oh so now you suddenly care about working conditions in Asia? i love it how when an american corporation takes the side of a black athlete conservatives become red of all the sudden. hypocrisy is the worst human trait.
Except he's been sponsored by them for quite a long time
Aiden Thompson
We need more child labour desu.
Jose White
there's literally nothing wrong with child labor and sweatshops
Asher Miller
Oh, so we shouldn't be outraged at all about Nike? Because being outraged about one thing instead of all the things makes us somehow hypocritical so we should just let one wrong go? You're absolutely right.
t. Liberal logic
Ryan Jackson
dont play dumb, being a black athlete and being a "woke" black athlete is not the same thing.
Brayden Jackson
Noone suddenly cares about anything. Slowly freezing water will split a boulder in half, we will move to the cracks. Like always. Change the map, and water will still flow, no fighting the inevitable Tomik.
Brandon Reyes
He has to play a game to be an athlete.
Andrew Myers
sweatshops are fucking bad ass though. who gives a shit if the sell more overpriced shoes to stupid niggers who can't afford them anyway
Ryan Gray
Watching Nike redistribute the wealth from poor Asians to rich Africans is dramatic irony at it's finest.
Nathan Scott
Was that guy even black?
Ayden Reed
what's wrong with him kneeling to protest the murderous police of america, who, by the way, are also responsible of protecting the capitalist system from the wrath of the exploited workers all over the world
Kevin Bailey
The only reason why we know about any of those things is because white people were outraged about it back then too. In Basketballs there is even a child labor skit because it was topical at the time. Why do you think white people boycotted a long time ago and Nike rebranded from being a sports shoe for everyone to being a nog shoe for nogs.
Gabriel Lewis
Exactly. Our country is only 2 generations away from when a child's right to work was taken away from them. If my grandfather hadnt worked at a sawmill from the age of 11 he would've never been able to enjoy a full working life before dying of lung cancer in his 40s
i do not care about other races so, i don't care what happens to them other countries literally only exist so that we might exploit them welcome to the real world, faggot
Juan Diaz
The concept of a police force is not a capitalist innovation.
>cheap clothing company FINALLY sponsors a (half) black athlete take your meds
Carter Rivera
>abuse of workers >child labor >sweatshops all things only noticed by white people, while the rest of the subhuman chink/americanoid races don't give a fuck
Hes making a mountain out of a ant hill. Its statistically proven that whites get killed more by police then blacks. Thats saying alot since blacks commit more crime though.
>inb4 fake statistics >inb4 muh white school shootings >inb4 bring your own fake statistics or bring a liberal rag rebuting what im saying
I literally know the next thing your gonna do. They all do one of those 3 things
This will unironically lead to kike abusing workers even more and opening more sweatshops where it can Wonderful desu
Caleb Anderson
so why are white athletes aren't kneeling? what percentage of killing by cops is "acceptable" according to you? and just becouse YOU dont have a problem with living with a boot on your face dont mean OTHERS are fine with is
I don't know what this thread is about and how nike and niggers are related and really don't give a fuck either. But child labor and sweatshops tho. Who is willing to go to some chink kid and tell him you can't work anymore. That's right kid, fuck you, fuck your dinner and fuck your sick mother. You are not working anymore.
Carter Hall
It was was always an issue but never a wide issue due to the fact that nike did everything in their power to hide their shame. By creating this ad its exposed them and now the smell of blood is attracting real attention. Not a white black issue either leftists need to get a life and stop making things so racially charged its tiring
Jason Wilson
I only care now because it's a useful political tool. It doesn't change the veracity of my criticisms when a company founded in America is supporting anti-American communism. :^)
Charles Taylor
former athlete with a shitty NFL record who race baited to delay his firing until contract expiration.
Grayson Gutierrez
No one gives a shit. We laugh at nigs mostly. The reference to child labor and sweatshops is just used to point out the liberals' inconsistencies. How they'll bitch at corporations for eons until they sponsor a mutt. Then liberals loooove nike.
Truth time: neither side gives a shit about either issue. Both sides want political gains, pure and simple. This is just our newest weapon. Fuck you commie.
Josiah Morales
I never bought Nikes before this certainly not after. Nice try jew.
>sponsors black athlete who accuses white people of being racist Ftfy
Carson Myers
Serious questions Jow Forums: is there an extension or widget that allows banning of meme flags?
