Women redpill thread

What is the most uncomfortable red pill on women you have ever taken?
Mine was the fact that 90+% of women have an orgasm when being raped.

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Incel thread. To the camps with you, degenerate

Basically everything MGTOWers say is true and verifiable

that's probably because of an evolutionary process

orgasms induce an increase in vaginal fluid which helps to kill and flush out sperm

How is it incel to redpill people on women? You want your fellow goys to stay bluepilled niceguy cucks?

Why are you not at school?

Except for the individualism/hedonism/not marrying/being a manchild parts almost everything they say is correct

There is no source on OPs bullshit claim.

Women don’t enjoy being raped. Usually the dryness causes tearing and bruises that takes months to heal.

OP is a faggot who should be raped every day until death

Stay bluepilled swedistani

how can dicks of any creature even compete?

no source,

They'll never "love" you as much as you love them

Ive heard this claim a lot. Care to explain it more?

>the fact that 90+% of women have an orgasm when being raped.

This level of believing every fucking thing...

Ýou're not redpilling anyone, user.

This :(

But only to a point.
We're different, that's just it...

get out normie, we can see you glow from your swamp.

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Sweden, continuously the worst posters.

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get the fuck out faggot

I think if a man gets jacked off long enough he'll have an orgasm too, regardless the circumstances.

>flush out sperm

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They can admire you, which is a lot better.


men give love to women, women give love to children, children give love to pets. breaking the hierarchy results in consequences ranging from uncomfortable to catastrophic.

>I hate women, not because I'm a fucking failure in every degree of social interaction but because the roasties!!!!!
I mean at some point you have to realize your own failures to progress, right? haha, nope, get blackpilled faggot, vaginas are literal demons upon this world and my inability to socialize is completely determined upon the other sex being absolute cunts because I'm fucking awesome and deserve playboy models dangling on my dick because....I've acomplished so much, no...because I'm a really good dude who happens to trade common morality for a stamp pass for sex....na that sounds bad. Because wahmen are degenerate!!!! of course that's the excu....reason.

Except for their solutions.

Women partner up for their own reasons; money, safety, elevated status, or a dick to jump on for the summer. They get what they need and are able to move on more quickly.
pls elaborate

The best red pill I've heard is that when a woman farts some of it escapes out the front. With men it always comes out the back because their genitals effectively block the fart.


I checked an Incel forum few days ago. Despite being right on some things on others were just nuts, I have never seen people so filled with self hatred in my entire life, more than a support group looked like a suicide fuel. One guy was even paranoid about going to the hospital thinking that doctors would try to euthanize him for being ugly.

Men are romantics pretending to be pragmatists, and women are pragmatists pretending to be romantics.

While you marry a woman for companionship. She marries you for security/resources. I guess it's an uncomfortable fact for a lot of men, but women don't love you. They have a switch in their brain and the 'love' turns off the instant the security goes away. They aren't evolved for loyalty because loyalty to a guy who can't provide = death.

It's simple evolution at play.

Thats because the suction from fucking, when I go really deep with long strokes my gf pussy starts farting. My gf was ashamed of it at first but I told her I like it, the air escaping brings extra stimulans.


women are so fake that due to their make up they believe to be higher tier than what they really are, so they will technically always "settle down" ergo will always feel like you're less and should be grateful to even be in her presence

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Basic gestalt, you're a weak person that, due to evolutionary algorithms, does not need to reproduce. You're a failure of the human race in totality, and perhaps you can look forwards to fertilizing the ground upon real men will walk.


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Oldfag reporting in.

There's a lot of redpill things with women but 99% of it is simply that women are as good or bad as men. The only real difference with women is they have their negative traits applauded by horrible women who love to have others stoop to their level and by betas who worship the ground they walk on.

