Got em with the white power hand sign again boys

Ladies and gentlemen... we got em

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Other urls found in this thread:

tricking niggers into chimping out over the most innocuous shit are our most effective psyops

what made IOTBW so effective

She is of Hispanic Jewish ancestry and her grand parents died in the holocaust. Yeah I'm sure she is throwing a white power sign.

she's just winning the game

According to the Daily Beast POC's are Nazi Racists Proud Boy KKK members now.

These people's minds haven't caught up to whats actually going on yet.

they're so stupid, even the ADL says it's not a white power symbol

Attached: C5q5-00XMAAhbUG.jpg (1024x640, 42K)

>scratch yourself
>someone takes a pic of it at a weird time
>"1488, my dudes"

That's so awesome. :^)
If you were one of the original Anons that were in on it there is a new mission straight from a big name in the alt right movement that we need your help on.

When this rolls out it's going to be big.

We can't discuss it here, click this link to go to a private, secure room.

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maybe i'll go down to the Sun Sweet Fresh Market for lunch.

It's OK to use OK.

Attached: OK.jpg (1306x718, 321K)

Fucking Qpple racists!

she looks extremely jewish in the photos on the right side, wow.

> even a jewish mexican can be a white nationalist

White nationalism truly is the most diverse and accepting movement of the modern era.

Check out this insectoid losing his shit.
Why am I not surprised?

Attached: DoofGook.png (1440x2560, 1.06M)

At this point it's an obvious troll, and most people rarely use this gesture, especially outside of the context of signaling that they are okay.

Also, she's such an uggo. wth are people throwing money at her?

Attached: "white guy".png (644x937, 206K)

He doesn't work as MD, was fired fir wife beating.

>allowed entry into host nation
>provided with education and opportunity by host nation
>education and opportunity that puts them in the 99th percentile of privilege in the world
>immediately turn around and undermine host nation, attack native population, sow disorder and instability
>do this for no material gain apart from ideological satisfaction
This guy is a walking argument against immigration

666 satanic hand symbol.

She's part spanish, check her DNA ancestry vid.

ded link

These links are IP grabbers.

Come and get me kike, I'll fuck your ass til its pregnant with twins

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Whatcha doin rabbi? Been a little busy?

Attached: 2018-09-05 04_32_39-_pol_ - Politically Incorrect » Searching for posts that contain ‘hondachat� (625x612, 45K)

When did this whole thing about the ok hand sign being a sign of White supremacy even came from? Is it just leftists seething because the ok hand sign emoji became a meme that was supposed to mock zoomers overuse of the joy emoji followed by an ok hand, a 100 emoji, and a fire emoji? Has humanity gone so downhill that it's actually seething over the most minimal shit? I honestly don't think it's worth to be alive right now, I don't even wanna have kids because I know they will only suffer during these though and dumb fucking times. Humanity is not in the right place right now, let's face it, and it might not be in the right place in the next 100-500 years, it might never get to be in the right place forever...

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that's a completely different link.

Does that change anything you shill?


You really think you can do jack shit with an IP you tech illiterate fucking chimp? I'll give you my real address if you promise to come over. I've got an aluminum bat I'd love to prolapse your anus with

>Niggers think since they throw gang signs everywhere like a dog pissing in the park
>That everyone else does too
They need to hang, our gypsies too pls

Back during the primaries, we memed it up when libshit talk-show hosts were doing the OK hand a lot. It was actually effective and got a good laugh out of it as MSM shit their pants about it for a couple weeks

It was a legit false flag that started here on Jow Forums to show how retarded Leftists would be, like Its Okay To Be White. Trump did it and a bunch of right wing normies emulating him did it.

She's italian.

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It's absolutely amazing how much political discourse is secretly influenced by us. Have we become the Jews Jow Forums?

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Lol reading the comments on twitter is funny as shit.

I love my people

Attached: BlondGirlHeart.jpg (1300x1300, 76K)

did you guys miss this clue in the simulation? the ok hand sign isnt about white power, its ALOT deeper than that... pic related

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Do tell...

I think we should focus on assault gestures next.

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Shes a Sephardic Jew(aka Mexican and Jew.)