Aaron Barnes
Precisely. The left only cares about raising ruccus and "outrage on social media". So let's play their game!
Eli Stewart
must be a drunk Larper. or just a retard, eh. it would take you a hell of a time to prove to me you aren't just another low IQ commie
Jace James
"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a country that oppresses black people and people of color." -Colin
Ryan Kelly
Nothing, but he was a trash quarterback.
Adrian Reed
>oh so now you suddenly care about working conditions in Asia? Where is the communist outcry over that ? How are the metals and gems for your Apple phones and laptops mined in Africa ?
Isaiah Diaz
fuck niggers
William Brown
OP is a raging faggot like always. No one cares he is black. No one cares what color you are. The only thing that matters is what you do. This guy did something disrespectful to whole nation and that is the only reason why people are mad.
Also, SAGE faggot threads.
Cameron Roberts
yeah, well, racism is still a thing in america, i see you're new on this broad
I have been saying nike is evil for decades. Besides, paying a premium to advertise a companies mid-tier quality brand is cucked af
Blake Jackson
you're intellectually lazy
Daniel Martinez
I have no hypocrisy. Asian slave labor doesn't bother me anymore than African slavery in America does.
Connor Roberts
yes OP, nobody ever protested NIKE before. Certainly not in the 90s, no sir, that definitely did not happen.
Brayden Diaz
>oh so now you suddenly care about working conditions in Asia? Not even a little. I care about them sponsoring an anti american opportunist.
Jose Gonzalez
Most right wing people gave shit to the "freedom fighters" outing Nike for years for child labor and minimal pay for workers. Kathy Lee Gifford also crosses my mind with this shit. My how the tables seemed to have turned. Nike's shares will be up again in 2 weeks or less.
Henry Morris
Fuck off you Christians retard capitalistic conservative Jew ass licking scum with meme flag.
You are retarded, like every Christian lying scum capitalist there is.
Top sponsors for refugees: unhcr.org/donors.html >2017: Top 10 government donors >Donor USD >United States of America 1,450,360,238 >Germany 476,918,668 >European Union 436,036,986
USA NGOs: Adventist Development and Relief Agency International (ADRA) Innovative Humanitarian Solutions American Refugee Committee Amnesty International USA Asylum Access USA Boat People SOS Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation USA Building Tomorrow Catholic Relief Services/US Conference of Catholic Bishops Center for Global Development InterAction International Medical Corps (IMC) International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP) Medical Tea Migration and Refugee Services Namati Open Society Foundations Center for Justice and International Law Organization for Refuge, Asylum & Migration (ORAM) Food for the Hungry International Oxfam USA Heartland Alliance Peacebuilding Solutions HIAS IEDA Relief, International Emergency and Development Aid Plan International USA Refugee Council USA Independent Diplomat Refugees International Prepared by UNHCR Inter-Agency Unit RefugePoint Save the Children Federation, Inc Sierra Club Talent Beyond Boundaries Translators without Borders Trickle Up Program, Inc. United Methodist Church Women's Refugee Commission World Evangelical Alliance
Switzerland NGOs: ACT Alliance Action Against Hunger International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) Baha'i International Community Bern University International Federation of Business & Professional Women BroadLights.org CARE International Switzerland International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) CARITAS Internationalis International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) Food for the Hungry International International Organization for Migration (IOM) Global Youth Advisory Council (GYAC) International Rescue Committee (IRC) Lutheran World Federation Good Neighbors International Independent Diplomat Médecins Sans Frontières International Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) Refugee Community International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Salvation Army Terre des Hommes International Federation THRIVE United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) World Council of Churches World Vision International
>nigger takes a knee >promoted by Nike >(you) "BURN EVERY THING NIKE FUCK THESE KIKES"
Ryder Parker
Ayden Long
since when do elitists care about any1 but themselves; your fooling yourself if you believe people cant see through your BS
skin color has nothing to do with it -- this is a Nation of Immigrants, we never vetted any1 based on their skin color alone; this is about you are either an American, or you're not, it's that simple; indeed hypocrisy is definitely the worst human trait, & the leftists, & communists epitomize perfected the art of hypocrisy -- which is why irony is such a powerful weapon against you
That poster misquotes what Tim Wise says, byt thanks for playing
Logan Walker
>board full of national socialists >WTF why are you against multinational companies using slave labor in another country to hurt workers in your own? c*mmunist """"""""intellectuals"""""""""""""
>now I've never owned an iPhone and part of that is apple's treatment of factory workers. The other reason is they're faggots who don't support third party so all the apple cucks can't watch webms. they're holding back human rights and technology.
