Be swedish

>be swedish
>pay 70% taxes for "free health care"
>contact hospital to get birthmark removed
>"we have one available time 6 months from now at noon on a wednesday, so you'll have to take 2 hours off work"
>wait 6 months
>go to hospital
>pay 200 SEK ($25) in "patient fee"
>"sorry, we don't have time to remove it, come back in 3 months and pay another 200 kr and we might do it then"

Welcome to Sweden, the country with the best health care in the world... according to the Swedish school system.

Attached: sverigeklänning.jpg (720x540, 103K)

You have become weak. Go to war.

it was all a lie. Peace is a lie. "oh just accept my leadership over you and my lax attitude and we will totally not exploit this free leadership you have given us"

your people are gorgeous you have that

Remember that we are being forced to pay for our own colonization. The best we can hope for in Sweden is Godspeed in a civil war.

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>200 SEK ($25)
So how much is that in a non-meme currency?

Sounds a lot like ours

Just remove the birthmark yourself, pussy.

Sorry, here's a more representative picture.

Attached: buttholes.jpg (640x960, 101K)

this is the second biggest problems you guys have. first you get rid of the niggers and sandniggers and then you guys get rid of this welfare state

That's shameful. I sure hope Mohammed, his 5 wives, and 20 children don't have to wait to be seen by doctors.

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Seriously, all you need is a sharp knife and some whiskey. Are you afraid of some frontier surgery, ya fancy ladyboy?

I take it all back. Sweden needs more Muslims. They will put an end to this madness.

You clearly don't know about our taxes on alcohol.

If they get rid of the welfare state getting rid of the niggers will be easier

Exactly my experience in Belgium as well. Now I live in the us and I'm 100% sure I could get it removed by the end of the week by one of the best doctors in the world for $25 in co pay.

Sure, some homeless bum without insurance can't do that but isn't that just right anyway?

Its amazing how many people think universal healthcare is a good idea while it actually means that hard working people have to sacrifice their healthcare quality for unemployed people and illegal immigrants

Togetherness sisters! We must unity us and fight nazis, conservatives, christians and all other man-parties that aren't left-wing. #twerkagainstnazis

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>contact hospital to get birthmark removed
Why, literally visit a dermatologist you fucking Idiot. There's no freaking reason to waste a Hospitals time with you.

>we have one available time 6 months from now at noon on a wednesday, so you'll have to take 2 hours off work
Yes it's expected that they have full schedules if fucking retards like you go to a Hospital for a fucking Birthmark.

>pay 200 SEK ($25) in "patient fee"
This is the part where they get legally bound to threating you on that day or you get your money back.

>>"sorry, we don't have time to remove it, come back in 3 months and pay another 200 kr and we might do it then"
Warn them with your lawyer so you get your money back and the missed work paid you idiot.

Lol i noticed a mole that needed removed yesterday, called a dermatologist got in at 530 same day. In and out in less than an hour and no copay

That's a real useful trait, I'm sure the rapefugees appreciate it.

>mr bean on the right

>Germans defending their shitty system

Kek typical

why is she showing her ass thats not fighting that is a submissive gesture?
also translation

I can only imagine the nightmare of trying to diagnose something that’s not immediately obvious.

Been going to doctors every two weeks trying to diagnose a breathing issue I’ve had for 9 months. In Canada or any free system...a two months delay on any specialist visit for a condition doctors have written off as anxiety...I’d be fucked.
>tfw met my $6500 deductible in February
Kill me, lads. 100% covered now at least

holy shit wtf is that??!

I noticed a mole that needed removed, I got a relative to tie a string around it and yank it the fuck off. I then got a pair of scissors and clean it up. Dumped some alcohol, called it a day.

Just fucking do it, you pussy.

I know exactly what you mean, I've been having vertigo problems for a while and thank God i can get doctor visits in the same week. If we had single payer it might take months to get checked out

It would be ok if we wouldnt have immigrants and pay up for members of our tribe only.
A poor man suffering third degree burns will get treated here for more money then he will ever be able to produce in his life and most productive people are ok with that.
Being ok with that has been abused by the government and the left though, npw were taxcattle for niggers.

Listen Burger, I'm saying that he is wasting his and the hospitals time and expects to get a appointment asap with literally one of the lowest priority issues you can have when he could go to a dermatologist on the same day and get it removed in less than 20 minutes.

And if you read it carefully I'm not defending any system. I'm calling him a retard for being a retard.


The Swedish healthcare system used to work, but with all the immigrants overusing the system it is currently in total collapse.

t. doctor

Also, all doctors in Sweden are gay. I guess the allahu-akbars killed them all.

Stop acting smart. Vårdcentral (local hospital) is the place where dermatologists work and perform these procedures in Sweden. When you call the health care services, they will refer you to a place.
>This is the part where they get legally bound to threating you on that day or you get your money back.
Not going to happen, that's not how it works in Sweden.
>Warn them with your lawyer so you get your money back and the missed work paid you idiot.
That may be how it works in Germany, but it's not how it works in Sweden. How fucking difficult is this to understand? You would not be getting that money back. It wouldn't happen. You would just waste 10,000 SEK on a lawyer.

Hue? Burgers have low quality posts.

Meanwhile 3rd world hordes of barbarians get free timely care. You are a slave.

>non elective surgery
>only 3 month wait
Not sure if trolling

Come on, Swedish MDs are gayer an the average population.

Iktf. Good luck bro.

