The Amerikike Health Service

Ladies, Gents and Mutts alike. How do you explain this shit?

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Shit like this is why we do not want our tax money to pay for "free healthcare". It is a scam and we know it. Do not waste tax pay dollars on a scam.

hospitals cant turn away people because of inability to pay. so pedro and his family of 10 cross the border and go to the er for a cold, and dont pay. the cost is passed on to you.

>don't want to get scammed
>let's jew controlled pharma team up with jew controlled insurance companies to scam him

Lol that's a good $100 a pack

Americans pay more for healthcare than Canadians do. Yes, maybe you shouldn't have to pay with your taxes for somebody else's healthcare, but that argument goes out the window when the facts show Americans still end up paying more. Dysfunctional system with profiteering on every corner leads to this.

>Ladies, Gents and Mutts alike. How do you explain this shit?
The right people got paid

>going to hospital for a cough

The healthcare market isn't free nor is it efficient.
They have too many people not buying healthcare and hoping for the emergency room.
If they would force people to buy their treatment on marketplaces and return the emergency room to life threating emergencys only, then people would spend money on a emergency card and would start shopping around for treatments.

Do you know how many diseases have 'Cough' as a symptom, simp?

its $10 because 999 broke ass niggers went to the ER for the sniffles and a chance to get some free sudafed

the fundamental idea of insurance is the problem

insurance is a scam if youre INSURED to pay for something then they can charge you whatever they want

they might as well make it 10,000 dollars for a cough drop because the insurance always pays for it

in the US if you have a cough you drink liquids and take some over the counter shit.. If it gets worse you go to your family doctor who gives you a script for some shit.

If the rest of the cucked world you go hospital and contract 6 other things.

No. It's 10 dollars because people refuse to gas the kikes. Gas Pharma kikes and raid the medical industry for its stolen/hidden secrets.

We don't need Xray machines, it takes 10 seconds to do the same thing with pure light. These kikes irradiate children and expect their offspring to be anything more than corpses by 2100, sad.

gotta pay for that QUALITY service

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In a normal world, hospitals would get regularly torn down and rebuilt since they do become a breeding ground for horrible shit.

You are welcome to come over and murder the "jew controlled pharma team up with jew controlled insurance companies" CEO's and upper management. As for me I can avoid participating and the government is not forcing me to pay for the scam.

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Not the nurse's fault though, honestly... These senior living homes are nothing but racketeering schemes, I watched my great grandma fade away in one, and they have been doing daily/nightly construction there for almost a year. If you really care you need to scare the fuck out of facility, or bring them home.

>Pure light
Are you by any chance intoxicated?

Sue the hospital for racial discrimination or some shit. If it works for nogs then it can work for you.

>b-but we have to pay the jews because of mexicans and niggers.
Maybe if most of your budget didn't go towards buying arms while losing almost every war you've ever been in you could afford treatment without getting kiked by insurance companies.
So, you're literally scared of going to a hospital from fear of being bankrupted? And will delay and wait for access to a more informed diagnosis? Yet the rest of the world is cucked?

Nobody pays out of pocket. They charge what they high prices because the insurance company will cover a percentage no matter what the number is. They won't pay a higher percentage of the proce is low so they go high.
Learn how things work.

No need for harsh words, better yet to string billionaire Pharma kikes' families on walls and excruciatingly finish them sequentially. Eventually, Pharma rats will scurry out bringing "lost technology" of practical immortality in attempts to make their deaths more painless.

Why are you hiding your israel flag?

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Who the fuck pays out of pocket. If you have a job in the US you have insurance. Insurance has a max out of pocket a year $2500. get out of here.

>We don't need Xray machines, it takes 10 seconds to do the same thing with pure light
What "pure light" are you using to perform stays and where can I buy some?

Are you by chance an anti-vaxxer as well?

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>If you have a job in the US you have insurance.
80% of work in America is done by Mexicans.

Do you have an argument? The problem with taking pictures of inside the body has nothing to do with Photons being unable to convey internal detail; but everything to do with the "inability" of technology to reverse the refractive displacement. This is solved via Machine Learning and using novel output/input arrays to deduce high-quality 3D photos of the body for less than $1. Look up the TED talks on similar indirect Photon tech, if they can "see" a image by bouncing light around a textured wall, you have to be retarded to believe the semi-opaque body is more difficult.

How about just keep going to the doctors and running the bill into the stratosphere without paying for it? Just keep going and getting services and get premium ones too and rack up as much debt as you can so that when they go bill collecting they will never get the money. Try to shoot for $300,000 debt min but aim for $1,000,000 or more.

I am not fantasizing, this is technology that I could make in my garage for less than $1000 and a week of R&D with the right engineers

>have eye and dental insurance with my job, deductions off my paycheck are negligible
>My dentist and optometrist are professionals born in the country

>last summer get pains in my legs. Still don't know if I pulled a muscle or what
>Go to a doctors office 20 minutes before opening on a Saturday morning
>already a line up of Arabs who obviously got here last week
>wait 2 hours in the lobby
>wait another hour in a check-up room for the doctor from Nigeria
>sends me to get blood work
>never heard from them since
>did squats for a week until the problem went away

If I had the option to opt out of this socialized medicine and go to a private clinic I would. I'd rather pay $100 for a doctors visit than to waste my whole goddamn morning.

