Does this matter?
Does this matter?
Not as long as we are the world reserve currency. Should that change, watch the wheels come off the bus at light speed.
Not while you're the world hegemon with the world's reserve currency. You could sell off land and be in the green tomorrow. More urgent are your demographics. Shame neither party is willing to do anything substantial about either.
Not to the spend happy dip shit in charge.
Republican daddy keeps telling me that countries should budget like a family
That Clinton balanced the budget? Yeah, you idiots fucked it up.
not in the sense that you might think. debt is bad because it keeps us from cutting government. you can't push for reduction in budgets when the money is easily printed. not because it's some kind of financial emergency.
Depends on if your guy is president or not.
To the american citizens, No.
To the rest of the world, Yes.
Almost every currency in the world is backed on the dollar, hence why we where the last western nation to drop the gold standard. If we go under we are taking everyone with us. It probably wont effect us directly ad first, but it will star in the 3rd world nations. Thier economies will collapse one by one, bailout by bailout, and it becomes a problem when we run out of aid to fix up the messes. Then the shit will travel up hill, And if another super massive war or series of wars hasn't fixed shit, than Russia or China will go under and start pointing guns at us, but the west will fall to socialism before this happens.
More than anything. But no one cares.
Who the fuck do we owe to this debt to? The Fed?
>the west will fall to socialism before this happens.
That's unironically a good thing. Healthcare for all. Get over it.
Not to me. It will to you though. Better prepare your asshole because that shit is getting fucked rawdog.
>Starving and being executed now first and second most common cause of death
>Displacing cancer and heart disease
It is a ticking time bomb
Remember 2008...well that was just a housing hiccup.
Globalization has ensured mutual economic destruction. This should be a lesson to all the future generations...politicians and banksters (boomers) put us in this shit
The debt?
Not really.
Clinton signed the usage of derivatives into law.
>implying people get starved and executed in any Nordic country
big if true
The more retarded info I have ever read in my life.
>The house is on fire, but it's cool
>Muh Nordic socialism