Who to believe here?

Who to believe here?

I find it hard to fathom that another country's government is willing to assassinate someone in another country using a poison that can affect 100's of people. It's not in the Kremlin's best interests to be so blatant when a gunshot would do.


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>Who to believe here?
never the msm that's for sure

>comments are disabled

huh. really makes me think

Don’t really care hopefully it will escalate into full blown war.

>It's not in the Kremlin's best interests to be so blatant when a gunshot would do.

What, just like Litvinenko? The Russians don't give a shit, they want to send a message.


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>FIFA 2018 soon in Russia
>haha better send them message before the football championship
>yeah brilliant idea Vladimir
You can be retarded but don't try to project your idiocy on the other people, especially on the Russian special forces.

>traitor is already in our hands
>we can do everything, we can send him to jail for life legaly, we can kill him in jail
>but fuck it, lets release him to UK and say everything is ok
>lets try to poison him with deadliest gas that was produced in USSR
>he survives

Lol these Russia bots

*1 ruble has been deposited into your account*

Be a bit more subtle with your shills.

Calm down, paki shitter.

Why are there so many Russians that look Middle Eastern

>in britain

Slava ukraini

>gas agent
>two part gas agent that is made to be released as an aerosol
>smear it on door


also, that kind of nerve agents have a kind of who manufactures it "signature"

why hasn't the uk released the samples for validation? even the swiss offered to carry out the tests

i'm not russian, i'm not shilling for russia, but for fucks sake, this smells like the usual crap UK has been doing for centuries to stir shit from the get-go

Blyat suka vhere is prostitutska sister eh? I tinking she bakh from borno shooting already! Albino Nigeria

I got robbed twice in London, you poor paki filth.
I will never forgive you.


I'd bet when the western intelligence services fuck the Russians in return, they don't publicize it on RT

still doesn't explain WHY
WHY were the pair poisoned?

To emphasize the message that traitors will suffer an agonizing death regardless of where they flee. No exactly fuckin rocket science.

Demonstration of power, I suppose. Just because we can. Or maybe brits sacrificed the pawns to start new Cold War.


Any ex-Russian spy getting killed will be a beacon that "Russia did it" (there's the motive), so the means is the important thing to send a message.

Think logically. GRU officiers fly to/from Moscow airport on Aeroflot flights. Shoddy?
Why did it take the British police six months to release CCTV photos? Sketchy?
IMHO, these two are Ukrainians who flew through Moscow en route to KyIV.

Dude, the scientist who developed it lives in US now, and burgers and brits were in charge of decomissioning the old ussr lab that made it in tajikistan - at this point fucking anyone can make it and their prime reason to blame russia was because it was developed by them. This is just some switcharoo to unite UK with EU in leu of brexit. Didnt work too well so they keep trying to revive it - the two that got poisoned went silent awhile back according to one of their relatives that kept in contact after they woke up, and brits wont release them or any info on their wellbeing for shit, aside from "mate theyre okay, you got loicense for these questions?" Thats not even talking about how utterly asinine it is in the first place for russians to poison someone with a soviet fucking nerve agent in public in a foreign country, someone they traded to UK after keeping him in a gulag for 5 years. Now either putin and the rest of them are outer space levels of dumb, in which case its plain impossible they didnt run their country into the ground immidiately after taking over, or the version perpetuated with glee by every single msm is a fucking lie. Now i wonder which one is more likely.

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I think those spies were idiots. How did they not think this would happen?

>when a human being is raised on american memes, russian state propaganda and bad food

praying for you guys. hopefully putin will allow adoption to the west again so that russian children at least have some chance at life

I'm atheistic, keep your prayers to yourself, you degenerate low IQ monkey.

brother what you doing?

the guy was a double agent. those people, who have no problem fucking anybody over, get caught up to in the end.

>To emphasize the message that traitors will suffer an agonizing death regardless of where they flee. No exactly fuckin rocket science.
>Demonstration of power, I suppose. Just because we can. Or maybe brits sacrificed the pawns to start new Cold War.
>Any ex-Russian spy getting killed will be a beacon that "Russia did it" (there's the motive), so the means is the important thing to send a message.

Just like in my Hollywood movie am I right?

Another distraction from Idlib situation

>This is all part of the cover up by 5 eyes

See Russia is bad and stupid! Its all so tiresome, Seth Rich murder is way more intriguing.

>It's not in the Kremlin's best interests to be so blatant when a gunshot would do.
On the other hand if the point is to show that you will get your revenge eventually, you want people to be able to guess who did it.

That was airport security Ivan you need to show them your passport they weren't trying to rob you.

>russian agents target a russian defector using a russian chemical weapon

hmmm what a mystery who could it have been

Why would they let the "agents" faces be released over the news? Isn't that extremely vetted and gets people in other countries killed?

