My dad has a PhD in economy and is a geo-politician (not popular)...and he's literally...

my dad has a PhD in economy and is a geo-politician (not popular)...and he's literally, unironically a commie in favor of dictatorships and tyranny (privately of course)

he claims that capitalism and the modern economy is disgusting and any economy that doesn't use bartering as its system of exchange is catering to an elite who holds all of the established forms of legal tender and that people should never decide the future of a nation or make decisions for a country

given that he's studied economy for 10+ years, and has practiced within his profession for almost half a century, making him more qualified on economics and economic theory than anyone on this board myself included, how are you even supposed to beat that? the more he lectures me the more i feel like capitalism and currency is bullshit

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Is your dad Caesar?

lmao who? you mean julius ceasar?

just because somebody does something for a long time doesn't mean they are right or good at it and authority means nothing

Wow your dad had 10 years of brainwashing and then 50 years of living in an echo chamber? I dont know how anyone can beat that kind of wisdom.
It over boys communism wins.

The dog whisperer.

well i mean i guess, but at the same time it kinda does

if you were dying right now and had to have open heart surgery, would you choose a college kid med student or a PhD doctor specializing in cardiothoracic surgery with 30+ years of *practicing* (not just studying time) experience?

i know which one i'd choose
wait what do you mean? isn't it literally the opposite, he studied the core of the financial system itself

wouldn't it be 10 years of brainwashing and 50 years of an echo chamber if he studied and practiced gender studies or some shit instead of fucking economics / economic theory?


Are you sure he isnt a National Socialist?

Ask him how he could get the average bloke without 10 years of studying economics to not trade for things.
It is literally the human condition to work for yourself and your family first above all. Why does he think any force on earth could stop that?