Thoughts on Imran Khan?

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no one cares.

also shitty slide thread.

You literally bumped it. How fucking retarded can you be?

shitskin mudslime

Great swing bowler

I liked his dad's speech at the DNC.

Looks like a Nigger.
would not trust

I guess the army was ok with him?
He has to pander to traditionalism and Islam as its Pakistan, but hell I wonder if you can sustain the resulting youthbulge.

There is a 70% chance that he's the product of incest.

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ok mutt. Thanks for bumping anyway.

What did Imran 'Chad' Khan mean by this?

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Who isn’t in awe?


just as smart.... as a journalist?

He's bery huwhite

Nice reading comprehension. Holy fuck you're dumb, faggot

Don't know who he is. What kind of shit name is Irman? Imran? whatever. I'll never google this faggot. NEVER

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You sound really uneducated and low IQ. Trump supporter by any chance?

Gross, just like every other paki.

I think he's cute, but then again, 30 years ago I thought Daniel Ortega was cute, and look how that turned out.

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Khan Solo!