Journeys had me in a vortex with other beings. They were all waiting for their number to be called. And would slowly disappear once their number was up

I haven't had the full experience yet, so far I've only taken smaller doses with a pipe. At this level the visual stimuli already a magnitude higher than anything I've experienced before.
I then took .15g in four consecutive hits, put the pipe aside and laid on my bed, my field of view started shaking even though I was completely still, then an very high pitch sound began ringing in my head. I was tripping so hard I could see exploding flowers and morphing shapes. I was ready as I'll ever be to get "launched" into hyperspace but a few moments later I was completely sober.

Its scary but it really leaves you wanting more...

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>Eternity of nothing
>Somehow you came into existence
>Back to eternal nothingness

Lol consciousnesslet

Glad you got something positive out of your experience. For me I severed my tie to video games. Used to put in almost 40hrs a week. Haven't touched it since my first blast off. Way more productive and happier with my life.

Cheers boys

>Don't go into the light when you die, don't follow your deceased loved ones
>Turn away and go into the void to be truly free

This archon theory sounds extremely satanic but i can see how strong emotions like love could be abused against you.

>canadian moron who doesn’t use upper-case letters knows the secrets of existence


>Life may be a simulation but while we're here...
Exactly. REAL things are made here, and real lives are experienced, and these are of value, and appear to be conditioned by the cause-effect chain in operation here, which should not be jeopardised by any nihilistic attitudes that dismiss it as "just" a simulation.

It leeches energy we excret while emotional. Most do this but this specific ones only do that and try to scare you to get some of that juice. They arent as scary as they think though. Worst case they leech and fuck off but its not so great. Feels a little like rape.

Pic related are kinda female fairlylike leeches. Way more pleasent. Will bait you with love and eventualy fuck you. Most likely the source of the maschine elfes term.

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How can eternity be eternal when eternity has a date of birth (Big bang)?
You sprung into existence and it took you 13.8 bln years. The universe will end eventually, and your chance to be reborn will vanish with it too.

>drugs will make you smart dude and like turn you into a cosmical vibration and stuff

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We don't need drugs to do this. Every able bodied individual has the ability to learn to do this naturally. What is the point in manually activating the third eye if someone does not know the purpose of doing so? It is like throwing a child behind the wheel of a car, turning it on for him, and telling him to figure the rest out for himself. It is dangerous and irresponsible.

IMO from everything ive learned there gnostics were right. All the entitys up there no matter if friendly or not are part of one and the same system and work for+fear one specific being. They called it Man on the Top or Boss(i assume thats the demiurge). Everyone can go and talk to him but i didnt have the balls so far maybe next time.

>the big bang

So you’re telling me that (((scientists))) have it all figured out and that the (((big bang))) is conclusively proven? You are certain that there are no other universes? That there is no endless cycle? How are you certain that the universe will end?

Riddle yourself this: you did not exist for a seemingly infinite amount of time. Now you do exist. Why should this not repeat once you die?

>ingest poison

The Big Bang only gave birth to the three dimensional world that you and I live in. The eventual death of the material realm will have no effect on the immaterial realm.

>don't go to the people you love
>die alone in cold space far away from consciousness
why would you do that

how do you defend against them? once had a psychedelic dream that looked like the fairy thing, but she had long fingernails like claws and wanted me to bite and scratch her, she ejected me out her dimension after i didn't allowed her to scratch us.

Then you do it again. The first few times its confusing as hell anyway. Depending on the person you might never figure out whats happening and stay stuck in illusions created by some entity. They love that. Especially the fairys love to show you things. Like illusions theater up to full blown VR adventures with lesson to learn. The first thing i heard was "Hey you want to see something? Wanna watch? Wanna watch?" If you say yes the most incredible visual show would start that blows you completly away at first. Their lessons are basic stuff though if you want to go deeper you have to be pushy and they dont like that.

I only didn't exist for 13.8 bln years. Because there was no time before the big bang.
Same for you.
Everything that you pointed out has not been proven to exist, and the big bang theory is the most plausible theory we have right now. Everything else is science fiction. However, we don't know what the future holds. Maybe bb theory will be disproven. Maybe not. Only then i will reconsider everything. But i don't waste time and effort for science fictional theories like parallel universe, multiverse etc.

>tfw my birthday is 9/25 and it will be my crown birthday and it will be a full moon and I will also be getting baptized

ok wish me luck

>there was no time before the big bang

I’m gonna need some proof for that statement.

>most plausible theory

Its exactly that—a theory.

Drugs work, and always work, in minutes
Meditation MIGHT work after years
Meditation is society's way of discouraging real vision
There are plenty of people who have been meditating forever and ever and yet are still dogmatically bound to religion

Shameful waste of digits. Your family were so proto-Canadian that they were too useless to even make their way to Canada.