>Pay Money for thing
>They tell you you can't have thing but feel free to come back alter and gamble again
This is not how it works in Sweden either you mong. Fucking call your lawyer.

>here’s lots of money
>cure my imaginary problem
How about more tests user?
>wait until you actually need care and Lucy pulls the football.

>Only 3 month wait

This is exactly why leafs should we genocided

Why do you believe what you read in the media? Our healthcare system isn't broken like the foreign media tries to say. I guarantee i pay less than you on a yearly basis and have access to quicker and better care

Used to have to wait only a couple of weeks at most. The system has collapsed as a result of the immigration. Especially after 2015. Everyone is working overtime.

That's pretty good compared to the USA. I waited almost a year for major surgery. I had a tube sticking out of my belly the entire time that was only supposed to be in a month as an emergency measure. After surgery they shook me down for $50k. I falsified all the forms so I could get out of there. LMAO who the fuck has $50k.
Buy Guns now, the center is collapsing.

Yeah, well, people tend to make thing far too complicated. The time off my life to go somewhere to get it taken care of is far worse than the pain.

>birthmark removal
Good massage therapist have longer wait times.

Been getting more, lads.

Think it’s something to do with my spinal fusion surgery from scoliosis. Had clear back pain and a trigger and then it all started. Not an anxious or nervous person. And there’s new...back pains...not from lack of trying, I’m not an anxious person and it feels like the doctors throw away diagnosis when they’re too lazy. Cunts.

>70% taxe
Delicious hyperbole.

I've paid for a working police, a working health care system, a working immigration system, a working military, a working education system as well. Can I have the number to your German lawyer who will get me a refund on either of those. I'll give you 50% of all the money he gets me back.

Fpbp, the only way.

Because we have private healthcare too
>it’s expensive trash

you’re getting old. And you’re fat.

Get Guns, War is here

You got all of that it's just working against you. Now stop being retarded and don't move the argument out of the bounds, this is completely different than going to a hospital and paying 25€ for a service then not receiving said service.

The German is technically correct, the best kind of correct.

You seem completely incapable of understanding this: Rules do not apply the same to public institutions. You cannot get the money back. Why is it so difficult for you to understand this? Are you mentally handicapped?

>Sweden covers up the negative consequences of mass emigration.
>Sweden is held as a working example of successful multiculturalism by leftists around the world

They need truck of peace.

Its just death manifested in one picture "death of humanity"

Because you are wrong and too stupid to call your lawyer for simple counseling. For all I care, fucking shit on your 50€ you will pay in total and never get them back. Just saying you are retarded if you believe that.


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Huh. Extremely similar thing happened to me under ObamaCare. Imagine that.
Almost identical. They made me wait two years and the thing caused pain.

Exactly twenty five American dollars retard

I hear you. I'm sure IKEA will start selling a home surgery kit in Sweden soon.
>to assemble HEMKIRURG, please put the Allen wrench in your victim's eye socket...

Of course you have high taxes . The globalist miners in your country pay little in tax .

Wtf? Hahaha I just want to visit to take the piss out of Sweden for being so pussyfied

Swedish message threads have long wait times too

Have you considered maybe the whole works is gummed up because retards like you come in for free cosmetic work? Those doctors probably have real patients to see with real problems.

>nigger apologist
You need to fucking die, scum.

Obama care is private insurance you fuck.

How is it free if you've already paid for it twice and received no service? Explain this to me.

You’ve transited to obvious Jew troll.

Just be proud of your birthmark, Sven. Own it and show it off. Or else rip it off yourself with a bowie knike like a man, like Rambo would do, you dig?

He can get back the fee but that is it u cunt

T.nurse oldfag

Some people really shouldn't have unfettered access to a tattoo gun

You can't get the fee back at all, because the fee isn't payment for the service, the fee is a patient fee that you have to pay if you visit the health care center. If you are given a time slot for a certain procedure and they tell you they don't have time once you're there, you won't get your money back. It's as simple as that.

A bit of a scam m8.

In all the landsting I have worked in what u say is bullshit and I bet my månadslön that u have no fucking idea what you are talking om.

Ahmed, stop lying

Sorgligt men sant

Attached: 1523394192841.png (719x559, 309K)

>jag tar moms för 500 tack, Magnus
>vad är skatt på pension, redan skattade pengar?
>vad är arbetsgivaravgift och skatt på lön?

jag vet att det är du Mona, du lurar ingen din gamla sossesugga

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It's true that in specific cases you can get the fee back. If you have to wait for too long when you're there or if you don't meet any licensed personnel. But if you're given a time for a specific procedure and a doctor or nurse tells you they don't have time, without giving you any other form of health care or service, you won't get the patient fee back. That's how it works, and if you have actually worked in the landsting you know this.

>socialist system didn’t last because of xyz
Yes retard, that’s how it goes every single time. You eventually run out of other people’s resources, for one reason or another

Move to a smaller city boy. I have tried to get a birthmark removed because I feared it was cancerous and it also hurt but they refused. Healthcare here really sucks, but the waiting times you face is because you live in a big city.

I want to smell their farts

>falsify forms
how did you do that?

its soft genocide. the are going to remove health care, you will better off out of EU RUN

If you were somali they would have done it and not charge you a fee.

Yeah, but you will die of skincancer very soon, bc they fucked up. Wait for it.

When I used to live in Mexico it was the same. People were dying while waiting to see a doctor. Fuck socialism