Find women who don't embrace degenerate attitudes, there are more out there than you might think. It's easy to spot a slut these days and that's a good thing you know not to waste your time with them. the phrase "don't turn a ho into a housewife" is very important you will probably learn this first hand during your life but treat it as a life lesson don't allow it to make you embittered. Don't try and "save" women and women who needs saving in away way is not worth your time and sooner or later she'll be trying to be "saved" from you". Don't date women with mental illness and I mean ANYTHING even if they joke about it you should leave them. If you don't keep your women interested she'll leave you, don't hate women because you got fat, boring, lazy and don't offer her anything.

You got all that from my post?

you'd think women would have evolved better

No, the entitlement attitude is women projecting their own Disney Princess worldview onto the rest of us. Or their Peg Bundy worldview. Fucking useless entitled cunts want everything handed to them on a plate regardless of how much work they don't put in, then whine and cry when confronted with reality, like they're never going to get a perfect buff rich man who will shower them with 100% of his attention and take them out to enjoy the town without a care in the world for the cost.
Fucking degenerate cunts

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Easy tell this
is a fucking retard is the platitudes that determine his philosophy. Be careful, user!? Let's not forget that sex is a undeniable social interaction in which you provide for a service, that service being virginity. The opposing side says it's okay to get roasted by 100 dicks because she's just finding herself while you're fantasizing about a romantic excursion that will never fully envelope because at this point shes a literal vampire that clings to your artery of money and emotion that have neglected her long ago, but hey that's okay because she changed he tune, she used to fuck 4 guys at once but now she fucks you once a year! Great progress!

He's not talking about queefing.

Admiration is conditional, thus a better motivator to become a better man.

Yeah I did, funny how basic psychology can determine a basic person.

Bible says "that on purpose unlike any other animal birtch, because Eve was a Hoe."

God damn leave the internet for a while. When is the last time you thought for yourself and not got prescribed some youtube pill to swallow?

That 90% statistic is fake.

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I don't get my information on women from the Internet. I come here to escape that shit.

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How do you think it looks like? "Hello, officer. I was raped. I came btw."

swedes are experts on rape now

I said to believe in the phrase "don't turn a ho into a house wife" and to watch out for sluts. You're exactly what I'm talking about when I said "don't allow yourself to become embittered". The attitude of people like you is to put women on a huge pedestal then when you learn you have been in idiot for doing that you go just as wrong the other-way and decide that all women are hell spawn. You need to let go of your hate and grow up.

If you find yourself with such woman just btfo her at first signs of such degeneracy. If you find a loyal one reward her behavior. Basic training psychology.

>you'd think women would have evolved better

Exactly! I think men would of evolved a stomach hatch, kek.

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God damn I really don't even know what to say other than I'm sorry

MGTOW doesnt offer solution for society but for individual men. Let the broken system crash and burn and stay as comfy as possible.

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In my experience its the other way around, but okay

giving women voting rights effectively killed whatever was left of democracy kind-of-working.

My women sjw team is going for team lunch. I am sober but they are from metro city so they are drinker. I have to pretend I drink. What is the crypto alcohol I can drink to pretend I am drinker but can control highness. Pls help

>leaf education
I bet you're a chink, that sounds like one of those chink witch doctor superstitions

just get cokes and pretend they're rum and coke

How you came to that conclusion can only be concluded that you're preaching to a choir you lost long ago. As if pussy belonged on anything but a long list of antibiotics. You tried the ho and housewife paradox and got fucked, then attempt to pass your failure as wisdom to others. Nope, you're a fucking retard that believed in unicorns while giving every reason to believe you're hopeless romantic ideology made a difference to your girlfriends boyfriend.

5% Beer will never get you drunk.

>Anglo education

Daily Incel Redpill:
If i rape/fuck OP in the ass long enough and stimulate his prostate real good he'll be cumming buckets, meaning he loved getting pounded in the ass by me, right?

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Maybe holland beer

Full bottle or one cup?





that they are guidable agreeable sheep that are used by (((globalists))) to destroy our civilization
I couldn't care less about individual issues - you can avoid them and the you can find good women. But this large-scale change is unavoidable and detrimental to everyone

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you arent drinking them fast enough

they actually do not have a functional brain , emotions get in the way of any critical or constructive thinking.
A proven fact by the way

How about the redpill that the female orgasm doesn't exist?

