What is your theory on the origin of the tranny problem?

What is your theory on the origin of the tranny problem?
Is it something in the water?

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1st worlders are bored.

these elites are cloning themselves on secret islands and you believe your water is clean, ask yourself why bottled river water instead of rain or purified Ice because its contaminated with benzine niggers.

what kind of response are you looking for? just stirring up the pot? what's your MO?

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social contagion, see the recent study

high rate of male suicide for mtf, and penis envy for ftm

"patriarchy" theory has become so insufferable, boys want to be girls, and girls feel like they are oppressed no matter what they do so girls want to be boys

the rise of niggerish PUA and hookup culture born from the sexual revolution, that was turned into the porn and sex industry, further divided the genders. without any focus on family and all the focus on being a narcissistic consumer, spurred on by corporations made gender roles fall apart.

victim culture of the left that turned trannies into untouchable dieties in social circles because they have "marginalized voices" and are given right to speak first while everyone else on the left stays silent

its the largest growing cult and religion next to islam

I really don’t know what causes this
It wasn’t really a “thing” 50 years ago. Kind of like Obesity.

Atrazine still allowed in the States.

yes it was. trans people have existed all through human history. weve just always been >.01% of the population so there were very few until relatively recently and now the media is shoving trans stuff in everyones face. Do you ever see trans people irl? Its only really known so much because of the internet.

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Poisoned food and water
Treating women better than men
Celebrating and upholding single motherhood

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Oh, and porn.

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I actually had a theory that I wish someone would test out that could have a scientific basis.

When I visited Thailand with my wife, we met up with a friend of hers. She said it's insane how many men grow up to be trans and that "it must be something in the water".

This got me thinking about diet for Thai people. One ingredient they use a lot is lemongrass.

Lemongrass is known to cause birth defects. Considering scientists consider transexuals to have a mental disorder, and Thailand has an unusually abnormal trans population, could it be diet?

That's my theory - it IS preventable and maybe caused by diet.

theyre very common in major cities. gender dysphoria and effeminate men are everywhere in my city (miami).

camile paglia (who identifies as trans herself) links dissolving gender roles to the end phases of a civilization

by making transgenders immune to any criticism, the left is selling you guys out because without any self-awareness or self-critique you get our current situation, which constitutes a social epidemic

without a sense of humor, people cannot last. the left and feminists want to ban all offensive jokes, and thats why they are never going to last.

Degeneracy, a lot of porn, low testosterone levels, fashion - a lot of things coming from the sexual revolution.

monkey see monkey do. snowball effect. diet maybe affected first generations of trannys.

circumcision existed since early 20th century but didnt have any correlation with trans

It's like they're treating the current tranny problem like some kind of cool kids club that demand special treatment. Whatever happen to just normal trannies living their regular lives as a new woman or man?

The internet has a big role in this. People posting for attention, getting attention from online support groups/echo chambers.

Men were dressing as women since at least ancient Greece.

The difference is that before, men knew the difference between duty (defending the country and having children) and pleasure.

Chemicals in the water yes but also plenty of brainwashing from commies and kikes. My childhood friend who was straight as an arrow before he went to Cali for college became a Tranny because he hung out with a girl who brainwashed him into thinking he was

degeneracy domino effect

I can't imagine this being the case. When a kid is gay, you can tell because he acts 'different'. I remember in elementary school some kids just acted 'weird' to us. And as adults, yes, they came out as gay. It wasn't a secret, it wasn't 'learned', they were just 'gay'.

Trans are no different, they have a mental disability caused by something during development in the womb.

Jews and their push for degeneracy on western nations

Faggots that want attention and don't want to admit to being faggots, nothing more.

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Easy. Lack of parenting and God.

men have always worn women clothing

Literally the gene pool cleaning itself of impurities with mental issues. The Tranny is less likely to recontribute their genes, and anyone retarded enough to fall for such a degenerate will also be less likely to perpetuate their defective genes.

Why question a good thing user?


They are mentally ill.
In nature, they would have already been CULLED.
I have no problem with some retard, that if considered by statisticians, and they did not know what the stats were for, they would consider Trannies, STATISTICALLY IRRELEVANT.
328.6million have had their country turn insane, because 1.4million Americans are CERTIFIABLY DSM-5 suffering from gender dysphoria.


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No, get out the teddy bear and ask where they were touched and by whom. Large number of faggots are pedo victims

I dont like people telling other people how to live so I dont like sjws and i dont like how liberals are right now and i dont like conservatives who want to say everyone should act a certain way because their gender. I think people should act how they feel comfortable acting.

Thai are dirt poor riceniggers. Males have ZERO value in Thai society... but women are at least useful for tourists to fuck, and can make a good living. Thus males feminize themselves to be accepted as pseudo-women, where they at least have some value.

The same is happening in the rest of the world.

Perfect analysis.

Could very well be a major component--most likely diet and societal issues combined.

