CMM on affirmative action

I think that affirmative action programs are essential to ensure fairness for women and minority groups.
Change my mind.

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Affirmative action is racism by low expectations.
the implication is that blacks are inferior to whites and unable to compete on a level playing field and so they need a special handicap to be successful

equality is a lie
it's total obvious bullshit
get a hold of yourself

It's not saying they are inferior. It is just acknowledging the unfortunate reality that there are certain barriers to entry for African-americans that just aren't there for whites.

What do you mean by "equality is a lie"? Do you mean that people can never be truly equal? If that's the case then I sort of agree. We will never be 100% equal, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be trying our hardest to make things fairer for the oppressed in this country.

>women and minority groups.

Get fairness when they're shat out of the womb, after that they live in real world.

thats exactly what i mean
but fuck off with this oppression narrative. the only oppressed people, as a matter of law, is the white male

Blacks are a race of peoples that form worse societies than whites and as such arent suited to succeed in white societies. They should not be given special consideration as that will put unjust strain on those who tend to succeed. Optimal solution would have the ethinities separate so they can form their own societies that reflects their identity and lessens conflict due between ethnicities.

and what barriers would that be?

>blacks and hispanics are equal in capability to whites and asian
also democrats
>blacks and hispanics are too fucking stupid to compete so we need to lower all our expectations

Lad just ask yourself, if you needed brain surgery would you want the doctor who got there by being the best or the doctor who got there because he was black enough to have lower standards?

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>the only oppressed people, as a matter of law, is the white male
I assume you're talking about affirmative action? If so let me point out that you're right. Minorities are not oppressed legally. However they ARE oppressed by society, and this is the reason why affirmative action exists.

Since you are the gender you identify as, all that the women need to do is identify as men. We can require that larger numbers of successful people identify as women or minorities. Leftists made the rules, so let's play by those rules.

>I am a veteran.
>I had PTSD related panic attacks for about ten years of my life.
>They were so bad at one point that I couldn't hold a job because I was literally having heart attacks (what it felt like) about every three days.
>Legit diagnosis from doctor, prescriptions, therapy, the works.
>Drained savings in period of unemployment.
>Went to the state to ask for help...was told to fuck off, single white males get nothing but fed food stamps.
>Tried to ask how I was supposed to use food stamps when living behind a dumpster.
>Was told to go ask a Church for help.
>Ended up homeless living in car.
>spent a whole year in car working to get my life back
>still have PTSD but never tell anyone for fear of being homeless old man that no one cares about.

Yeah Affirmative Action is awesome. More gibs for the cunts and shitskins plz.

One major example is discrimination during the hiring process. There have been numerous studies done which found that female applicants or applicants with "ethnic-sounding" names are less likely to receive a call back than white applicants (even if they have the exact same qualifications).

yes, i was talking about affirmative action
lets just stop legislating then and let niggers sink or swim
you know damn well what will happen. that's why i think it is vital that we can come to some kind of agreement with blacks where we can send them back forever and NEVER EVER see them again here

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In the situation you are presenting, the black person would still be more than qualified to do the job.

Take all the money we give Pakistan and Palestine.
Round up 12 million niggers
Send them to Africa with a UN Mandate to annex and reform several failed nations as Wakandan Nation State.
Pay them the relief money we give to assholes under an agreement for 50 years.
See how things go.
I don't see anything racist about this....we're literally giving them their own nation and paying for it too....its win/win.

>im an edgy 14 year old
>i actually think deporting millions of people to africa would work irl because I have no concept of how politics actually work

kek typical shitlib mindset, you would rather have a higher risk of dying at the hands of an affirmative action hire, than take the higher chance of survival in a merit based system. Go for it man, one less retard to push equally retarded public policy.

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Once again, I am not going to be convinced if your argument is coming from a place of bigotry (and sorry, but that's exactly what you're doing by saying that we need to send black people "back forever and NEVER EVER see them again").

that is as fantastic as anything i am dreaming of
and i mean strict definitions
my fantasy is bkacks are vaporized

Show me the evidence that, when affirmative action is instituted in hospitals, it leads to a greater risk of death among the patients.

ok fine
but now youve accepted the burden of proving that bigotry is wrong or incorrect or fallacious

How is it fair, if there's no such action programs for white refugees to be represented equally among european asylum seekers?

Isn't that shit universal in pindostan?

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Bigotry is wrong because it is inherently evil to treat people differently on the basis of things they can't control, especially traits like gender, race, sexual orientation, etc.

Affirmative action isn't instituted in hospitals its instituted in academic institutions. Its insainly easy for very mediocre blacks with relatively low mcats to get into med schools. Which leads to overall shittier quality doctors.

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>women and minority groups are inferior and need a handicap
Poor little "women and minority groups" need the white man to slow and give them a hand.

This is an anecdotal example, and as such can be dismissed entirely. I'm sure there are lots of white people that end up being shitty doctors, too. But showing a single example of some black guy that may have gotten into pre-med school as a result of affirmative action is not a convincing argument.

Do you consider that table on the right an anecdotal example? Are you one of those retarded ones?

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This discrimination couldn't be from experience working with the group or seeing say racial statistics on crime in the black community or likely hood of being sued for some bitch misconstrueding the context of a conversation. Sink or swim

No one said deport. I literally am saying pay them to go....give them billions in aid annually and let them show the world what they would have been without slavery.
I want America to pay the bill for reparations here and give Africans a better life....we did it with Israel why can't we do it for Black people?

