White Men... , I

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Please gimme cool wine aunts wojacks

Pathetic, I wonder what these girls fathers think, when they throw themselves a fake wedding to celebrate their fake happiness?
here's a wedding cake more suited to their usual tastes.

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suicide by 35

>my daughter is a crazy fucking bitch: the article

How to create future cat ladies of America, and here's why that's a good thing!

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The only time they don't push for """diversity""" is when telling people not to have children

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Well then they can just go fuck themselves.

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wait...you can do this?

do you get tax breaks?

Thanks for the laugh, oleksander

> Mentally ill people demand attention from others

News at 11

>When you'd literally rather marry yourself than lower any of your redundant standards and/or become a better person.

At least MGTOW and incels just rabble rabble at eachother online instead of wasting money and resources on this overblown testament to their narcissism.

There are few things more vain.

Women continue to prove their feebleness when left to their own devices, unchallenged by society.

Tax breaks, it's a loop hole

>Why women are choosing to marry themselves
Because the government has replaced God and men. The government has become the super alpha male that gives them gibs so they'll keep giving the government more power at the expense of men.

>woman gets out of hand
>man smacks her
>she calls police
>man is taken of to jail

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>wait...you can do this?

>do you get tax breaks?
lol no

women are fucking nuts, there's not a single case of a man doing this

Ah yes, the sacred union between women and Arby's

Female here. I personally love the shitstorm that starts everytime some poor faggot makes one of these anti women threads. Gives me a chance to see just how upset I've made everyone and chuckle a bit.
You think jokes about kitchens or showing tits bother me? It just goes to show how much power any random female holds over you, they can pull your complete attention away from a topic just by having a vagoo.
Sure, you'll act tough and cynical here, but we all know it's just a desperate overcompensation for how much of a doormat you are IRL. If you decide to lash out and act a bit sexist now and then, I can't really complain.
After all, we do pretty much run the show. Men rely on us, work for us, spend money on us, buy us houses and cars and clothes, sign prenups that we can turn around and cash in when we feel like ditching them for a younger, cuter piece of ass.
Got a kid with a girl? Don't fool yourself, it's HER kid, not yours. Piss her off and she'll take it and leave your ass, and you can pay her a nice chunk of child support for the rest of your life.
Yep, this is the power we hold over you. So you go ahead and make your rape jokes, really. I still know that when you see me on the streets you'll be watching, getting hard, and problably crying a tear or two because you know you'll always be a forever alone faggot

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>there's not a single case of a man doing this
There are cases of men marrying their waifus in Japan.

have you ever met a women under 35 that loves anything more then herself? or her pet?

This just sounds like women having a mid-life crisis.

>Japan Flag
>Female here

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>But we must secure a future for whites
The people on this board piss me off so much sometimes, figure out what you want

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Try harder, spoofag

Glad I'm not white nor ever interested being with white women.

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Old pasta and weak bait. Kys

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Can I get a TLDR?

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now this is sad lmao

and that's a good thing

I need a collage of these

>i am the one

Dominatrix fembot is leaking its AI intentions, brb putting my face on milk cartons

This is why

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>Tied the knot

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>men go their own way
>women go their own way
>eventually they meet each other on the other side

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Fucking look at her. Hopefully she didn't look like that while they were married otherwise the guy was insane.

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yeah let's shame the incels into doing... what?

Jesus fucking Christ. The ride never ends, does it?

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Good for the man, getting out of that marriage. Don't stay tied down to the mentally ill.

MGTOW is the future

Are you under the impression that there are women on this board (lol) who want to marry themselves?


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Hi Joan

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gook posts weak bait

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this & checked

Cunt that kid is like 10 years old.


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That's what others get for being roasties.
I'll enjoy my real wedding.
The abaolute state of women.

that smile...

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So do they pay for it themselves, or do they make their daddies pay?

Holy shit

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>mass reply
>wall of text

they are exploiting the trump tax cuts. those bitches need to go to jail and do hard time and be molested by the prison guards

lmao wtf

They are already past their midlife crisis anyway

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Women = Cancer
I don't give a shit about the perspective of the vaginal beast

That's a whole new level of sad.

They'd really rather marry themselves in a display of pure lunacy than even try to be tolerable.

Western white women elevate narcissism to a new relationship status!


You have to understand... the alternative is to admit to themselves that all the people they hate, who have been telling them to straighten out were right; and that they have thrown away their whole life based on a lie they were told as a kid.

It almost makes more sense to just keep digging at that point. Maybe there's something at the bottom.

You can do that?

Fuck it, why not, what's the worst that could happen?


Have you got any video of her eating the actual cake?

did she cheat on herself with a mirror?

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Wait. I'm a bit lost here.
Men don't get married and it's "incel this" and "mgtow that".
Women don't get married and it's "I'm marrying myself" and "sologamy"?

Serious question: What's the difference between sologamy and mgtow with a $60k pity party?

This is leftist propaganda, all the white girls i know want to be married, niggers and spics often dont get married that is what this is being dragged down by

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At least I have a waifu.
They're not even getting a husbando.

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>when your personality is absolutely terrible and no one can stand you but you always wanted a wedding and are determined to play pretend

This is why removing femininity while continuing to celebrate marriage was a bad idea- large numbers of women have become unmarriagable even in their pretty youth because they're such awful people and have no concept of not being such a bitch all the time. But they still want that wedding.

Makes sense. They'll never love anything more than themselves.

What the fuck is this even possible?
This is the first article I completely don't understand, it's all downhill from here

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Has there ever been a cultural trend (probably more like a few people) more pathetically narcissistic, immature and wasteful concept than this? Spending thousands of dollars so that you can be the center of attention while through a empowerment charade pretend to yourself that that you're happy and successful, rather than a tragic, broken loser who wishes they could be normal, but can't land a man (presumably because of crippling personality issues). And shamelessly dragging all your friends and family along to this shit as well....

Honestly, to me this is 10x more degenerate than Fat Pride or pedo-rights.

I guess they can fuck themselves while they're at it.

So beautiful, The whiteman needs sharia that is all. If they form it in their own way so be it.

Doesn't matter if this is fake. It's true. And y'all know it. Amen sistah!

>Why Women are choosing to marry themselves

>marry yourself
>divorce yourself
>get 80% of your own money
>government gets other 20% in taxes

Try harder you nigger loving kike

if i need to love myself i just jack off to some anime tiddies or trap dick