So, uhh, I have noticed a change in the last six months. I'm a mix breed (non black) and I happen to look like a Muslim. I've been used to whites being uncomfortable around me until they hear me speak. Usually they never had an issue if I was with my white bread friends, but now that doesn't even help as they eye me suspicion these days. Whites have started giving me space when walking by and have been noticeably apprehensive about even going down a shopping isle that I'm in. Which is wise of them but it's messing with me. I'm already deracinated and I don't need this. And I have been in silent rage against all of the shitskins in Europe ruining my capacity to form positive first impressions with all of their sandnigger antics. I've been musing at how the terminus of this will come to look like and basically it's pic fucking related for me. Fellow shitskins feel free to weigh in. I just don't want to be rounded up, I'm always the most ardent against those browner than me.
Whitey pls no bulli
You ought to be rounded up tho. Niggers have no place in North America.
t. fellow shitskin
If you don't want to be rounded up then you should get out of my country. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here, desu.
I'm italian and sometimes people think I'm a spic, which is at least just as bad.
They come and try to speak spanish to me
Inb4 Uncle Tom the thread
t. Not an Uncle Tom, I'd have to be a nigger to be one.
I was born here to American citizens and was raised in a white bread family that had a few half Filipinos in it
We didn't create you, Frankenstein. What's that old Ron Paul meme? "If only you had listened"?
You didn't stop the left from going crazy and were content to let the white man get attacked. You didn't speak up because you benefited. And now your worried because the terrible giant is slowly awakening.
It's your own fault, you could have prevented this.
Whitey was perfectly fine with your mutt ass until non-whites and the media started getting uppity trying to buck and overthrow our society.
We have serious economic problems to fix and I hope we can get to that instead of dealing with this fucking identity politic bullshit the establishment tried to use as a shield.
What you describe is a realistic possible future when societal order inevitably collapses. Therefore, the only solution will be to quickly and harshly restore order. Of course there will be cleansings but these will primarily target the old elites and criminal elements. After that we will see how strictly the ethnostate concept is defined (good thing we have genetic screening now!).
Europe will see a new dawn!