What's your take on Christopher Hitchens?

What's your take on Christopher Hitchens?

Guy seemed kinda up his own ass, no?

Attached: Christopher-Hitchens.jpg (331x331, 13K)

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LARPs as Constantine

Good debater, heavy drinker.

incisive and bold, except when he wasn't. I give him an 8/10

taken out by (((them)))

slippery drunkard, but entertaining and a fairly good writer unlike his brother

a brilliant retard.

reminder the biggest difference between Christopher and Peter is that Chris has daddy issues and Peter reveres his father

>Christopher Hitchens Destroys the Alt Right

Isn’t he dead? I used to see him all the time during the Iraq war and haven’t see him since. If I remember he was a real son of a bitch to both sides.

>destroys something that only existed in the liberal psyche
Liberals btfo

chrisfags hate him. would have loved to see him demolish jordan peterson. i love peterson's hatred for the Left, but his take on christianity is all arbitrary secularism; there's nothing profound about it.

tpbp. I like alot of hitch and happen to enjoy his prose and word choice and sentence structure. He's not naming the jew but did defend david irving when publishers wouldn't. Too much alcohol i think didn't help eventually

Very stealthy about his tribal loyalty to Jews.

A one-off and unpredictable on all issues.

Pointed out Jewish power very tamely ("Is It So Offensive To Note The Effectiveness of the Jewish Lobby?")

but was really keen on preaching about Anti-Semitism as some inexplicable and outrageous disposition as (((they))) always do.

Huge supporter of the Iraq war.

Hey, Hitch... Jews did 9/11 LOL.

Very possibly the devil incarnate even if he was super brilliant and entertaining.

Someone else said this:

Christopher Hitchens is interesting because I was a "fan" of his when I was a really young, neoconservative / New Atheist type. I met him once at a Christian book fair (where he was doing a debate) and said "Christopher, I love you!" He replied, "Are you a Christian?" And I said "no." He then went "oh good!" and made a comment about not wanting to be loved by his enemies and so on. He knew how to work a crowd. He loved his crowds and his fans. Which says a lot now about what his motivations were.

I see shades of him in Jordan Peterson, or at least the people I see attracted to Jordan Peterson remind me of me when I was a big Hitchens fanboy. The whole idea is that this guy is providing "meaning" (Hitchens was kind of a crusader figure) and that we're always kinda "standing on the precipice!" Hard to explain.

My outlook on the world has changed a lot since then. In retrospect this profile after his death rings true to me: gq-magazine.co.uk/article/michael-wolff-on-christopher-hitchens

>Along with his many books, there was a near-daily production of columns and book reviews. Much of the work was repetitive and boilerplate, the same subjects recast for different outlets. The myriad essays tend to the pontifical, full of moral dudgeon and high virtue and not a lot of surprises. Nevertheless, such output had the effect of making the game look easy. It was writing that probably appealed more to would-be writers than to readers.

Another thing is that Hitchens was a social climber and his writing was peppered with people he knew, where he traveled, and on and on. His British accent and whole British "style" (which doesn't even really exist in Britain anymore) was attractive to Americans.


>I think it is probably not a coincidence that as the existential crisis of journalism became more severe, Hitchens became an increasingly salutary and reassuring figure. In spite of it all, he continued and thrived. This is another version, of course, of being famous for being famous.

In retrospect I still have some respect for him. He did waterboard himself. It's easy to miss but he was pretty critical of Richard Dawkins, who degenerated into a huckster. And Hitchens' last words, scribbled on a piece of paper, were "Capitalism. Downfall." So he apparently had a Marxist moment when he took his last breaths in the Houston hospital right before he died.

jew who lost his faith but couldn't stomach following goyim religion, so he decided to make goyim miserable too

That picture seems to suggest that
>popped collar

Did you see the tag team he and Victor Hansen did on Pat Buchanan's "Churchill, Hitler, and The Unnecessary War"

It was on Peter Robinson's show.

I'm not giving either of them shit about it, but I look forward to people who have all the right opinions on WW2 dying off.

Yeah, props big time for defending David Irving.

My view is this:
My view of Hitchens is that he was incredibly intelligent and wholly amoral. He knew the truth and if it supported his argument his argument would be rational. If it ran contrary to his argument he would use personal attacks and non sequiturs to gain victory. Hitchen's great skill was winning arguments and he would do it at any cost.

I think the fraudulent debates with him and William F. Buckley were perfectly representative of both brands. Phony intellectuals who quibbled about irrelevant things for social status. Both men believed themselves to be righteous, but both were completely off base.

When he started shilling for the war in Iraq I lost respect for him.

He seemed to develop some strange pride about being part Jewish later in life, but he did defend David Irving and said things himself that many Jews would consider to be downright antisemitic. He also took a strong moral stance against abortion. His single-mindedness about his atheism could be frankly boring.

ive probably seen at least parts of it but can;t recall it at the moment.
I am also looking for less of a fake moral panic outlook on WWII. that seems to have run its course

Never cringed so hard in my life
I bet your dumbass thought this was some eye revealing stuff huh? KYS

His religion debates are priceless. But I knew the guy was full of shit when I saw he advocated reparations for blacks. He was also a Marxist and a degenerate. I don't agree with him that secular people have better morals than the religious, although he was right about the non-existence of God.

Does being a prick disqualify people's opinions or something?

Leftist turned conservative liberal, a Marxist who discovered the boomer pill unironically.

Christianity forms the foundation of western culture, removing it removes that foundation and thus removing a bulwark against other ideologies, like Islam.

How can anyone unironically pose for a picture like that and not be miles up his own ass?

He was one of (((them))).

Agreed. But that doesn't make Christianity true. It is, after all, a religion informed by the fantastical desert adventures of a Jewish cult. Nor is modern Christianity, even its conservative iterations, anything like the Christianity of early Western civilization.

Attached: pump-kin.jpg (1920x1080, 768K)

He's a jew

Easiest way to spot a faggot is if they like this dude

made conservatives look stupid from day 1


Eh.... he argued against casual abortion.

He said "there is no choice. but there are also choices about the conditions in which those choices can be made."

Something like that.

*** "There is no choice but choice."

Based and redpilled.

He was good up until he became a cheerleader for our ZOG wars in the Middle East. After that he was mostly a deluded as whole.

* asshole, not as whole. Stupid fucking autocorrect,

meh, i used to. its usually a stop along the way before arriving here and confronting more uncomfortable (read socially unacceptable) truths

Hes the closest to me on religion. Atheists, but appreciates it and notices how profound much of it is.

That's one way to live

literal kike faggot
helicopter ride is too good for him

The Hitchens are of Jewish descent on their mother's side.


Hate Hitchens--hate Hitchens' idol Orwell, both non-white loving socialist dogs.