Carson Ross
This but unironically
Jonathan Wright
>black man accepts millions from a corporation which exploits children of color to maximize profits under this morally bankrupt capitalist system
Chase Gonzalez
We've always cared about it but for different reasons, but we don't pretend it's the most important issue all the time. It's convenient to bring it up now and we are.
kill yourself commie
Xavier Sullivan
nike slogans or parodies of nike slogans superimposed on pictures of nike sweatshops
Wyatt Jackson
>Because being outraged about one thing instead of all the things makes us somehow hypocritical Literally yes. Of course it does. Being upset at the right people for the completely most wrong reason is still moronic. It’s like hating Hitler but exclusively for his moustache
Isaiah White
It's quoted correctly you absolute mongoloid. "Because you’re on the endangered list.
And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving.
In forty years or so, maybe fewer, there won’t be any more white people around"
What's the point kneeling at a fucking football game? White people don't have a 'dindu nuffin' narrative approved by the left and adopted by ourselves, we understand the police have a shitty, dangerous job, we think scum should take responsibility for being scum. When our loved ones are wrongfully killed we pursue legal justice, we don't just act like low IQ infants throwing temper tantrums in public. We also know a weak, emasculated police force is exactly what leftards want as you turn our nations into third world shitholes.
Joseph Sanchez
>oh so now you suddenly care about working conditions in Asia? No. I care about implicitly supporting neo-Marxism. Those children can work 16 hours per day for all I care.
Tyler Carter
I owned a pair of Nike SBs once back in 2005 when they first started their skateboard brand. Every boarder that went to Nike after this was a sellout in the community. They are cancer. Just like Disney, taking shit you love, then destroying it with Capitalism.
Elijah Hernandez
Oh really Jews taking control of capitalism. Forgot you retards on here aren't smart enough to understand the difference.
Bentley Roberts
What the fuck are you even on about? It's human nature to "suddenly care" when something significant happens, otherwise it's just out of sight out of mind.
Did you give a fuck about Syria before the MSM lied and said Assad gassed his own people?
Did you give a fuck about terrorism when there aren't any attacks? Of course you don't, and when they do happen, all you do is put a filter on your social media profile pick and vote for more restrictive gun laws.
Anyone outside of the former Soviet Union that uses the commie flag ought to be hanged.
Joseph Watson
On the contrary, they're redistributing wealth from welfare niggers who spend all their drug profit on shoes to rich athletes and the Asians who make the shoes.
Brayden Garcia
I did. No one listens, its just what is cool to talk about at the time to normies. See my above post.
Julian Harris
>kapernick is the first ever black athlete sponsored by nike
This. Thank you. How many murdering niggers have they endorsed?
Zachary Sullivan
"Wealth" also means "an abundance or profusion of anything; plentiful amount." In this case I meant time, energy, blood, sweat, as well as the work one puts into a NIKE product.
Levi Nguyen
Do you smell your own weird nigger stink? I’ve always wondered this about niggers.
Lincoln Young
>the left commands the moral high ground. Daily reminder it was men of ancient European extraction that ended legal slavery, on this planet. You are welcome.
Jackson Diaz
We “care” only because it it politically convenient to do so at this point in time. Nobody here cares about what gooks do in the third world, and nobody cared about Nike or its nigger customers until they endorsed that anti-American, anti-white piece of shit KrapperNig. But now we do because Americans (especially White Americans) are sick of this shit. If krapper nig hates America so much HE CAN LEAVE. Nobody will miss his shitskin ass
Joshua Nelson
Why do you think we oppose exploitative trade deals in the first place?
Alexander Fisher
That's not true there have been plenty of protests of Nike in the past, why do people have such short memories?!
So are you saying you don't care about the child slaves of color in foreign lands OP. I guess black lives only matter if they are in the first world.
Colton Thompson
Simple OP It's hypocrisy as you say They will pretend that they "disrespect the flag" as an excuse, because they can't admit in public that they just don't want to see niggers protesting For them the police is always in the right and niggers are always "chimping" so they deserve to be shot