Absolutely perfect. I'll use the screencap every time this ie mentioned again.

kill yourself LOL

>women have it easy
>if i become woman i have it easy
all there is to it

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Well its this part of the decades poser movement. I mean I am glad that for my time it was metal and goth from the 90's. These posers that got brainwashed into a fad have completely destroyed their lives. While their supporters egg them on and shouting down anyone that raises concerns like the massive suicide rate.

I can't wait for this cultural marxism to end but hey at least they won't be continuing their blood line. 20 years later from when it was the in thing I am still a metal head. 20 years later their cocks will still be lopped off well into middle age.

no i want to live.
its not easy to be trans it requires a lot of work and bravery

This,they are ether busy working or useless faggots who make shit harder for workers

>in therapy
>no hormones
What did he mean by this?

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Just takes a weak mental fortitude to fall for peer pressure and a general mental instability to begin with.
Whats worse is when the poser ones try to say they were always like this like the very small amount of people who actually have gender dysphoria thanks to prenatal abnormalities in the womb.

A person may end up believing in anything

No. Seek help.

food and water supply are tainted, almost everyone on SSRIs wether they need them or not, ad to the the subversive mkultra shit in our media and entertainment and you have a recipe for madness. This is an attack on masculinity. Testosterone is a major roadblock for the NWO.

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how is blogposting while choking down girl pills at your parents house brave

Jews have always wanted to push transexualism. The first male to female surgery was done a hundred years ago in the German Wiemar Republic right before the National Socialists took power.

hubris isn't bravery
chutzpah isn't bravery
arrogance isn't bravery
false pride isn't bravery

you have a mental disorder, you're not a woman. the soon you realize you will never be one, the better off youll be

Mixed schooling, feminism, the commodification of beauty. Female beauty shifted some time in the last century away from being a spiritual quality as tied to the family unit to being a purchasable quality (cosmetic surgery, fashion) which is tied to the capitalist superstructure and is therefore accessible to both men and women. The loss of mono ethnic and cultural blocs has accelerated this process, giving way to a Brazilification of Western population centres.

We're screwed

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Being handed over to a reprobate mind. Plus being diddled as kids.

posers arent really a problem they always quit after a couple years and never get on hormones
it takes courage to come out and to transition knowing what it means and how people will see you as wrong forever and accepting it anyway because you know you need it.

Socialist teachers, and "academics" wrongly telling these people they were "assigned" a gender at birth. These stupid fucks will have lots to answer to in the coming years when the lives they have ruined start speaking out.

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It's literally Jews.



Civilization is in decline.

Social media society that creates a need for individuals to seek out more attention and validation by any means necessary.

Atrzine in the water. Alex Jones predicted this. I would provide a video but the DemonicRats censored them. Hitler would be so proud of the useless liberals.

Based and redpilled.


It's a social contagion.

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Cucksumerism has been killing the western society for quite a while now, each generation producing even more vapid and shallow people than the previous.

literally this

Pretty sure this is it. It's actually ridiculous how much women are catered to, from both government and academic programs in place for women but not men, divorce court advantage, charities set up for women's health problems but not men's, including heart disease awareness for women even though it's the #1 cause of death for both men and women. Then you have social advantages like being able to have multiple men on the backburner during relationships, while a good amount of men usually have no options at all, easier access to sex, and also just generally being more attractive and less expendable to society (in certain areas) than men. There's probably more but I think you get it.

Funny thing is, I've noticed all this over the past several years but I either didn't pay too much attention or really care until sometime last year for some reason, and I see why someone would want to be a woman for those reasons. That said I think people who fall for the MtF meme are weak because they tend not to pass as females and will never actually be one, so it's pointless and probably just fucks them up in the end.

M to F: A crisis of masculinity resulting from an increasing female influence on our culture.

F to M: Penis envy.

>after a couple years
I'd say in a two year period plenty take hormones. Hell my mates cousin decided to be a tranny for a year then got its cock lopped off last January.

The deification of the victim. Our society as it currently stands puts the victim on a pedestal.
The Negro, a victim of the police, may do no wrong.
The woman, a victim of the man, may do no wrong.
The Jew, the victim of the Nazi, may do no wrong.
The only passage into the victim role for white males is a degeneration into homosexuality or transsexuality. They do this because they wish society to grant them a form of social invulnerability for their fetish. They will garner naught but the rope.

Victory has defeated the west, people have too much free time in their hands and dig their asses and they think they like it.

fluorine in the water shrivels your balls, it's the cause of the decline in sperm counts too

The transgender movement is totally the result of Jews.

The first research into transgenders came from a German Jew named Magnus Hirschfeld, who is considered the "pioneer" of trans rights:

Now let's fast forward to today. Who runs the big transgender rights advocacy groups today in America? They're nearly all from the same group:

GenderPAC= Riki Wilchins (Jewish)

National Center for Transgender Rights=Mara Keisling (Jewish)

Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund=Jillian Weiss and Michael Silverman (both Jewish)

Transgender Law Center=Daniel Faessler (Gentile)

GLSEN=Kevin Jennings (Gentile)

Trans Student Educational Resources= Eli Erlick (Jewish)

Gay-Straight Alliance=Carolyn Laub (Jewish)

Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays= Jeanne Manford (Jewish)

Don't believe me? Here is a list of the top 15 transgender rights groups in America. Pick any of them, google their founders, and check. You'll notice the coincidence nearly every time.