Russia is country of criminals so it's a no wonder.
West did go full cuck after not giving a lesson for filthy commies after war and we see the results of it today.
Sanctions will probably need to continue for hundreds of years until they admit the past misdeeds

It was your local paki / nigger population that robbed me at the metro station first time (had to give them a bunch of coins, lmao) and some faggots stole my cash during the excursion.

Fuck you and fuck your thievery you uncultured swines. No one ever robbed me in Russia or in any other EU countries.

Were they even spys? People tell tall tales to get refugee status .

First American sanctions were placed I think 100 years ago.


Fuck the UK they are absolutely disgusting. Their propaganda mill is literally called "the BBC" . LOL

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>one of the most potent nerve-poison agents of all time that will lead to INSTANT DEATH upon touching even 1 nanogramm
>all "victims" are in the hospital and regenerate just fine


Nobody was poisoned. That’s why they didn’t allow journalists at the hospital and announced the victims were recovering quickly when Russian officials asked to question them.

thanks for the brainlet iq talking points, twats.

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It's all a fucking sham. Just like the Litvinenko polonium poisoning.

In April 2006, Batten stated that a London constituent and former FSB agent, Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Litvinenko, had been told that Romano Prodi, Italian Prime Minister and former President of the European Commission, had been the KGB's "man in Italy"; Batten demanded an inquiry into the allegations.[citation needed]

He told the European Parliament that Litvinenko had been warned by FSB deputy chief General Anatoly Trofimov that there were numerous KGB agents among Italian politicians, and that "Romano Prodi is our man in Italy". According to the Brussels-based EU Reporter on 3 April 2006, "another high-level source, a former KGB operative in London, has confirmed the story".

On 26 April 2006, Batten repeated his call for a parliamentary inquiry, stating that: "Former, senior members of the KGB are willing to testify in such an investigation, under the right conditions... It is not acceptable that this situation is unresolved, given the importance of Russia's relations with the European Union." Lt.-Col. Litvinenko was admitted to hospital with suspected poisoning on 11 November 2006 after eating at a London restaurant, and died on 23 November 2006. The police later concluded he had been poisoned with polonium, a small dose of which is lethal. Anatoly Trofimov was assassinated by unknown gunmen in April 2005.


>CG composites
>Alias (((invented))) names
>We've forwarded the suspect deets to (((Europol))) [not interpol] (((but made it really obviously public so you ALL know who these naughty Ruskis are)))
Expect - novichok attacks on EU soil, "My god we need close security ties after Breggzit lads!"
Fucking Army psyops at their worst to cover for bullshit agendas.
Utter state of propo campaigns.

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part and parcel of living in a big city

>he doesn't understand toxicity

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>British propaganda outlets not allowed to report about muslim rape gangs
>can call two men Russian assassins with no evidence.
really makes you think.

Theresa May is in the thread also. whats up biatch

Slava Ukraini

>I find it hard to fathom that another country's government is willing to assassinate someone in another country using a poison that can affect 100's of people. It's not in the Kremlin's best interests to be so blatant when a gunshot would do.

muh innocent Russian based saviors of the white race!!1

It's probably not a sham, but you are right. It's the boy who cried wolf. Why should I trust a msm that says I'm a nazi? i know I'm not, so why should I believe anything else they say?

Did the victims speak English? If so, the government can't investigate it. Remember? Checkmate Bongs.

Read this retards

american tv teaches us that russki agents use wig and fake facial hair to hahhalaaahaaa-halallaaa-hamehaamee kamemaa-aaaaah määlliiii roiskeeeaaaa spruitsu-ruu


itt Russian shills

Putting disgraced spies in prison is what every other country in the world does.

Letting yours go so they can go to somewhere they think is 'safe' and then killing them in an absolutely horrific way, with the knowledge in their mind that their daughter will share the same fate, is a much better deterrent however. It proves that not only is no-where safe if you betray the Russian State, but that you will doom the people you love most as well.

crazy. assassins who within hours are filmed and identified on cctv somewhere? that cant assassinate with milspec nerve agents, and were supposed to be worried? topkek

that's hot

Also how two dudes can lace a poison on some unsuspecting targets, and the entire area gets a taste of it, with others taken to the hospital for symptoms, and they dont get contaminated one bit?

In fact they are smiling because they are walking right by a camera and know that they are being filmed..

Remember the guy that just got photo'd and was giving them the finger.....all the UK do it to every camera. He was just in the news too.

BTW they look like they have normal lives and are not into this sort of trash

this pass as smiling? I know they are russians, but still.

>>lets try to poison him with deadliest gas that was produced in USSR
Not to mention that Novichok is not even some "special super secret Russian weapon", the creator of it lives in USA and the most hilarious part that USA actually worked with it already almost 20 fucking years ago.
And no, Uzbekistan is not a part of Russia.

does anyone else unironically want to give these two cunts a pass? just make sure two russian agents catch a "car accident" somewhere else and move on. the game is the game. also they release the photos months after the act? fuck off now you show us who they are? we wern't good enough before?

How do you know they were not contaminated?

