God I wish that were me

God I wish that were me.


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now that the democrats have been outed as the nazi party they want to make it okay

>inspired by true events
but literally none of this happened. even the nigs are nogging out in the comments

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how the fuck did this get greenlit lmao

black girls..

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Based and extremely redpilled. Cant wait.

It's true guys,why?
Because i said so.

um wtf

but battlefield tells me that there were plenty of black germans in ww2

Amandla (((Stenberg)))

>When SS leader Heinrich Himmler undertook a survey of all black people in Germany and occupied Europe in 1942, he was probably contemplating a round-up of some kind. But there was no mass internment.
The only physical memorial to a black concentration camp victim, the actor Bayume Mohamed Husen. OTFW, Berlin, Wikimedia.com, CC BY-SA

Research in camp records and survivor testimony has so far thrown up around 20 black Germans who spent time in concentration camps and prisons – and at least one who was a euthanasia victim.

>mfw their kid ends up being brittany milkies

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She’s gay.

Shitskin women gets turned on by nazis, nothing new

>All the salty negros in the youtube comments
Kek. Now they know how it feels.

I saw a black girl in my town for the first time in my life yesterday, and I didn't think "I should hang that filthy nigger from the highest tree".
I thought how exciting it would be to talk to her, uncovering what made her as exotic as she is. I thought about how nice it would be to learn about her life, and learn about the world I never saw.
I pictured talking to her, eyes darting like those of a noble gentleman, looking anywhere else but in her eyes.
I pictured myself carrying her with ease, to a bed. I pictured myself, still with my clothes on, unclothing myself, and rubbing her silky-smooth dark skin with my rough, white hands, and her, squirming lady-like.
I pictured her unclothing herself in a slow manner, drawing it out, so I can have a good look at her body.
I imagined her slipping her hands under my underwear, and jostling my big white cock, rubbing her feminine, dark fingers on the precum-covered, sensitive tip of my big penis.
I imagined...

Damn black girls, I can almost give up on my white nationalist ideology for you.

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Fuck off kike

Do you get paid by the hour or for each shill post. How does one get a job like that?

6 gorillion - Race mixing edition

Black soldiers did fight for Germany in Africa.

Word for word, I've seen someone post this before.
Fuck off bot.

Is the movie about WW1 rapebabies?

So there is nazis preforming beastiality and even a movie with Poe about killing an old man who happened to be a nazi once. Fucking hate hollywood

The Movie.

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>I saw a black girl in my town for the first time in my life yesterday, and I didn't think "I should hang that filthy nigger from the highest tree".

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wtf I love black Nazis now

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this BFWM propaganda just makes no sense.

there are literally no brown girls coming as fugees so it's physically impossible to create mutts, atleast for white males

in world war 1 yes, exclusively in German East Africa under command of the AFRICAN KAISER, General Lettow von Thorbeck. (undefeated after 4 years until the Kaiser personally commanded him to surrender).

In ww2 No.


I wonder who wrote, directed and produced this movie. We may never know..

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there were several volunteers that wanted to oppose the french and british colonists

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what's with her rack? it's like flat but you can tell she has big ol titties

>BFWM propaganda just makes no sense.
I was just thinking how repulsive every black woman is to me. It's just fucking impossible to target white men with this kind of bullshit.


It's called a tight swimsuit

Suddenly a lot of non Europeans in Europe pre 1990...

N-no stop it go away

Black girls got pancake tits
It’s disgusting
Haven’t you read National Geographic?

Kikal Pictures presents, The Last Negro in Germany.

Even the niggers are Jews.

It's called copy pasta you stupid newfag. Lurk 2 years before posting.

I hope this movie leads to a bunch of American niggas claiming they have Germany ancestry and putting on lederhosen and buying steins.
When niggas start doing Polka trap remixes I'm done with this planet.

Nazis did bang Black girls when they had the chance.

Hans would stick his dick in anything.

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Why do you guys have to get butthurt over everything.
This shit looks alright. It's literally a Romeo and Juliet movie but in Nazi Germany.

Dude soldiers period will stick their dick in anything.

