Brown is the new white

Can someone explain to me how a brown person is considered white? Is it not about skin color anymore?

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You bigot. Leave the woman alone, can't you tell she's ethnically fluid.

There are plenty of white Mexicans. They're the ones with Spanish ancestry and no native admixture.

Aka the rich and succesful ones in mexico.

Whoooo? What girl?

Whenever a Hispanic does something bad they're considered white.

>Americans on race and ethnicity
Always comedic

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They are the new target consumer base.
That's literally all it is.
Soon they will be the new middle class.

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these are the same people saying that "white" deosn't exist as a race but "immigrant" does.

Those are two dissimilar things.

Being white has never, ever been about skin colour: An Albino nigger isn't white.

Anglo Saxon, ic1. Thats it, and nothing else (especially you, fucking Italian posters)


Who the fuck are we talking about? What mexijew?

It really is that simple

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Yes, but they're change between white and brown when it's convenient for the left

>47 % of mexicans are white
>93% of jews are what

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The left hate outliers more then whites. Blacks, Women and Mexicans who lean to the right are seen as traitors or loons. Calling them white makes it easier to bash them

THIS is why we need to replace the word white with the the word EUROPEAN.
that way there is no confusion.

Your mom.

a nigger who is involved in the right is a "white washed" nigger
a jew is a "White supremecist"
a mexican is "white"
but if an actual white person ever did anythign against a nigger, mexican or jew itd be considered a hate crime
double standards

100% of asians are white

That girl from the hearing doing the ok sign

zina bash Jow Forums's new waifu

these people are too stupid to be allowed to live without supervision

White is the new bourgeoisie.
Non-white is the new proletariat.
But the Marxists are still kikes.

True Spaniards are from Europe. Knew a Spanish dude. He was paler than me, blue eyes and dark brown hair. The Spaniards you are thinking of have family history involving Moors and Muslim mixture. The Spaniards that traveled West were white.

Kelly, that's a girls name.