What would you do if you were the kids of illegal immigrants...

What would you do if you were the kids of illegal immigrants. What if you were either a DACA student or an "anchor baby"?
Checkmate Jow Forums

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what a retarded argument.

some one.... pays you actual money for this drivel?

Answer the question

i'd stay in my own country, you retard.

Anchor babies are US citizens so why should they care?

get free money from the government

But your parents brought you here, you wouldn't have anything to your name if you leave.

I would go back to be with my people

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My father was an illegal Italian immigrant. Mother white German American. Father deported when I was little. The dummy should’ve filled out his immigration paperwork but didn’t want to deal with it. My brothers and I all served our country and resent him for being a shitbag.

Report the law-breaking scum to the authorities.

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not for long. we are going to start revoking citizenship and the 14th amendment is finished as well

Kill myself.

I would work on fixing my own damn country instead of free-loading in someone else's.

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I would take my superior starting position in life and go back to conquer the motherland.

But I'm not a lowlife spic so it's a non issue

Trump never should have backed down on the child separation issue. Between that and DACA, he was perfectly positioned to force the Republicans and Democrats to actually pass immigration reform. Instead he cucked out and guaranteed that immigration won't be fixed within the next 2-6 years.

I'd report my parents for child endangerment for rolling the dice with my life the way they did. I'd never forgive them for being so lazy as to not even bother to apply for citizenship.

Then I'd go back. Because I would not be able to live with myself as a parasite living off the hard earned resources of the glorious, beautiful white people.

then maybe I'd apply for citizenship to the US because Mexico is a shithole.

>But your parents brought you here

my parents are FROM here, you imbecile.

I would do the USA a favor and go the fuck home with my new skills and knowledge

what a fucking lazy wop.

I'd hate my parents, probably.

I'd suck a jew's peepee.

The only reasonable solution is as follows:

All anchor babies currently retain citizenship. Children brought to the country while young, by illegal parents, go back to their country of origin. Parents of anchor babies who have not naturalized go back to their country of origin. Law is amended to only give citizenship to children born in the US when BOTH parents are naturalized. All countries grant citizenship to children of their citizens born in foreign lands, therefore, the child can go back to the alien parent's country of origin.

This is the only way to staunch the bleeding.

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Not according to actual law, which has been perverted over time.

not bad, not a bad idea, and don't forget about NO AMNESTY, seriously fuck Reagan for that and raising the drinking age

beat you to it slowpoke

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Yeah, but it you were a baby that came here without a choice illegally you'd probably be less bigoted.

>muh bigotry
thats the parent's fault

I would become a murder-rapist like any other shitskin out there, rape my way through USA and hop the Canadian border to get the refugee gibs Trudeau is handing out.

Still haven't answered shit. If you were a kid that came here illegally or an "anchor baby" what would you feel like? You'd probably more open minded and not racist. Just imagine yourself in their shoes, they didn't have a choice in what their parents did.

Sage faggot

I would fucking leave because I have a sense of fucking honor

I'd get the fuck out while the going's still good!

I would turn myself into ICE, as soon as possible.

Do the right thing and go back to my home country rather than be a parasite on other countries and also turn in my criminal parents.

Ooga booga Nigawood

well if i were illegal kid in US it would mean my parents crossed the border of another country and started from 0, so i get the same start as my father.
it also means your parents knew what they were getting you into, they knew risks and took them, so both them and kids can't blame anyone that they are getting punished for breaking the law
you think just becouse they've lived in some country they can't live in other countries?
if you realy belive those people must be in US, it's clear your world view puts US as best country in the world, and the rest of the world as a shithole
you don't have any rights to a place where you moved as a child and never paid taxes.
and you can't blame people who don't want you in their country, because it's their country and there are reasons why so many people want to get there. noone needs vultures
you don't see people blaming chinese when they execute people for possesion of weed.
it's unfair to, and i wouldn't want to be this guy, so i don't walk around china with weed in my pockets

and on the other hand, what would you do if illegal migrant stabed you to death?

>What would you do
Nice strawman. I don't blame illegals for what they do. They are desperate people doing what desperate people do. It's the enablers who are to blame. That doesn't change the fact that they are illegal and need to get the fuck out.

>tfw your entire argument and political beliefs are what if statements
>Buhduh what if u was minority hehe chechm8 racists
This is fucking sad

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>What would you do if you were the kids of illegal immigrants
I wouldn't register for a program that requires I provide all my relevant info to the government

id kill myself

My dad is (was) an illegal immigrant. I reported his ass to the authorities when I was younger. Just saw my dad last year after 13 years, he still hates me lol.

Anchor babies are not legally citizens by the letter of the law. If we actually enforced immigration law they would go back with their parents. "Dreamers" are straight up illegals just like their parents and go back exactly the same. What's to BTFO other than the kikes who abuse the system to fuck with our demographics and harvest shekels?

I would crawl through broken glass to suck the dick of the last guy that fucked her

what would i do you ask?

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obviously I'd play the fiddle and try to stay in the better country. I can tell you I wouldn't be holding signs up at protests saying "fuck this country" tho.

i'd be grateful for what i have and live my life without trying to make obnoxious moral claims on things i deserve less than natives