800,000 people fleeing California and Jew York

Say goodbye to your taxpayer base, you commie faggots. Enjoy your shit-smeared sidewalks and homeless who don't give a fuck about your hellscape you call a utopia.


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Where are they heading towards to?

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That's a great question. We should put up sea walls on the border of these states to contain them.

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First your city, then your neighborhood, lastly theyll be marrying your daughters and infiltrating your very bloodlines.

Don't you have a $40 gallon of milk to go buy or a $200 case of beer, leaf?

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Heads up, its not conservatives leaving. Almost Every other californian i met where liberals

I can answer that:
Colorado, Austin Texas, South Carolina, Virginia, and the cities of Florida.

fuck please don't come here

>South carolina


Califags stay the FUCK away from Pennsylvania, please.

Except these idiots that are leaving take zero personal accountability and have the exact same stupid leftist views and are bringing their voting patterns to places like Texas and Arizona

the ones fleeing NY can actually be conservatives sick of that cesspit.

Cali needs to bloody burn to ash and fall into the sea

NOT WASHINGTON! They’ve already ruined everything here with faggot laws and TAXES ON TAXES. Where the fuck do i go from here? I give up

And a lot of them showed up here in Portland, OR. They are the worst humans in America. Rude, entitled, crazy liberals. Awful and smug. Wish they'd all die in a fire.

Can I come if I vote for your candidates?

Does this mean california can turn red if all the liberals are leaving because thats the type of people leaving california. Maybe in the future we will see a blue texas and red california

Then they get to their new city and start voting for the same stupid liberal policies that made their home cities turn to shit in the first place.

Has nothing to do with "voting for candidates" and everything to do with leaving your faggoty liberal bullshit in the state you're fleeing. The shit doesn't work, proven time and again, so unfuck your head and you're welcome to join the rest of the US. Frankly we're tired of fitting the bill for you dipshits and your "social experiments" in your failed states.

You should be praying the US dollar collapses to that extent before the rot can take any further root


Fucking pieces of shit liberals are a LITERAL virus.
>go to red state
>vote socialist
>turn it blue
>run to another red one when it starts to fall apart

Goddamn communists, fucking subhumans, we need another damn civil war, and don't stop until every liberal, nigger and kike are dead.

When are they going to privatize the Internet?

Poor people piss me off.


That kinda what I meant, but that's why I'm being driven out

I'd be more than willing to pay $200 a month if it meant 95% of normie faggots were priced out of affording it.

>he ones fleeing NY can actually be conservatives sick of that cesspit.
This is true. Especially on LI

>the wall should have run from Louisiana to the Idaho panhandle

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Wow, I'm a black conservative and I agree with this nazi fucknut. The enemy of my enemy, I guess.

hopefully an oven

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Colorado. Now unfortunately I will never be able to afford a house. Even outside of Denver . Thanks to these liberals. So , I myself will be considering packing up soon.
My town went from 450k to 700k populations because of weed.
They’re flattening everything and putting up houses. There are no scenic views.
This is eastern california. And I give up fighting at this point .

if i see one more commiefornia/jew york/cucksas license plate on the C-470 im going to make parkland look like a fucking prank
hoooooOOOOOOly fucking fuck i am mad
t. coloradan

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>commiefornia/jew york/cucksas
>implying Colorado hasn't already earned a spot in that list
You better start believing in liberal shit holes, user. You're in one.

Are you retarded? This isn't a good thing. Even yuppie liberal cunts don't like taxes. They will infest other states with their virtue signaling through voting and turn those states into shitholes.

No, they let them vote absentee because they deliberately don't purge their voter rolls and then they also vote in your state's elections too. It's just colonization at this point. Until there are mandatory federal laws which require people who have died, gone to prison, haven't voted in years or have moved out of state to be purged from the rolls the liberals will keep winning elections they shouldn't.

Also illegals can vote since they register them, and because they don't purge the rolls of non-citizens you can bet they go to the polls.

>being so dumb you don't realize he's angry because out of staters have turned his nice conservative mountain state into a californicated suburbanized sprawling shithole of liberals

Yes, I'm sue it's the "taxes" CNBC

Maybe we should all move to california and take over their state. See how they like it

Should i move to california

I'm out in January lol

Help california or whatever state your in. Ill prob move back to cali in the future.

This is a long term psyop for when they rig the vote in Texas and Florida. They are going to be creating fake polls and plan a huge voter fraud op to give Texas and FL to Democrats.

No one is leaving those states.

"Taxes" is a really funny way to spell "California made it legal to knowingly infect someone witu HIV."


No, fuck both of them. Where ever they go niggers and spics will fallow.

The conservatives arnt leaving california (dont know about New York). Its the liberals. When california turns red i will invite you in. Several major counties and cities are enforcing trumps laws esp on immigration


>left leaning shit eaters flee the states they ruined and destroy right wing states

Crazy how ya'll love your country so much, but want to kill half of it lol.

They where spamming these threads a few months back with CBS, PBS, and other lesser viewed sources. I expect to see a handful more this week and the week coming up and then they will stop and data mine and evaluate what level of effect they had on peoples views.

Change the milk to beer and beer to a tank of gas and it's not even a joke.

holy fuck why is anyone spreading this lie canada is perfect. besides the estrogen milk everything here is perfect.

Milk bags

I don't want to live in your spic infested state. I don't wan't your welfare nogs destroying other states.

>welfare nogs
California doesnt have a lot of blacks anymore. They all mostly left

the video OP linked said that they aren't leaving

Fucking locusts

Where did they go?