Yet not one fucking hospital in the world uses this magic technology.

Its because X rays just fucking work and new medical devices take years if not decades to hit hospitals. My project is about 9 years old and were only getting to trials now

What role exactly does machine learning play here?

I do have the option (Alberta, private clinics) AND I have full coverage (worked for Amoco in the USA, lifetime coverage for me and my wife and my kids too until their 20's) and I've never felt the need.

ML is just pattern recognition. Same as we do all day, only much more powerful because we can quickly train a computer to detect things that take us years to learn to discern, if we're even capable that is.

>getting sick
who's fault is that lmao

fat fucks drive up insurance prices.

If you go to the hospital for a sore throat and a cough, you deserve a high priced bill

Shit nigger, eat some chicken noodle soup and drink the broth. You'll feel better in a day.

Yeah your tax dollars need to be sent here. That evil assad must ne stopped.


I know this friend, I do research involving machine learning. That’s why I’m wondering what exactly a regression/classification tool that is exceedingly difficult to optimize has to do with mapping the inside of the human body for $1

Nigga just have your family buy a bag and bring it to you. It’s not rocket surgery.

Probably detecting anomalies in the reflected light or something. I don't know, but it doesn't sound too far out.

checked. sauce on this pic?


Simple. Everybody with health insurance needs to stop using it like irresponsible retards. You don't use your car insurance to pay for each headlight/taillight that goes out and you shouldn't use your health insurance for every cough/pimple on your dick.

>>last summer get pains in my legs. Still don't know if I pulled a muscle or what
great higher standard of medical work on display.

they charge whatever they can get away with and they can get away with a lot because of insurance and government subsidies.

>Le ebin Mexican with 10 kids meme

>Maybe if most of your budget didn't go towards buying arms
America already spends more tax dollars per person than the UK does, but that money is spent on propping up the healthcare industry and not actual health care for the people. The America people don't benefit much from the federal spending and have to pay their own bills and insurance costs.

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For US it is either the tax dollars are spend on (((scams))) at home or (((scams))) abroad.

Healthcare getting more socialist made it more expensive.

we dont want "free healthcare" with any republicans or right wing democrats in power because the key to this mess is free healthcare and reform, which is why we need progressives in office.

But here's the real kicker Leaf, guess who is subsidizing your healthcare? We are. Just so the companies can still sell their pharmaceuticals in your shitty cost control system, we down here get charged more. If the US ever stopped this, you would all fucking die. Keep that in mind leaf.

Just regulate prices, bro.

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shut the fuck up nigger.. I'm a nurse myself routine neurological check is important to decrease the chance of falls. This pathetic nigger did NOT do even a single assessment on this poor dude also she document she did but objective evidence saids not (surveillance footage). The reason she was charge is that they want someone to blame because "its not my fault", but clearly the nurse coulve done to prevent these shit.. documentation without doing it is VERY VERY common practice of medical professionals.

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If you dont have insurance health care is cheap. Paid 300 bucks for my sons birth. Total. If Id been insured, my copay alone would have been like $3000

So many people seem to have completely forget or act as if Westminster attack never happened. Memory holed.

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this would never occur in a truly free market
government money is involved
this is crony capitalism

>go to hospital
>smuggle in like 200 Halls cough drops from the outside
>sell them for 5 bucks a pop to the patients
>leave the hospital with a thousand dollars in hand

>free healthcare
Who's going to pay for it?

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what kind of insurance you have. i have to pay 2500 out of pocket towards my deductible and then insurance only pays 80%. hope i dont ever get cancer or break a leg. that 20% would bankrupt me.

Somali doctors, lawyers, and physicists

Problem, reaction, solution. The problem here is healthcare is expensive. It's expensive because of shit like what OP posted. So already the true cause is being fucked with by socialists using the high cost as a justification for socializing it. But because the true problem is pharma companies behaving like robber barons, the solution doesn't fit the problem. The whole thing serves as a mechanism to push socialism.

You realize when you're in a hospital you don't exactly have much of a choice. They aren't going to let you bring in outside drugs and you're reliant on them for most of the basics.

the rich will pay for if. Like in all the other countries that have it.

rich people, and all the money that Americans currently spend on private care, which would be cheaper and more effective if funded directly through taxes.

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It does occur in a free market, because the hospital owns the property, and many patients are incapable of leaving the property and then need to pay for the hospital's 10,000% marked up bullshit because they have no other option.

I refused to vaccinate my daughter. Whatcha gonna do about it, maple kike? I came here to laugh at you, because my child won't grow up with a host of medical problams caused by injecting fucking newborns with toxic shit.

