How can he be so redpilled, and yet so cucked on the jews?

How can he be so redpilled, and yet so cucked on the jews?

Does he know something we don't?

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He literally works for them.

He's not redpilled. He literally just believes whatever people around him tell him.

Friends close, enemies closer you fucking faggot

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I think he's clueless.

I thought he knew Israel did 9/11.

Most people don't know, Israel attacked the USA on 9/11? And I have proof:

Attached: Cozy_NicholasKlein.jpg (1212x463, 99K)

>911 truth
>link to a 2 hour documentary
Why do people do this?

>Why do people do this?

because it's the best there is. Have you seen it?

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He literally had a swastika on his desk the other day, wtf are you talking about?

He did New York real estate.
The Jew is no stranger to him.

+++ I'm ready to work. I need you to get your security at Trump Tower to get me your direct number. The head detective will know it's me. (I didn't give away my cover) I'll be there at 3:33 on the 6th, looking to close this deal by the 7th +++++ ++++

His affliliates are evangelicals who are pro israel. As much as all the tropes about Jews are correct, high I.Q marxists who control and own everything and are subverting the west, a good number of them will collectively call on their messiah before the end, as predicted in the bible. Not all jews are marxists. So part of Gods plan was to bring them back into their homeland, as God still has a plan for the nation as per his covenant with their ancestor Abraham. Call me a nutty zionist, but it is true. Half of the geniuses out of the west, with their contributions and inventions were Jewish. They aren't all evil. Just a fraction of them.

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Stay mad goys.

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>How could someone tap into popular sentiment and use it as a platform despite having no real intention to follow through

Literally every politician ever did this you retard sack of shit

>Does he know something we don't?
Like that ZOG isn't a thing? Yeah, he probably does know something you don't, lad.

Didn’t he fire the head jew at the federal reserves though?
>slow death by a thousand cuts?
Team ramrod?

his son-in-law is jewish you retard

>Mossad tracking/uncover sandniggers plot to attack
>knew they would find a way to royally fuck it up
>assisted the sandniggers knowingly or unknowingly to the terrorists
1/3 of what you say is true.
>deep state actors
>house of Saud
There’s your other 2/3

he isnt redpilled , anything redpilled he does\says is at bibi's direction . he's a likud puppet running USA.

Attached: amerifats.webm (574x382, 1.24M)

I thought he would have bombed Isreal by now. It was her turn too.

he's "cucked on jews" because so is the majority of his base. you act like Jow Forums style antisemitism is the norm; most hardcore trump supporters would let the entire IDF run train on their daughter.

Putin tells him what to do too. Actually I heard Obama is going to replace Drumph as potus when he get arrested for treason. It will be so glorious.

Impossible not to be involved with them in his position. However he knows as do they, that it's effective to destroy something from the inside.

I have daughters and I hope they find a nice IDF man to marry.

None of you know what he thinks, what pressures he's under, what's actually happening behind the scenes.
All you can do is speculate.
But your speculation is not 'fact', so don't act like it is.

he's just playing the jews

he is not redpilled at all

Yeah. Like half of his family (probably more if counting grandsons).

He is chosing the nationalist Jews over globalist ones. Divide and conquer. Also Netanyahu hates Soros already so it's not crazy to assume that even Israelis are tired of the globalists' shit.


Once we take our bankers back Israel will just be another shithole in the ME so whatever works