Tell me, why am I supposed to hate blacks, latinos, and homos again? These guys sound bro as fuck

Tell me, why am I supposed to hate blacks, latinos, and homos again? These guys sound bro as fuck.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Tell me, why am I supposed to hate blacks, latinos, and homos again?
The rape, murder, and other violent crime, mainly. Also the poverty and abject squalor that plagues any community they settle in.

it's sad, dying websites write articles tailored to Jow Forums audience for cheap clicks then shill them here

You need to be taking the Kool-Aid intravenously to publish this headline with a straight face
They're nice boys but they're gonna have to go back.

Come for the rants, stay for the bants.

>Patriot prayer
>Proud boys
>White supremacist

Attached: Thinka.png (1264x1264, 1.76M)

BASED black men.

>Proud Boys
>hate group

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>“A lot of these young guys, especially from the software world, who are being sucked into white nationalism, start out being worked up about Ayn Rand in high school.”

Ayn Rand is a white nationalis?

All races must come together against the jew.

I just DO NOT understand how black people fight. I've been in more than my fair share of fights, and I've watched probably hundreds, if not thousands, of these gifs and videos now. Any other race, it's the same. They do some stupid chest-beating shit, one guy shoves the other, and then they start swinging. Sure, there's variations in the way people fight-Chinese dudes kick you more for some reason, big white dudes do the whole one-hand-extended-right-cross-with-the-other thing, Mexicans and slavs punch you in the ribs and stomach a bunch, and sometimes the dudes who do MMA go for a roundhouse or an elbow or a hold-but mostly all guys everywhere sorta move the same way.
Not black guys. They do this weird sorta rhythmic weavy thing that conveys something I just don't understand, they lean in with their legs and crotches while their head stays in the same place so that they're bent backwards, they throw their arms back like they WANT to be hit, they dance and skip around, and then one dude throws this HUGE, wide fucking arcing shot, and it somehow connects. And the scary thing is, it looks like it fucking hurts. Those guys go down like they fell asleep standing up. They way they move baffles me, and I don't know whether to be impressed or scared or just confused or what.
I'm not even kidding, I got physical with a black guy once and he literally fucking JERKED-as in, he actually did the dance and kept saying "WHAT"-backwards whenever I advanced on him.
Maybe that's the point, but I just do not fucking comprehend AT ALL how nogs move in a fight. Something about the geometry of it just doesn't make any sense.
Blackanons, explain it to me.

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That sounds like illegal immigrants. Not based right-wing PoCs and faggots.


Maybe because white supremacist groups aren’t actually supremacist groups but white NATIONALIST groups. Groups in which white pride is encouraged and practiced. Maybe these young men of color have sympathy for whites because they realize the media has an agenda against them.

Young men of color are joining...
>known extremists,” according to the Southern Poverty Law Center
What is it about these groups that would make Juan and Tyrone not believe they're racist?
The splc is full of shit.
But these "groups" are suspect in many ways.

This reeks of clickbait bullshit.
>giving people page views

they just throw all the things they hate together into a single ball so it is easier to remain in a state of cognitive dissonance

They're joining the men group. White Supremacist and fascists is their code for men. They can't just say men, and evoke an emotional response.

The Proud Boys are civ nats that love a good fight. The majority of them happen to be white, but they aren't a white identity group. I know of some black and Samoan members.

Groups like the Proud Boys have been getting blasted as being white supremacy groups mostly because Antifa-aligned individuals infest the media. They sort of beat a few Antifa members doubly-retarded when Antifa were out trying to fracture skulls with clubs and batons and shit. Antifa and the far-left in general are just sour, bitter little spineless pussies. They're gutless shitbirds.

> Let in spies and saboteurs, goy.
> You can trust them!

Probably this.
Without giving that shitlib website clicks, they probably label any group that isn't "Kill all whipipo, now gibsmedat" as "white supremacist".
Which leaves a huge space for non-whites who don't wish to be ruled over by screeching LGBWTFBRAAAP feminazis to find common cause with whites who just want some Real (as opposed to social) Justice.

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My god, this is so fucking stupid.