The mistake they made was having a murder committed by two white people in London.
If they’d used a nigger they could’ve chopped up the spies in the street with a rusty machete and no one would’ve batted an eyelid

crashing this planet

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honestly if russia is playing these levels of nigger-D chess where they openly gas cunts while able to trick Jow Forums into believing it is a british false flag based on how biased the (((mainstream media))) aka the kike media aka they have false flagged the media to be kikes and then those same kikes are against russia because (((reasons)))...

then i give up. i fucking give up.

nuke earth then nuke mars cuz fuck it why not.

im so confused this would be the perfect italian job as long as no italians were involved

>traitor is already in our hands
>we can do everything, we can send him to jail for life legaly, we can kill him in jail

They released him in exchange for prisoners they wanted who were captured in the west. If they just killed him Russian prison they would get no benefit as a bargaining chip, they then subsequently had him killed to send a message to all defectors while they got their own agents released in the same bargain.

they didnt die tho...so much for worse gas this side of zyklon

ban all vodka niggers

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>I find it hard to fathom that a country who murdered millions of its own citizens in the past is willing to assassinate someone in another country

Bong education for you.

who to believe?

>the kremlin, a known liar that has lied several times about high profile stuff in the past years (airplane shootdown, crimea non soldiers,...), who is constantly repeating we didn't do nufin while throwin laughable alternative scenarios
>esteemed british services with no such reputation, providing info after a long research, providing evidence


Must have been GCHQ or MI5 never believe that you here in the News bucko seriously the false flag shit is getting old but that's not to say the Russians aren't that retarded to actually do it.

There's literal proof it's a sham in this thread idiots

>middle eastern
are you retarded

Not to mention they've identified the "poison" in just a matter of hours after the incident when it takes weeks to identify such chemicals.

Remind me again do Russians have souls? Do they go to their own heaven like doggy heaven or do they share it with the niggers?

>honestly if russia is playing these levels of nigger-D chess where they openly gas cunts while able to trick Jow Forums into believing it is a british false flag based on how biased the (((mainstream media))) aka the kike media aka they have false flagged the media to be kikes and then those same kikes are against russia because (((reasons)))...

When you are that lazy and not creative with your bullshit like "poisoning Skripals" it's only natural that sane people will bitch slap you for your blatant lies and poorly crafted propaganda.

They share it with niggers obviously.

Lets be honest though politics is a theatre and some Jews sat round a table pitched ideas for the perfect political drama and came up with this shit. The TV is lying to you.

Yeah that is more suspicious it seems like a sloppy operation. I was just addressing his first point, that there is perfectly logical explanation for that.

It's very rapid on set within ~ 10 mins.

>8 figures millionaire
>khv virgin
>have become asexual by replacing sexual attraction with a higher calling
>platonically attracted to lolis though

what should i do with my life? ive given up on everything and everyone

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You're like a microcosm for everything wrong in this society.

found the somali rape baby

Send the money to Elon Musk so he can send your pedo ass into the Sun.

>be yulia
>dad worked with litvininko's james bond tier handlers
>working at the us embassy in moscow
>dating a hot russian secret agent
>visit uk
>come back to life
what did they mean by this?

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>Send the money to Elon Musk so he can send your pedo ass into the Sun.
fuckin kek 10/10

I'm just saying man, they could have just done him in quietly, push him off a building or something and write a suicide note but they decided to poison him using a Russian government produced poison. It's fishy to say the least.

You deserved it and from your posting,
you deserve for it to happen to you againand again and again

the guy talking about 4D chess was right

one of tue primary objectives of this was to sow chaos. It was proven that Russian paid twitter bots were shilling for Trump but some for Hillary too. They want to divide the nation so that nothing seems certain anymore (to the masses)

the fake media attitude is probably Putin's biggest success

backwards Russians killing a double agent. in Australia we're progressive. we elect our traitors to parliament

It was just a prank, bro.

Implying Putin holds all the strings and no one is able to carry out foolishness on their own. This could easily be a case of where someone relatively high-ranked decided to make Skripal pay and didn't ask for permission from anyone higher up the food chain. For understandable reasons this would never be officially admitted by Russia but would be handled internally and quietly. Or it could be the mission was approved at the highest level precisely because they could defend themselves by saying "it wouldn't make sense for Russia to do it given FIFA 2018 and all the other things".

They killed only 1 spy?

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I thought the same, but he was in prison in Russia for years.

It's a way to keep their foreign agents honest instead of becoming turncoats. How Russia has been ostracized in recent times gives a motive and circumstances to tighten the grip. Using novichok sends a message that the state can get to you, no matter where you are. If they just pushed him off a building, it wouldn't send the same message because it could be a suicide or a private dispute. They'd have to push a lot of their disliked persons off buildings before the same message was sent to their agents as was sent by one use of novichok.

He was an asset with value at the time as shown by the spy swap.

>mission was approved at the highest level
Of course, Volodya personally puts crosses on the photos of the victims.

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As opposed to a violent "mugging gone wrong" that ends with your brains on the sidewalk?