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It isn't the gays. It is the Jews. As always.
And yes there is something in the water and food. Xenoestrogens.

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tolerance becomes acceptance, it'll get worse before it gets better

Yes its easy to forget about Nuremberg and where so much of the proliferation of cultural marxism was cultivated.

You look like Chris Hemsworth?


Immigrants wonder why some people kill themselves when they have everything. Same thing. Immigrants don't have the time or the money to do this shit, it doesn't make sense.

mental illness and judaism

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its akin to dying your hair for attention.

faggotry embodied.

trannyism is just plain peer pressure. an effort to gain popularity because now we must take extreme measures to be seen in public.
take note, mostly whites are going tranny. I bet it has nothing at all to do with whites being ignored by society because of their skin color.

shut it down

I think the mere sight of Chrischan ruins it for gynephiles

Jesus fucking Christ, what the actual fuck

Everything you need to know is here

Anyone else go to Reddit to find funny pics of cross dressers that think they’re women?

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This Fat Bitch Started ANOTHER thread

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It's the culture that's been programmed to think of femine beauty as something you can buy.
An insider from the cosmetic industry explained how they marketed big boobs or something to Brazil an an unintended consequence was that the men consumed the marketing too.

Oh its the fat bitch again

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Joan Donovan stop

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About Joan

For those who would like a formal introduction, here is my C.V.

Joan Donovan is a postdoctoral fellow at the UCLA Institute for Society and Genetics, where she researches networked social movements, communication infrastructures, surveillance technologies, and white nationalists’ interpretations of genetic ancestry tests.

For several years, Joan has conducted action research with different networked social movements in order to map and improve the communication infrastructures built by protesters. In her role as a participant, she identifies information bottlenecks, decodes algorithmic behavior, and connects organizations with other like-minded networks. Joan is available to give talks on all kinds of topics. To book her email: jmdonovan AT ucla DOT edu.

Joan contributes labor to these groups:

The Undercommons: UCLA students and community organizers who open access to university resources and research materials for those who face institutional barriers.

InterOccupy An organization founded in 2011 that builds infrastructure and hosts conference calls for multiple social movements.

The Debt Collective A socio-technical platform for debtors’ unions.

Joan also enjoy movies/books/comics about hackers and telephones, this prank call podcast called phone losers, and her cats.

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Image result for joan donovan ucla

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @BostonJoan

Website: JoanDonovan.Org

Office:The UCLA Institute for Society and Genetics Box 957221, 1320 Rolfe Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095-7221


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First world pussification and pampered upbringing. Spend ages 0 through 20+ living on mom and dad's dime, always get what you want on Christmas, never have to work or worry about bills, survival, etc. Extended adolescence. Unable to develop basic coping skills, they falter at the first sign of adversity - realizing that life isn't fair, that you have to make hard sacrifices for future fulfillment and often do things that are very hard in order to survive, that often making one choice closes many doors, etc. Most of these freaks are NEETs who never needed to hold a job or serious responsibility so the moment life gets a little tough they act out their 20+ years of learned helplessness and blame their feelings of inadequacy on some bullshit like being the wrong gender. It's easier to blame an external force (I didn't choose to be born this way, this is society's fault that I am not happy) vs internal (I am dysfunctional and need to work on becoming an adult and meeting my needs on my own)

This is all part of the "manufacturing consent" process by (((them))). The type of people who defend trannies now would have called them abominations 10 yrs ago. Back then, trannies were not the issue but gay people were. They say the slippery slope isn't real, but we are seeing more and more bizarre social modalities that were nonexistent 100 years ago. This is all part of the plan to break us apart. When you run news stories about toxic masculinity, how great periods are, how disgusting and vulgar men are, men decide that they want to be pretty "women" who can be a part of that feminist hegemony that shits on men for the world's problems.

actually believing that benzine is the cause of all this not the fact that the parents have been grooming their retard faggot children to be stupid

Nothing "caused" it, it's just more visible now.

It'd be so comfy to see this cunts fat neck get tightened in the noose of a small chain until it disappears into her digusting flesh. Would be dope to see it continue until her head pops off

the rope would fucking snap lmao, Joan pls go

Men that con't compete [pretending to be women because vagina = cruise control for life.

I remember only about 5 or 6 years ago, a lot of fags and dykes hated being associated with trannies and fought to drop the T from LGBT because they (rightly) saw trannies as freaks and thought that associating them with homos was an attempt to paint homos as freaks too. Granted homos are freaks for sure but nobody likes trannies and it's only social pressure that's keeping people from forcing that genie back into its bottle.

a degree of self obsession previously unheard of. such an obsession with the self to cross over previously clearly defined boundaries. ME, ME, ME, I, I, I!!!