>why would you do that

I'm not into archon stuff but what i read is this: when you die in this fake reality that the archons built, you will see the light, you will feel love and warmth, sometimes a deceased loved one who will guide you into the light. But basically it's a trap so that you will be reborn to stay in this recycle process forever. Appearantly you need to turn away from the light to break out of this death and rebirth process, which is a prison for your mind. When you turn away, you will be truly free and you can explore the whole universe.

Its a good question i cant answer conclusivly. Best thing to do is just to run away but thats not always possible cause they tend to latch onto me. What worked was to invoke a kind of rightious wrath. They love when you are afraid but seem to dislike anger. At some point they might go: "Whatever asshole i leave you alone." But all in all you are pretty much exposed to them. No reason to fear though. You have to keep in mind you are a spark of the source and they cant do jack shit to you except invoke emotions. Well unless you consent too. Several beings tried to push some kind of contracts on me and i didnt like that . I fucked off as fast as possible.

You mean commit sorcery and be tricked into Nihilism by demons?

>Fuck off

Beware unearned wisdom.

Jesus Christ is God.

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Jamie pull that up

>Its exactly that—a theory

Yeah and the best shot we have right now. Until something better comes up. It's worthless to speculate what happened before the big bang, because we will probably never go that far.

still a theory

Speaking as someone who has taken large quantities of basically every drug you can think of, I don't think most people should take DMT. It would create too many crazy people who broke down from an inability to synthesize the experience into their normal lives and consciousnesses.

also science never takes absolute truths,atleast true science

Is the headspace of DMT anything like the headspace of shrooms? I have decided I don't like it at all, it's always unpleasant and I don't like feeling confusion.

>Appearantly you need to turn away from the light to break out of this death and rebirth process, which is a prison for your mind. When you turn away, you will be truly free and you can explore the whole universe.

I thinks thats way to easy. Probably not gonna work. Even if you turn away where are you gonna go? Float around in the void? Exposed to all sorts of interdimesional assholes without the save haven of the physical world? Its nice to explore around there if you can just fuck off back anytime. Being stuck there not so much.

I asked them a lot for a place of light/heaven or whatever. They dont like that a bit. Become jealous and cunty.

Because we know what it was like before we were born

>Beware unearned wisdom.
>Jesus Christ is God.
And how, exactly, have you "earned" that "wisdom"?

>worthless to speculate before the big bang

Really? Its worthless to speculate about the ultimate meaning and cause of the universe? Its worthless to wonder about the fundamental questions of our existence?

Do yourself a favor and think for yourself instead of blindly going along with what others tell you.

but what if the thing telling you the light is a trap is actually an archon trying to deceive you? how do you know what's the truth? telling the light of love/consciousness is actually a trap is fear inducing to me, and don't archons feed on fear?

Stop listening for idiots like Joe Rogan etc. CIA niggers who brainwash people to take drugs and have free sex, destroying their minds and souls, often their bodies too. You have to understand that open mind is like fortress without guards on the walls and gate open. If you listen for stories from people who've taken these drugs they often tell about demonic beings who try to manipulate you. Sometimes they might seem like they are friendly but it's all just for tricking you to believe it. Good example of this is how terence mckenna had trip and talked with one of these evil spirits. spirit told him that people need to stop making babies to save the world. It doesn't get more evil than this, it's against everything that liberated people yogis, sadhus and godhead himself said when he walked the earth teached. when you are under these drugs you open your mind for all kinds of spirits to come and you can't know what they want since they are highly manipulative and can mask themself to look like anything for you. meditation is enough, it's actually more powerful than many understand. specially meditation chanting glories of God. you will become wise and strong and if you surrender for him you will get to that point where your knowing is at the stage that you feel there is no more knowing to be had. you are in bliss in this life and after.



Neither of which are better for your mental/spiritual progression than Psilocybin is.

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No. DMT is the only psychedelic were you have a completly clear mind even though all this crazy shit happens. You might even feel more clear then ever before. The great thing is when you ascend up there all the baggade and bullshit of the physical just peels of and only your true self remains. That alone is worth to experience imo.

I agree with the leaf and have taken DMT, i love all the broscience in this thread though

>Why should this not repeat once you die?

Because there was a beginning and there will be an end.

Life, bitch.

Get hard or die.
Know Christ or Burn.

>Free will. Boldness. Strength.

Try hard because everything matters and you will be held to account for your actions in your life.


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Dmt is for amateurs. 5meodmt is for ascended masters.

Proof? You’re just making shit up. You can’t know that there was a beginning and you can’t know that there is an end.

Realize matters beyond physical but do not reject earth.

I don't know anything. And i don't worry about stuff that is outside of my control. Don't let yourself get scared. What ever happens will happen anyway, why worry?


Fuck off hippie. Ony alcohol, nicotine, viagra, roids and cocaine are red pilled.

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Aw yeah, I forgot :^)

Did you try any?