You're right it's not instituted in hospitals, realized my mistake after I wrote it.
Just because the majority of applicants with mediocre mcats are black, that does not prove that med schools are admitting large numbers of mediocre applicants. After all, your graph does not list the number of total applicants in each range. So we're left to assume that the number of mediocre applicants being accepted is actually relatively small.
Same with . The graph in that image doesn't prove that mediocre applicants are being accepted at disproportionate levels. It just shows that, of the mediocre applicants being accepted, most of them are black.

>experience working with the group
So if I had a bad experience working with someone, it's okay for me to discriminate against other people who look like them?
>seeing say racial statistics on crime in the black community
Again, it doesn't mean you get to assume that every black person is a violent criminal.
>likely hood of being sued for some bitch misconstrueding the context of a conversation.
I have never heard of this happening, but again: none of these things justify discriminating against a group of people just because you don't like some of its members.

> betakes all this kind of mental gymnastics, actually using valid logic, all only to deny reality of racists plotting to discredit intelligent blacks divisively using for that their retarded tribesmen
I must admit, jews are not stupid, but wtf are you? Do you believe in some sort of war you're invoked to battle? Is what they say about your kind all true?

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>After all, your graph does not list the number of total applicants in each range.
They conveniently don't release that data.

I guess what it boils down to is if you are willing to accept a group of less skilled but more racially diverse doctors who will fuck up more. I don't want to see patients or myself die at the hands of under qualified minorities so that white liberals can jerk themselves off about how they have swooped in to save brown people.

>it's okay for me to discriminate against other people who look like them?
Yes. No one of wants to live around either niggers or trailer trash.

Yes but affirmative action does not necessarily mean underqualified. Test scores, gpa, etc. are still factored into the qualification process, it's just that more seats that would have otherwise gone to white people are then given to minorities.

Then why are you forcing white people (you're treating them differently) to treat minorities differently based on the traits that you've listed?

Checkmate, faggot.

now you're not that sharp
>it's just that more seats that would have otherwise gone to white people are then given to minorities.
Is it just that or is it also that those minorities will be less qualified than the white people who would get those positions instead?

Niggers and cunts can't be handed "equality". They either have it or they don't.

Which is bigotry, which by your definition is evil. Which makes you an evil bigot. By your own logic.

This bitch is bait. /Thread you will not listen to anyone your mind is made up. Racial crime statistics is a valid point. Also women are proven constantly lying on sexual harassment when it goes to court, and plus some companies don't want to deal with the drama cunts and shitskins bring in. Bait thread better news to look at.

but we are against affirmative action even though we do know that niggers are indeed inferior.

If you really think so, then we must throw all minorities and liberals into their own community. There you are free to pay as much gibs and give away as much status to niggers as you want. In fact we will force you to do so. And you are never getting out.

Shit, well.. you have a point. I'll give you that one, because that is actually a good argument that I don't have a response to.
(My mind is actually starting to be changed, which I did not expect, so good on you and the other people who have made a compelling case in this thread.)
The biggest reason why I support affirmative action, however (and if it weren't for this I would probably oppose it), is the fact that women and minorities still face discrimination that does not allow them to have equal opportunities in this country. I believe this is unfair, and I believe there must be some sort of system in place designed to combat this.

> women and minorities still face discrimination that does not allow them to have equal opportunities in this country.
Because they're different. They have less opportunities in one field, but they have more opportunities in another: I am not welcome in black communities, and it would be much harder for me to get money for sex. Though if I was a woman I would prefer housewife career, and if I was black I would probably live on gibs and wait those gene therapies to become smarter.

No, I'm talking about literal discrimination where equally qualified applicants are less likely to be accepted just because of their race/gender. There are studies which back this up.

Women can leave their jobs because of being pregnant, blacks even when more qualified tend to commit crimes more often.
Whenever you decide for employers who they would rather hire, you act as a commie. And commie countries tend to turn into shitholes because of such an attitude. Picrelated.

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>There are studies which back this up.

I disagree. I don't think that you can justify racism, and sorry but I'm not going to be convinced of that. Just because black people commit crimes at disproportionate rates, that does not mean that it is okay to make assumptions about individual black people. Same thing with gender—you don't get to assume that about an individual woman.

When you make something a law, you don't make it for certain individuals, you make it for communities. You can take every case individually, when you regard his or her case directly (as an employer does - and if he's a racist or misoginist - why would you make a black or female person work for him or her?)

You also want to be unprejudiced against those dangerous categories, but somehow you are prejudiced agains employers. Even if your statistics about discriminations are correct, so is statistics on crimes and special female needs.
Also consider this:

I have to go now. Thanks to everyone who posted on this thread.
My mind HAS been changed about affirmative action: I now believe that, although discrimination is definitely a problem, affirmative action is very flawed and it is overall not a good solution. Therefore, I no longer support it.

Thanks to the people who helped me change my mind!

Goodbye, all the best.

it's a private business after all...

OP, what happens when a lesser candidate is chosen for their skin colour or gender, and then the company and economy suffers as a result? AA breeds mistrust in companies because when governments force minority hires, people assume that it's due to some lame program, also it isn't nice for the individuals who get hired and have to wonder if it was due to this. It's simply unfair, businesses largely will hire the RIGHT person for the job, who will do the job best, fit in the best and make them the most money... why would I choose a white guy if they would cost the company money in the long run?

it's a feelings based program that hurts many.