Restaurant in Oslo refuses to serve /ourguys/

A restaurant called "The Broker" in Oslo just stated that they will not be serving SD supporters, /ourguys/ in the upcoming swedish election.
Such campaigns are not very common here. But, there are alot of swedes working as waiters at restaurants in Norway, especially in Oslo.
We do not want their liberal cancer to spread here.

Maybe we should let them know what we think of this blatant discrimination based on political views?
>inb4 not personal army
This should be in the interest of every Jow Forumsack fighting for freedom of speech and the right to not be discriminated against.
>inb4 private company
Ancaps gtfo.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Their facebook page
faceb00k. com/brokeroslo/

Pay a few refugee children to play around the place


This will have the largest effect. Do the Starbucks thing and hand out coupons to the place, and then they have to accept them or they're racist. Something to that effect.

>the broker loves all
well, apparently not


AFS are /ourguys/. All REAL nationalists are going to vote for AFS. Even members of NRM are voting for AFS.

places like that would need to be trashed overnight, that's the only way they will learn. Sad but it's true. The left is cowardly, that's why they align themselves with muslims who are willing to fight.

Bump for interest

The hypocrisy lately has been unreal

Just don’t buy there than, or else we would look like hypocrites

I loved the effectiveness of the Starbucks campaign, but I don't live anywhere near Oslo.
Here's the tripadvisor page

But he's right. Don't trash the place, that would be self defeating. Just find good places that are /ourguys/ and start exclusively buying things there. Basically, just support the people who support you. The consumer has become politicized, and we all have to live with it now.


One of these is not like other, is it? Why the fuck should anyone care?

>Dagens 159 NOK
Jesus fucking hell, I would keep walking either way.

If some user with the little piece of photoshop knowledge needed for making a fake coupon look trustworthy could so this then that would be great. I'm sure we could find someone from Oslo to hand them out.

Any good suggestions on what to put as text? Give me ideas and I'll translate it for you. Keep it short like the starbucks coupons. Maybe something along the lines of a free cup of coffee or something small from the menu for a limited period of time.

Attached: ZBUwwHc.jpg (791x1024, 144K)

>Lunch meal
>159 NOK
>19 USD in muttmoney
Norway is a fucking menace.

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sd are not /ourguys/

Sounds like genius but I am not doing it.
I value Nork shopowners

>perfect is the enemy of good

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Oslo is sadly like little Sweden. We have car fires and rapes aswell. Actually all 41 assault rapes between 2006 and 2008 were committed by non western migrants.
Source in norwegian at 1:32

Someone should completely trash their restaurant.

The company hasn't made the same mistakes that Starbucks did, so it can't offer an apology. It can offer something in 'Solidarity' though. However, that can backfire into good publicity for the company if they actually follow through. Maybe an unrelated religious event nearby? Something that will get these guys closer to those poor minorities (because they are clearly nowhere near them when they charge $19 for a meal).

My biggest problem with you guys is the whole submissive corporation excrement eating part.
Maybe we could pay the children to do that aswell and hit two birds with one stone.

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