>400k leave California
>30M+ residents
>1% of tax base

Yeah, and now their coming to states like Texas, Colorado, and Florida and voting the same way they did over there and ruining our great states

Why don't they just vote for a governor that cuts social benefits and lowers taxes instead of fleeing to other parts of the country?


>800,000 leftist cucks are going to mass migrate and ruin some place else
It's a fucking Mongol horde. The difference is these people can't fight. Shoot on sight I say. They create these problems let them live in their filth and ruin.

Our dollar sign is a rainbow.

Nevada, seriously its a warzone anywhere non white


Holy shit fuck that website. Do not visit this clickbait garbage. It's a video with the text of an article 100 words long. No voiceover. No meaningful graphics. Do not watch.

It's mostly broke niggers leaving. I feel bad for all of the states that have been touched by the taint of that cesspool.

I wouldn't even worry about those numbers except they put in sanctuary status and invite the legal hordes and raise the cost of living.

Rich people aren't leaving California. Those of us who can't afford to live here are. It's awesome here that's why its so expensive.

Its a fucking shithole. Cut the fucking bullshit.

California is full of bums it's disgusting

This state hasnt been great since the gold rush.

>tfw The Midwest will never be enriched

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New jersey here. Must leave nyc. Niggers and spics are EVERYWHERE. Chinks too. Muslims as well. Nyc is an awful city.

Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Pennsylvania, New England, North Carolina, Florida

oh and Texas

>New England

Massachusetts here. I sure as hell do not want more leftist assholes unless they want an ass kicking.

Long island conservative here. We fly maga flags from planes out here. However, thanks to immigration policies there are a fuckton of spicw and niggers out here now. Time to go.

Hopefully to a death camp

They will just fallow you fucking idiot, stay there please!

This is retarded on two points: 1) If you don't pay taxes why would you move because of taxes? Especially when those taxes are where you get your money.
2) If you are broke, what money are you using to move? Low-earners =/= broke.

It's the same thing Oregon/Washington has been getting for years. Cali fags ruin where they live, the one's with money then move and continue voting for the same policies and driving up real estate prices. Meanwhile, the places they left behind rot because they no longer have a tax base. You see the same behavior with Malmo, Sweden.

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At least Ontarians have buck a beer now thanks to the conservatives. Shame I moved to BC to join what we pass off as our Navy.

It’s being enriched by Mexicans and refugees

Because this would assume Californians and new Yorkers are logical and we all know that's fucking out of the realm of possibility.

A place with less taxation?

>Austin Texas, South Carolina, Virginia, and the cities of Florida.

CalPERS is going broke in 2020. The California Public Employees' Retirement System is what all these faggots in government rely on for their high salary high pensions.

It is going broke in 2020. That means that the HUGE TAX TRAIN is a-comin' and if you own property or a business they are going to steal that from you.

They are bringing back the Estate Tax. That means when your mom and dad die and leave you their house and a few dollars saved up over their lifetime Governor Moonbeam and his evil cronies are going to want to take at least half.

That means you will be selling that house to pay the taxes. Everything is going to go up for those who own things and have a non-government job.

Unless you are some 3rd world or H1B visa worker then you are going to be picking up the tab.

That is why so many of the liberal cunts are leaving this state in droves because they were given the heads up.

There are also a few nasty things coming down the pike. I heard this from a very wealthy neighbor who just moved to Florida. He said California is going to soon have an "exit tax" they are going to put on people who wish to leave the state. They will also forever be sending you tax bills and demanding you to prove you were not in California. That is what New York and New Hampshire already do to its former residents.

Illinois got shafted by a property bill that made it impossible to sell your house now. That will be coming soon to California as well.

So buckle up and if you live in California you might seriously think about leaving this state. Leave your cars behind when you move. Rent a car and buy one in the state you move to. Do not tell ANYONE you are from California. Lie and say you are moving from Arizona or Oregon.

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>It's fuckin awesome here bro
>sucking millionaire dick this hard while they're showing you the door and replacing you with illegal shitskins
Seriously, how do you fix this level of fucking stupidity without a straight up lobotomy and a straight jacket?

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Yep, this is why our history is being destroyed.

I agree its a awesome state. The housing is so expensive because our retarded leadership. If cox becomes governor expect california prices to drop and potenially become a red state. The trump administration is really breaking the politics in this state (already major cities and counties inforcing immigration). California needs to be watched. It might suprise us in the future.

Great now these fags who dont realize their vote ruined their state will vote to ruin the next state they move to.


Newfags won't get this meme

lol, the political party of rationality and wholesome amercian family values everyone.

>mfw NYC is literally going to turn into Escape from Jew York
It's higher than 800,000. People have been leaving those areas for years and now they are in a full on sprint out of that place.

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Good, New York is too fucking crowded

I never get why they haven't got arrested for destroying historic things in the nation? They destroyed historic statues and they should be executed for that, its literally treason.

This was bound to happen. People are tired of lazy, useless niggers that want gibs.

Silly little stupid ass niggers thought the free ride would last.

Leftists BTFO :)

>how do you fix this
Bullets and mass graves

Same with California since people are fleeing from it. LA will end up being like Escape from LA minus LA being broken off the mainland unless an earthquake breaks it off like in the film.

memeflag non-American go neck yourself in your favela

How amazing would that be? Just shoot any criminal niggers off on to an island in a one-way submarine and machine gun them from helicopters if they try to swim towards the mainland.

Yea honestly its retarded. People these days are fucking spoiled and lazy. They want things for free and get it the easy way. When yhey dont get what they want they whine like immature kids

We need to give San Andreas the bombs it deserves