That's this entire timeline like 90% of the time,desu

Much easier for an actual jew to "infiltrate".
Not that they need to, they simply label them as "hate groups" from the outside without even considering what they stand for.

Because when you don't leave people alone that is what you get !!!

Maybe they're not actually white supremacists.

White power! (im not white)

So, they're trying the good ole Infiltration method? Anybody else see this.

how are the proud boys racist lol? shit tier site and piece of shit ARUN GUPTA can hang from a tree for all i care

>"men of color are joining white supremacist groups"

Orrrrr... Crazy thought here... Maybe, just maybe...

Those groups aren't actually white supremacist groups.

Because they look and act different from us, also I'm sexually frustrated and take it out on minorities

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I really just hate anti-white white people.

I want everyone to have their own nationalism, but anti-white whites are the no. 1 threat to planet earth.


>Gavin McAnus Gay Boys
>lolbertarians that reject identity politics
>white supremacists

>making a white power hand sign

Stopped reading there desu, I will save the rest of you the time and note that they were making the meme OK symbol and half of them were black. Author is literally retarded.

Look at how animals like gorillas and hyenas do displays of dominance and you'll understand

Trinidad is home to the most imfamous non-White White supremacist.

Naipaul and Liberal Whites

>He found Africa “obscene,” peopled as it was with “primitive” natives. He had almost no kind words. On the military: the armies “are frightfully good against civilians”. On English ex-pats: “I am much more concerned with people who find liberation among their inferiors”; they are “second-rate whites with second-rate ambitions”. On white South Africans: they “indulge in the obscenity of disciplining Africans… you either stay away from the continent, or you go there and discipline the savages”.

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>he fell for the le based black man meme

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>Ayn Rand is a white nationalis
No, she was a filthy Jewish degenerate, who promoted hedonism and soulless materialism.

“multiracial white supremacy” HAHAHAHAHAaaaaaaahahahahhahaha the left is desperate

>>Patriot prayer
>>Proud boys
>>White supremacist
This is what people consider white these days

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They're not joining ehute supremacist groups but white nationalists which any sane man would.


BlackAnon here: It's because the White supremacist are the only ones that can talk about community-, family- and national-health openly and fervently. I know I'm hated, but it isn't anything new for me.

I will take what is useful to my self and my community, and leave the rest. Don't confuse this with self-hatred.

Pic related. This statement isn't controversial in the slightest but would get me kicked out of many circles.

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>This is what people consider white these days

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Ethnic nationalism isn't just for whites
Most peoples would benefit from the death of globalism

Checked for truth.

Also checked for truth.

You aren't. You are degenerate American goy, they're degenerate goyim. Both of you are subhuman.

>On English ex-pats: “I am much more concerned with people who find liberation among their inferiors”; they are “second-rate whites with second-rate ambitions”. On white South Africans: they “indulge in the obscenity of disciplining Africans… you either stay away from the continent, or you go there and discipline the savages”.
Damn these are harsh redpills

Actually mostly sounds like blacks and, unfortunately, they're all citizens.

This user gets it. I wish it weren't this way, but it is. And the sooner we can get people fighting against this threat, allied across ethnic and religious and cultural lines, the better chance we have against the threat.

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proud boys let in homos and is full of hispanics, who in their right mind can call them white supremacists?

richard spencer is an obvious homo so i guess fags are in the picture for most groups sadly

If you were a true nationalist wanted to improve the u.s. the best way to go about it would self deport to Africa with your own kind. If everybody in the US were to be nationalist with conservative views, then blacks would still be the weakest link. Theres no need for your kind here, you know it and I do.

i feel sad for self aware blacks, you're stuck between a rock and a hard place my man

See here If everybody in the world had the same outlook in life that would benefit white people, blacks would still be a problem. So, it's not about ideologies, it doesn't make any sense. Stop shilling

I live in the US but I'm not an American. I'm already way ahead of you.

But after I leave, you're still going to deal with the BQ -- that's what you get for importing them over by the boatload. You'd do well to eliminate welfare and segregate them in a Bannonist way of forcing them to shape up. Peaceful and separate coexistence with them is the only realistic choice, unless you want to literally carve out a Black nation in the US South.

