Will housing ever be unfucked?

Will housing ever be unfucked?

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problem isn't with the real estate market, it's with wages

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it has to at some point, the price literally cannot keep inflating 10x faster than wages to afford the damn things, their going to need to introduce pricing caps at some point or its 08 all over again.

No. Unless welfare comes with a syringe of birth-control and the border is sealed.

That frog accurately depicts how I feel.

when The War starts yea

Not as long as there are (((landlords))).

Oh the volume of derivatives is already back to those points. Be prepared.

>keep inflating 10x faster than wages to afford the damn things, t
house that was built for one family now either has a an entire extended family or retarded hipster roomates sharing the cost

+++ I'm ready to work. I need you to get your security at Trump Tower to get me your direct number. The head detective will know it's me. (I didn't give away my cover) I'll be there at 3:33 on the 6th, looking to close this deal by the 7th ++ + + +

Once all the baby boomers (I mean literal baby boomers, not the Jow Forums meme) start kicking the bucket it will. Give it 10 - 20 years and supply and demand will level things out.

Housing bubbles pop, it's a pretty common 10 year cycle. Just wait, and they'll come crashing down.

And if you've got capitol, invest in real estate as much as you can when the crash happens.

No. It will get worse, and they arent about to develope more housing anywhere. Houses will continually get more expensive to the point where whole families will live together.

How does it feel being a piece of shit

You need money

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Nope, cause you vote in leaders that approve mcmansion style houses with little to no yard left so they charge more in taxes because of the living space. Then allow condos and townhouses for some kickbacks and people who can barely afford that now pay a monthly $300+ HOA fee. Since no smaller single family homes are built anymore they are also jacked up in price. All "low income" housing is not for you, cause you work for a living. Enjoy.

>problem isn't with the real estate market, it's with wages
That and the reckless spending by local municipalities that requires outrageous property tax revenues. This is another reason why property (((values))) will never go down again.

Buy a less expensive house maybe? Fucking millennials. If you don’t have nigger tier credit you can buy a new home for $150k with zero down payment.
No it’s not made of brick, sure it might have a one car garage, no it’s probably not in your cities CBD; but take care of it and after 2-5 years sell it for a profit.
Fuck me I hate the kikes too, but at some point it’s your own fault.

>t. RE broker

>t. RE broker
You'll be medium/high on the list on the day of the rope.


If only the burgers' parents actually paid off their homes and passed them down to their kids, but literally everyone lives on mortgage and credit because they're retarded and don't understand the words "Long Term."
Just because you're poor doesn't mean a valid job is somehow corrupt.
>t. An actual real estate agent working in SoCal
>Also yes, I'm Jewish

>he doesn't live in Toronto

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Hell no. It will only get worse
Our gov has just kinda thrown bandages that still have the fucking wrappers on them at the market.

>literally everyone

The boomers will die. Medical technology cant keep up with them forever

I do hvac and am in boomer houses all day and sometimes night. They have the bulk of the nice houses from my experience and they will all be dead in the next 10-20 years. I'm no expert in real estate, but that seems like a lot more supply than demand. Unless our shit governments plan to fill those boomer mansions with illegals, prices should crash hard.

It's called a hyperbole

and ten mexicans will live in their homes
You think American home are expensive compare the price per square foot to some poor asian country

No it won't. Immigration will continue to keep housing prices at sky high levels for many years to come.

The point of using literally is to make it clear that it is not hyperbole

Okay goy, you sure taught me

Wages are suppressed and real estate prices are being driven up. It's both.

Yeah I would place those two at the top of my list for housing inflation.

>I just bought a house

>tfw 25 y.o. boomer who owns his own house
I am rebuilding my back porch right now. Really enjoying that new compound miter saw I bought for the project. It takes up a lot of space, but who cares? I have a two car garage AND a driveway. Plenty of space!

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>27 and looking.
I don't know if I should save for a market crash, or sell my bike and go all in while the money's still free....

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It depends on your area. My area is growing at an insane rate, so even if there is a crash the price is going to go back up eventually. Watch the rents in your area in comparison with the housing prices. If rents are going down but prices are staying the same or rising, wait for a crash. If rents are growing at the same or faster rate than home prices, buy. That way if you buy and there is a crash, you can buy more and make passive income on rentals.

Also important to note, don't just look at rent prices. Look at how many rental properties are being built. What you are trying to figure out is if developers are investing in your area and the general demand on the market in relation to the supply. Rentals are a far better indicator of this than housing prices.

>American housing market
Boy you have no idea.

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It depends on if you have a good job and a lot of liquid assets. My fiancee and I ate saving up because we both are well paid and are expecting to put nearly half down on something nice when the next crash happens

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New homeowner here. I also have a nice 2 car climate controlled garage. I rebuilt the front brakes on my 1999 Honda (original owner) over the weekend. It was great. I have always done my own car maintenance but it had always been in a driveway ir parking lot. Doing it in air conditioning with my stereo blasting my favorite tunes and my wife cooking dinner upstairs was awesome. I'm loving having my own place.

Kansas City, paid $195k for a 3 bedroom with a nice front and back yard, full 2 car garage with room for a workbench and storage with 2 cars parked in it.

>Kansas City

Glad you're enjoying nowhere land.

Yeah, we have fucking nothing and are praying for a VA loan before the new landlord realizes we're the only ones paying less than 1k.