That's so fucking disgusting, I can't wait for artificial wombs.

If you get drunk from 5% alc beer you should probably wear a tutu.

>drinks 1 beer an hour
>durr why beer no get me drunk

hello I am bartender

drink non alcoholic beer

otherwise, ask for tall, no ice, only one ounce or half ounce of alcohols and sip it all night

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Red pills have never made me uncomfortable. Lies and deceptions however have. I can handle truth I just have difficulty in being able to handle raw falsehoods, like being told for my entire life that women are angels in human form, can do no wrong and it's a man's purpose to serve a woman and make her happy. I always knew this was bullshit, but unfortunately I was surrounded by women and barely had any male relationships whatsoever. That was the source of almost all of my misery for a long time. The red pill that this was not true and my full acceptance of it enabled me to achieve contentment.

Women don't matter beyond being breeders. That's the simple reality of life. That is all they're good for. Put them in any other line of work and they're simply denying men opportunitites. And they're telling you this constantly with their behaviours by how they ruin everything they touch outside of the home. Their purpose is to breed, to look good, smell good, feel good and maintain the home, that's it.

a simple google search proves that vaginal fluid can kill sperm depending on various factors such as ph levels, but I'm guessing someone who uses a nigger reaction gif wouldn't know that means


if you have never made your girl orgasm and squirm all over the place you are a fucking faggot

>women can turn up their ph levels when they get raped

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I'm sure for you it doesnt u fat fucking virgin

Basically this. The facts are fairly straightforward and easy to verify if you care enough to check them, the rates of marriage/divorce/alimony/child support/child custody are all easy to check from government sources.

They never love you. They love what you do for them. They don't even love their children. They love the opportunities children bring them throughout life.


If you drink 2-3 pints an hour you will get drunk.

Pretending you are a man because you drink 33cl beers at 7% rather than 550ml at 5% is silly.

If you struggle to get a kick from beer just mix it with pure alcohol 50:50 you won't even notice difference in taste

Wrong. Women invest in children emotionally purely to gain future opportunities from those children such as a higher quality of life in old age when they can no longer care for themselves.

Ok tail. Beer seems too pussy.

When you dig earth doesn't it give out clay for plantation?

What everyone forgets or doesn't realise is women currently control of the definition of what constitutes rape. So they can get drunk and fuck 5 guys at a party, the next day they can claim they were victims of a gang rape and get victim points instead of being called a drunken slut.

This is why they are so touchy about any debate about rape because if they lose control of defining what rape is it will literally turn victims into sluts.

In the mean time lots of guys lives are ruined because childish women don't want to take responsibility for their actions and society rewards them with victim status.

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Don't you know that women can shoot acid from their vagina? Dangerous stuff, that's why foreplay was invented.

>treat my gf like shit all the time
>let her pay for her own shit when we are out
>always tells me how much she loves me and that she wants to marry me and shit

That look on her face. Devotion, submission, adoration. A man would work his life away for a few seconds of that and die contented. And yet she gives it away for a few hundred bucks for her next bag of coke with a guy who gets it from similar whores every day.

As Nietzsche put it, women aren't even shallow. They're surface and nothing but surface. Sexual "liberation" and porn have revealed this and there's no going back, no putting the genie back in the bottle.

"Love" is dead--"woman" has to die next. Feminism is a death spasm of love. Once woman is fully recognized for what she is it'll be White Sharia. Or extinction. You never know.

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Soda and a squeeze of lime, faggot. Jesus, Indians are quite possibly the stupidest people on the face of the planet.

The reason they're so malleable is because they are naturally enslaved by their own short-term biological imperatives unlike men. The terms "sheep" and "agreeable" are far too simplistic for what is actually happening. They're not victims. They know how they are is "wrong" and they know what they do is "wrong" but they don't care because they're naturally more inclined to pursue instant gratification.

>women going out to get drunk with men
the western degeneracy continues to spread