If you weren't born and raised in a major city then your vote should be automatically tossed in the trash...

If you weren't born and raised in a major city then your vote should be automatically tossed in the trash, when your only comprehension of politics is "muh guns", "muh taxes", and "muh Jesus" you have effectively eliminated yourself from the voting pool

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Cities are vile. unnatural pits full of money-grubbing Jews, disgusting inbred Paki scum, and insane progressive white students. Rural life is the optimal life for the white man.

no no no cities are the central hubs of intelligence and progress

Where you aware that california and more specifically their coastal cities, have both high concentrations of lead found in their drinking water but also the highest observable levels of monomethylmercury on the continent if not the planet. Although this is usually only discussed as an ecological problem that may have a significant impact on climate change, it is rarely mentioned it can cause significant chromosomal damage. This combined with an active compound shown to both damage the nervous system and instill elevated aggression can really only spell out one thing. People from west coast cities are deranged and violent retards.

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Butthurt inbred peasant spotted.
Honestly all these subhumans from the province should be chained and made to work on underground farms so people living in cities, places with actual importance for development of human race, don't have to interact with this vermin.

If you weren't born and raised in the country then your vote should be automatically tossed in the trash. Can't grow food, can't fix your own car, can't work heavy machinery, don't know how to operate firearms, never been in a real fist fight, never spent a week or two hiking in the mountains....think that food comes from a grocery store, think that meat comes from a grocery store, think that water comes from a grocery store
>what you going to do city boy if the grocery store closes or runs out of food?

you can say what you want but im glad i wasn't brought up in a degenerate nigger infested hellhole

No goyim no, don't go about spewing truths.
Bad goyim, bad.

I was born and raised in communities that were at least ten miles outside of the closest major city. Now i live in a city for ease of access to my workplace, and if by 'intelligence and progress' you mean fags, feminists, trannies, soibois, thots, and begging niggers then i pity your standards of humanity.

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>If you weren't born and raised in a major city then your vote should be automatically tossed in the trash
every major city is 10 days from full on cannibal apocalypse when the gasoline runs out

I unironically agree

Congratulations retard you're the exact reason why you have an electoral college and not a popular vote.

Im from fucking shitposterstan and even I know that.

Adversely, we can stop giving a fuck about you and tax the ever loving piss out of you on food exports. Also, deal with your own societal problems without our tax dollars, because we will be taking that too.

I thought Poles were based. What is this kikery.

>I thought
I'm surprised you are capable of thinking.

He's just butthurt there are fewer toilets for him to clean in the countryside.

Come on out citycucks. Theres a gun behind every blade of grass. We're going to execute you and feed you to the hunting dogs.

The only thing keeping the city from starving and crumbling under the weight of its own arrogance, incompetence, and gluttony is the people born and raised outside of major cities. If anything people who live in the city should have no votes.

The overall stupidity of cities and rural areas is about the same percentage, relatively speaking. But the sheer number of idiots and retards in cities is overwhelming. And they are usually heavily concentrated in certain areas. More importantly, their attitude is fundamentally different from idiots in the country.
A rural "idiot" usually understands that his intelligence is feeble, and will leave tasks requiring intelligence he does not possess to his betters in that field. He will stick to what he does best, generally physical labor and repairing vehicles and such. Practical knowledge is his strength. These "idiots" are not idiots in the true sense, they are the backbone of their community, without them the intellectual class could never get anything done.
An idiot in the city is aggressively idiotic, and will never admit to himself, let alone others, that he is lacking intellectually. He will insist on encroaching upon intelligent fields of study and work, holding back his betters. Worse still, he usually has no skills, and has been riding on welfare or minimum wage jobs his whole life. He builds nothing, repairs nothing, but demands everything of his be paid in full. He is clay that has never been molded, an unfinished project.

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If you don't own real property, your vote should automatically be tossed in the trash, when your only comprehension of politics are "gibsmedat" "muh abortions" and "muh no humans are illegal" you have effectively eliminated yourself from the voting pool.

Don't come crying to the rural folk when disease and homelessness infects the cities. We'll just shoot you as soon as you cross the gun line.

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>1 post by this ID

The gook uses this dumb shit to increase his ad revenue.

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And being in a major city gives us what instead?

And yet, /ourguy/ is President, and yours is not.

Funny how that works.

Also when your only comprehension of politics is "muh feelins" you should get shot on the spot.

To prevent people who are actually educated from actually making this nation better? Whatever you say Cletus

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Poles are often based. I suspect that this is a (((Pole))).

The based Poles is a meme. Most Poles are just very blunt and simple. "Educated" Pole millenials are just as retarded leftist as in any white country.

>you should only vote if you're like me

No, fuck off