There are many more right-wing blacks than you'd assume. And most of them are women.

Well, compared to American "whites"...

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So if you support Trump and value the Constitution, according to the media, you're a white supremacists. These people are ridiculous.

> Implying that globalism is less of an issue for White and Blacks.
> good boy, focus on the Blacks instead of globalism.

You either don't realize how globalism is going to absolutely FUCK the West, or you think that Blacks are a bigger threat than they actually are.

Going after Blacks is the low-hanging fruit of White Nationalism. It's fun, but you're shirking the real work that needs to be done. Black ghettos are literally fish in a barrel -- drain their gibs and you've controlled them. Whereas confronting the threat that Globalism poses to the West (e.g. mass migration to Europe) is a Difficult Task.

Stop being effeminate and do the Difficult Task that will actually lead to your salvation.

It fucking sucks, and it's incongruous that Jow Forums is one of the few places that understand my struggle. What a fucking time to be alive.

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There are more white, Asian, and Hispanic right wingers than blacks based on racial breakdown of political voters.

The meme of based blacks is made by blacks in a poor attempt to divert attention elsewhere. A desperate attempt

you sir are the untermench

Where did I make any claims about the proportion of right-wing Blacks in comparison to other groups? Why would you think I'd want any part in the 'Based Blacks' meme, which consists primarily of Black pathologically seeking White approval.

Work on your reading comprehension. For your own sake.

They want us divided. Let's save the race war for after we kill the lizard people

Once we uproot the bankers and drain the swamp, any problems caused by nigs and spics will be a piece of cake to solve

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the left's idea of diversity is the destruction of true diversity
as usual they want to destroy the very thing they virtue signal about, a total projection
the left are the true racists
the "alt nazi extreme right" simply wants to have a discussion about all the terrible reasons (violence, suffering, death) to rapidly and drastically alter the demographics of a nation
we want to reach solutions peacefully, respectfully, passively, voluntarily, etc.
the left wants divided groups of victim cults they can pander to and control... and dispose of when no longer needed
meanwhile, even immigrants don't want all this crazy globalism mass migration social engineering

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No, you don't hate them, just like you don't hate crows.

You simply recognize that on average:

1. They will remain tribal and will lobby for their collective interests against your collective interests
2. They are more violent (but #1 is all that should matter)
3. They are less intelligent (but #1 is all that should matter)

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Yes, let's look the other way and avoid the increasing worlwide population of blacks that will soon be spilling into white countries fleeing from their shitholes.

The blacks are a problem just like the rest of the minorities, the only problem is blacks will be the ultimate death of the world when intermixing has been completed in its totality.

black men are based I let them fuck my lily white girlfriend sometimes

Even black people are tired of black peoples shit.

They're not fighting to kill. White people will fight to kill.


>proud boys
>White supremacist group
kys faggot

My god the memes are becoming real.

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Daily reminder that anything to the right of BAMN is a white supremacist group

> survive the whiteness we're forced to experience

Yeah, I'd be sending that motherfucker back TOMORROW if I were in charge.

>Is the future of hate multicultural?
yes, it is. of course it is. look at brown countries.

Trying to discredit my input my trying to undermine my reading comprehension is juvenile.

Your comment specifically set aside the black problem in replace of globalism. Why the constant shift, unless you had some sort of stake into a pro black agenda.

only the retarded racists think that way. culture is everything, race is nothing.

> Implying that the West couldn't close their borders if they decided
> Implying that White civilization is so great while arguing that Blacks living in squalor will infiltrate despite White countries' best attempts

Fix your national policy issues and you won't have to worry about 'refugees' showing up. The West has the means to stop the infiltration of 'refugees', but not the will. Hungary did it and Israel is about to expel their 'refugees'.

Globalization is leading to the migrant crisis, not Blacks. Globalism wants cheap, dumb labor. Globalism wants more consumerists and materialists making Western salaries. Globalism wants open borders. Globalism doesn't give a shit about national character.

