Tfw high IQ

>tfw high IQ
>tfw hate everyone
>tfw want to die
>tfw severe mental illness
>tfw having nobody to share your knowledge with, as it conflicts with the jewish narrative
>tfw everyone thinks i'm retarded since I don't say much at all

There are no outlets for people like us in life. All avenues have either been exhausted or lead to further degeneration.
>inb4 special snowflake

There are lots of intelligent people here, as well as retards.

Why were we put on this Earth to suffer?

Attached: 1511813095617.gif (390x300, 1.81M)

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Attached: Watchmen_dr-manhattan2.jpg (783x796, 107K)

>There are no outlets for people like us in life

You're home, my bruh.

Attached: 4chan.jpg (924x571, 81K)

Ignorance is torture for the intellectuals.

>Why were we put on this Earth to suffer?

Entropy was a mistake


tfw when you could actually contribute to society by helping oprah become president

Reach out find a pool party.

I found my local party several years ago a it's not as easy now but it can still be done, get you some fashy friends.

Being able to memorize "facts" does not make you intelligent. It makes you a trained seal.

You're not high IQ. High IQ people can fix their own mental illnesses. You're a pseud.
t. 130's and fixed my shit