>Life, bitch.
>Get hard or die.
>Know Christ or Burn.
Thanks for the advice, but I prefer my spirituality to be free from Jewish origins.

Exactly. This is earned people. You wont feel good until you donate a lot of money to your local church. Jesus christ is god and right now he is short on cash

10k days is best album
Vicarious is best song


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there is no “meat” present. just look for yourself. theres color and sensation, sound, smell, taste, and thought. thats all there ever is - just consciousness.

Its true they are not angels. They are archonic entitys with the goal to leech on you. They will try everything to get emotional reactions. Some more gently then others. If you push and have some experience with them you can go beyond that illusions state though and do real talk. You get only a bit of genuine info here and there but for me it was enough.

Dont believe those things everything. Most dont even have a fucking clue whats going on on earth or what humans are. Only very meta stuff is reliable.

DMT is produced by our bodies. Might as well argue against hopes and dreams.

I ate 12 hits of strong acid once, it made me hate niggers.

>babbies first dmt experience
Done it six times. op is a faggot.

Wow, Jow Forums is actually kind of redpilled on this shit.. Or should I say greenpilled? Spicepilled?

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I've done a lot of DMT, back when mhrb was easy to get. Only retarded faggot weak minded hippies come out of it thinking it was meaningful. You have a weak little nigger brain.


Then feel free to Kneel at my feet, along with the Kikes

>Rev 3:9

…8I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door, which no one can shut. For you have only a little strength, yet you have kept My word and have not denied My name. 9Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you. 10Because you have kept My command to endure with patience, I will also keep you from the hour of testing that is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.…

If you don't Serve Christ, you work for the Synagogue of Satan...

Which makes YOU a...

>Dirty ZOGbaby McHeeb Status Steinberger Kikeshill for Satan Shekel himself

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Yopo was a real eye-opener. 5-MeO-DMT can be immensely useful, but I would recommend it for most people even less than I would recommend DMT.

If you done lot of DMT and cant get anything meaningfull out of it iam afraid you are the weak little nigger brain.

I don't go to Church, faggot.

I read the Bible and try to Act like Christ.

>Enough Hypocrites already in Church
>I can start my own fellowship

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Both science and religions imply the universe had a beginning. Pick your side. I don't care what you believe, if the aspect of reincarnation makes you feels better about yourself, go on. Sadly it's not proven. The big bang theory has more facts that speak for it than reincarnation theory. Be a man, and face death like a man.

But since you're lying:

Here's the Truth.

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Post your personal DMT trip reports. Or really, any psychedelic/entheogenic trip report will do.

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Be a brainlet, and accept Atheism like a dirty Nihilist Cuck.

Then eat and drink yourself to death because immediate pleasure is the only virtue.

While you're at it, accomplish nothing of your potential because you are too busy acting like a feels-nigger.

>Right where we want you, Goyim

I'll pass on your sedated AIDS lifestyle, retard.

>God is Real.
>His name is Jesus Christ

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This, lmao

>DMT users claiming that a drug literally brings your soul to another dimension
Why can't psychebros be normal? Stop with this hippie pseudoscience nonsense.

It is typical of Jews to accuse others of using the tactics in which they themselves specialize in order to redirect attention from themselves. I see that you, as a devoted follower of an Abrahamic (i.e., JEWISH) religion, have adopted the same approach to discussion.

>I don't think most people should take DMT. It would create too many crazy people who broke down from an inability to synthesize the experience into their normal lives and consciousnesses.

I've read multiple DMT threads where OP expresses the same black pilled thoughts and is looking for some anons who can relate to give them a bit of hope. I havent taken DMT myself but this seems like a common happening between experiences.

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Spirituality is not religion.

I am plugged into the true source of the Universe.

The Word of God.

The Logos.

By whom all things were created.

Western Civilization is predicated on ...

>I'll wait...faggot
>Did you want to Gas Western Civilization too?

Get rekt.

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>I've read multiple DMT threads

On /x/**

I can do something even better. Something even more hurtful and hateful to you.

I can change your child's mind.

Big bang is a theory that has supporting evidence only to conclude that this material universe started expanding rapidly from a single source or point. When you look at this universe and life, it's almost as if it's designed to store information. The evidence also supports my personal troll physics theory that this universe is a backup copy of the previous one that collapsed on itself. It's totally plausable that they somehow managed to save their genetics in DNA cells which they were able to secure so that they'd survive the blast and knew would they'd eventually land somewhere with water where it would start unpacking like a really fucking big zip file. Our life might have the ability to store so much information because of that. Our DNA was designed as a storage that would contain the genes of whatever was there in the previous universe. Humans are maybe the first species able figure this out and boost the unpacking of the code hidden in our DNA, which is just a backup zip container. How's that for a theory? t. user

I'll say it again, real slow for you retard:

>If you don't Serve Christ, you work for the Synagogue of Satan...

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