>inb4 muh herd immunity

If everyone else's kid is immunized, then my child has no chance to contract any of the MMR shit, and poses no danger to any immunized kid since they're vaccinated. Fuck you leaf, jews aren't going to jew me you paranoid schizo shithead.

>Just so the companies can still sell their pharmaceuticals in your shitty cost control system, we down here get charged more.
America only has like 2 or 3 of the big 10 pharma, and the American shit is all anti-depressants, opiates and penis pills.

American health care industry is built on treating symptoms, pain, and depression. Ablify (antipsychotic drug) is now Americas best selling pill because doctors are paid by your corrupt pushers to give them out like candy.


>It's time for your circumcision, user.

>This is America. All males have to be circumcised. If you don't, you're discriminating between yourself and the Jewish community. Discrimination falls under hate speech laws so if you refuse this procedure, we'll have to call the cops. You'll go to prison for hate crimes and the prison doctors will probably end up performing the procedure on you there anyway (for prison health and safety), so it's best to not make a fuss and just get it done here this afternoon.

>Oh don't be scared, sweetie. It's a totally painless procedure, and wait til you experience all the health benefits! Plus the ladies like it better. Your sex life is about to improve a lot, trust us. Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Those silly European doctors all have anti-semitic bias. Europe currently has an epidemic of male urinary tract infections - something the biased 'lame stream media' won't tell you. Plus they can't even afford to do this procedure on a wide enough scale because their healthcare is dead broke - soshalism doesn't work. We have the best healthcare system in the world. By the way the total cost will be six gorrilion dollars, plus taxes (the taxes go to Israel), plus a 'tip'....heh heh. Our system says your insurance that you pay $500 a month for won't cover this procedure so you're going to have to pay out of pocket. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Diner's Club, UnionPay, JCB and Discover.

>Ok! Here's your gown, take the second right down the hallway and get changed. The nurses will prep you. We'll begin the procedure by standing for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag (of Israel) and by saluting Our Beautiful President, The God Empress of the United States, our first Jewish president, Ivanka M. Trump!

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>let's jew controlled pharma team up with jew controlled insurance companies to scam him instead of letting Washington jews team up with jew controlled insurance companies that are teamed up with jew controlled pharma companies scam him
Redpilled and based

imagine how much it would cost if it was ran by the government

The $9.90 is a convenience fee

>rich people please let me buy this medication, I promise I'll be a good goy

Yea most other countries don't allow price gouging and monopolies the way America does. Even after R&D is paid for American drugs are still sold at 9000% markup "because we can". Other countries have laws blocking that.

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Actually it's to cover the cost of 1. it being adminstered by a professional (lol @ professional), and 2. to cover the cost of niggers that walk in and don't pay their bill.

>max out of pocket a year $2500
That's now how deductibles work. That $2.5k is how much you need to pay before you get health coverage, and then there's premiums. Premiums is where you pay hundreds or thousands on a monthly basis for the privilege of paying $2.5k for health care. And that's only if you're injured in network. If you travel, live in a small state like rhode island, or live near the boarder of a state and get injured you're not covered unless they ship you back to your home state. The cost to ship you by ambulance is something you pay out of pocket.

Amerikikes will defend this. Feels good having FREE healthcare. Enjoy going bankrupt, mutts.

I'm not sure you can blame robber baron pharmaceuticals for $10 Halls.
I mean you can, but that's full retard.

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Yeah, for a nation of 300k people, much of which are literal 3rd world shitskins serving crazy rich chinese investors, you're sure living it up aren't you.

You will never own property in any major Canadian city, goy.

Be there in 20 minutes

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I can't wait for trump to declare himself dictator, so that we can finally prove the US is an oligarchy and begin the revolution in earnest

You can't deny treatment or meds? They're going to force you to take them? They're going to restrain you and keep you in the hospital too?
Against Medical Advice is a big thing and requires a signature.

>live in like the most expensive place in the world by about 99.9%
>still impressed

Even Democrat politicians vote against decreasing drug prices.
Booker claimed it's because imported meds might not be safe, even if they're from Canada, plus he's looking out for Big Pharma in his state.

I think you will find most mutts hate this shit. I hate the fact that every time this debate is brought up everyone is arguing how to pay for healthcare rather than why is this shit so expensive.

Why not just tell your loved ones who visit you in the hospital to bring you your own pack of cough drops from Walgreens or somewhere. When my grandmother was in the hospital for pneumonia, she got constipated. Instead of getting charged $50 for a laxative from the hospital, we just bought some Dulcolax from the drugstore and brought it to her while we were visiting.

Wow this is insane, how can they get away with charging this much?

We should make healthcare free and then not ask about prices, haha. Once healthcare is free and prices aren't considered at all whatsoever by anyone, the Jewish healthcare industry will lower its prices.

>You will never own property in any major Canadian city, goy.

Same applies to America tbqh.

Best part is the medicine doesn’t even help, it just makes you sicker

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>loved ones