I'll say it again: remove Blacks from the equation and you'll still have a migrant crisis. Neutralize globalism with strong nationalistic polices and the hordes of migrants suddenly arent your problem.

I'm sorry to notify you that V.S. Naipaul died on August 11th.

> "I do not write for Indians," he says, "who in any case do not read. My work is only possible in a liberal, civilized Western country. It is not possible in primitive societies."

> Tarrio, who identifies as Afro-Cuban, is president of the Miami chapter of the Proud Boys, who call themselves “Western chauvinists,” and “regularly spout white-nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists,” according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
what's more plausible
> afro-cuban joins a white supremacy group
> (((SPLC))) is lying through their teeth, again

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Because they want you to be a 2nd class citizen that does not qualify for ANY scholarships or jobs due to your magical privilege.

Sage you faggot glow in the dark faggot.

>You'd do well to eliminate welfare and segregate them in a Bannonist way of forcing them to shape up. Peaceful and separate coexistence with them is the only realistic choice, unless you want to literally carve out a Black nation in the US South.

I don't see a problem with this really since it's happening anyway. Balkanization sucks but at least it would stop the infighting and make being a traitor or cuck actually untenable for a change.

I'm still racist as fuck but I honestly can't hate any race except Jews.

White people are real. I prefer white people to people of every other race and I even prefer white Americans to white people from other lands. White is not a social construct. Mestizos and Asians and Arabs are not and will never ever be white. HOWEVER, I also know that the Jew is the problem that faces every other race on Earth and I will happily work with anyone of any race who wants to solve the Jewish Problem once and for all. Every country on Earth should be a 95+% pure nation state under fascist governments that discourage racemixing, and the Zionist entity should not exist.

Outside of the ideal world, I'm still going to push for white interests and white supremacy in America. But I'm tired of race-hatred and fighting with people that aren't even the real problem.

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The real redpill for black people is when they realize that they are happier when white people are in charge.

>making Western salaries
they want to depress all salaries

Juvenile? You literally misunderstood what I wrote and your response reflected that. If I'm wrong it would be *easy* to show -- that's the beauty of Jow Forums. Instead you're just emotionally mouthing off like an effete man.

Yeah. If the US can't even deport its Hispanic immigrants, I don't know why people here think that deporting African-Americans, who have been in the US several generations, is feasible.

Point taken. But still, even with depressed salaries in the West, migrants would be making more than they would in fucking Benin or Bangladesh.

When have white people ever NOT been in charge in Black communities?

There have been brief stints of true Black independence within the US, but they failed due to a mix of other jealous Blacks and jealous poor Whites. Which highlights this post:

Let's say that all migration into countries siezes. Now, we still have to pay to aid Africa and the rest of the world. Only problem is Africa will never be a self sustaining country. Africas population rises, so does the cost. More African diseases, infighting, and political instability causes more problems for us.

Then, that sets up not migrants, but asylum seekers. Kind of funny how you left out "asylum seekers" and so focused on "migrants".

I'm a Proud Boy and the optic cuckery disgusts me. I posted a spicy meme about the Jews and was told by another member that the Jews are the chosen people and I almost quit on the spot. I'm slowly trying to red pill my group. Having niggers and spics will help us keep our jobs if we get doxxed but there's no reason we should be as delusional as the left.

fuck off retard, you're not "supposed" to hate anything

This. I'm not so much in it because I love the white race, but because I understand what the Jews are doing. I want there to be black people, and white people, and every people there is. But ethnicities are being destroyed like languages are, becoming homogenized.

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not to blackpill you harder but you're in about the best place you could be, africa wouldnt be any kinder to someone like you. as many sperglords as there are here i think you'll find a lot of older and usually more mature nationalists have no ill will toward say you, you're an ally and there's not enough of us to be picky or act like shits.

the shield wall is gonna need every man who feels the call and has the nuts to fight

>I'm a proudboy
cuck confirmed

>These guys sound bro as fuck.

It's funny because it's true

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at one point i considered joining the proud boys but getting labeled as a member of a hate group but also having to put up with jew and faggot loving is too much for me

Wow, looks like white supremacy is very diverse.

>Here’s why:
>And that’s a good thing

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