I think Whites will win, but it'll be a bitter-sweet victory

It's foolish to think Western society won't collapse like Rome did. Pie in the sky wishful thinking, literally. That's not to say I gave up and ODed on redpills and became blackpilled. I just think our society's going to collapse, and with that collapse, a tribal war between Whites, Chinks, Arabs, and East Indians. Worst of all, those groups can fight on-par with Whites.

Once the war is over, there'd only be a million or so Europeans left in each country to survive and reproduce. It'd ultimately end with us as inbred as the Jews.

If you don't believe society will collapse soon, Chinks just sold a house that burned down for $2,000,000. Even Normy Whites are going to get sick and tired of this shit. In fact, they already are, it seems. Just look at Germany.

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You're wrong. Christians will win, because as it was in Rome, the destruction and degeneracy will reach such a fever pitch people will honestly believe it is the end times and all they have left to live for is their eternal soul.

They won't all be white.

No one will win.

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Nah we will be alright. Probably a little set back but the moment the rule of law goes out the window its survival of the fittest again and that's where we excel

Think again. If you think the rest of us Whites are going to allow you retarded christcucks to continue to call the shots, you are gravely mistaken. You had your chance and fucked it all way.

Christianity rose because it provided answers that people needed at that time. Now no one believes in it any more as a system, we need something else to invigorate our people that DOES provide the answers people need at this time.

And no, it's not LARPaganism before anyone says that.

Sorry dude as a Christian we have no right to rule we don't deserve it

This: to save the white race, western civilization and its unatural rules must go. But it does not mean white people will go down with it.

Yeah lets just listen to the dead jew on a stick about going through multiculturalism again even though it failed already. You can like jesus but you can't keep putting whites through this bullshit

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I'm literally looking forward in anticipation of the destruction of everything that we take for granted
Finally some fucking action rather than a depressing slow downwards spiral of madness and evil

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Societies do not simply collapse OP, the fall of Rome was a gradual process which ended with the establishment of many feudal states. There isn't going to be a big cataclysmic collapse and we don't want there to be.

God damn you people are hopeless. Christianity is a slave religion and its doctrine is one of the major causes for the fall of Rome. It teaches us to be pacifists, to care more for the "afterlife" than this one (to the point where medieval Europeans would look down on those who "plan too much" because they don't trust in God and care too much about their earthly life), to forsake national pride and security, to demonize pride and strength while encouraging weakness and dependence. Once the empire went Christian there was no going back, their fate was sealed. The only reason Europeans rose to prominence in the last few centuries is because of the enlightenment, which was largely a rejection of christianity in favor of reason.

another Fourth Turning cycle.

everything burns user. take heart in knowing you helped it get there

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>dead Jew on a stick

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How are you faggets intending to save the world if all you do is sit infront of your computers all day? There are people far more powerful than you who cant do shit about everything

I believe the same so I will start prepping. Fuck gold and shit. I only want to hoard ammunition, guns, tools and obviously the other living neccessarys. I think out territory will probbably shrink strongly. At least I think it would be better to go back to a strong defence point, instead of holding defence less land. I am for a white Land, but I think there will also be foreign rooted people who will be willed to stand up against the enemies.

ready as i've always been

>...and we don't want there to be.
Speak for yourself.

Revolution doesn't start at the top buddy