The nigs have been destroyed by the jews
they are not inherently evil, just a lot of them are stupid
which makes them slightly more susceptible to manipulation and thoughtless action which destroys families which perpetuates crime culture
Your real enemy is jewishness, or femininity, not allowing men to be men because it would leave some women (and the jews) without resources

I have the biggest erection. This taboo is the hottest.

>it’s not a comedy

BTW when did this meme start that the nazis back then were super hateful towards black people? they are literally never mentioned in historic documents



I know right

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Stopped reading at >exotic
Nice memeflaggoting, but you're bait is not subtle enough.

ATP pushes out the belly which makes the chest look less pronounced

>you will never have a qt nazi bf
Why even live?

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And the eternal jungle fever estonian appears

>this is what normies actually believe

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We would be fine with the niggers if they would just fuck off back to africa and rape and steal amongst themselves. Especially (You)

Not surprising desu. Spics are the most mixed people

When will this meme end
Democrats are not racist, not really even to whites. We all know that most white Republicans ARE racist people. Everyone here is. It's normal to deflect it in public as noone wants to be outed as a blatantly racist party but you don't have to fucking pretend on the internet that we aren't racist

>A Strong Aryan Boy Falls in Love with a Ebony Goddess Queen

I don't see an issue here.

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In all seriousness, wtf is wrong with germans. I mean they're screwed up. They have this genocidal/homicidal autism about them.

All they want to do is kill somebody and be butthurt about everything. They're insane, I wonder if they're self aware about how evil they are. They even walk around pissed off, mad at the world. It's like they get extremely jealous and that makes them want to explode

It's that weekly ''never forget muh six gorillion'' pedowood movie?

>everyone is mixed
the conquered mutt cope is too fucking real

Normies still dont know "nazi" was coined as a slur against natsocs. So no, no german soldiers believed in "nazi-ism".

That's the joke you fucking autist

lmfao propaganda is obviously obvious

>whiney jew hates masculinity and the patriarchy that is a present father
exactly my point.
there wouldn't be issues if men were men instead of being manipulated by kikes like this.

>jews supporting race mixing pedophilia

Are they even hiding it anymore?

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The first part is true though. Not every Wehrmacht soldier was a nazi. Most people aren´t that political nowadays either, why would they have been then.
The real hardcore Nazis went to the SS and got jobs were they both got more loot and were far less likely to get killed, supervising already conquered land etc.

pol can meme but my black waifu hollywood is up there game

Nah, democrats know that black people are retarded, they just play pretend like they think everyone is equal

He highlighted the part he was referencing, you dipshits. Everyone is mixed at some point but Eurocentric mixes over time have been objectively superior in most regards.

He was meaning that normies think that for some reason German soldiers fought because they were scared of other Nazis killing them, which is laughable at best.


Blacks lived in Berlin during the Hitler years.
The only reason the girl is despised is because she's mutt.
Even then, they wouldn't have sent her to the camps. They would have just chemically castrated her.

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you can castrate women silly



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Whether you say castrate or sterilise makes no practical difference.

exactly, imagined, wait until you talk to her and have to smell her, that's when things get disgusting.

maybe not evil, but definitely violent and unsuited for society. Like chimps


keep the kettle black dollface

There were most certainly African Nazis in WW2 in North and Eastern Africa.

Gee I wonder who's the((((( producer ))))))of this blacked propaganda

>nigger jew is also a lesbian

colored me surprised


>more race mixing propaganda to gaslight right-wingers

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Every fucking time also im okay with this type of movie atleast its normalizing nazism among kangz


I like pussies

and they quickly showcare their racism when non-whites dont drink the coolaid

Everyone in that video was just staring at her, giving her dirty looks. Nobody smiles at her, everyone's got an attitude. And this is her just sitting on a train

Ffs these people make asians look like a carnival troop.. not exactly but both have the proverbial broom stick shoved way up their asses

The absolute state of tumblr kikes

they were hot black girls my brother

Looks like another shitty reminder to never forget the 6 trillion with added nigger

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its okay to be black

What about them?

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The one fucking movie with a wm/bf relationship and the white guy is a Nazi. This timeline just keeps on giving.

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Trump need to Build the firewall to prevent illegal spic commenting on YouTube

>Some sweet chocolate for a good german boy
I like this.

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American projection.