Let's set the record straight in plain English, because people apparently don't get it

Let's set the record straight in plain English, because people apparently don't get it.
Africans complain that they've had it rough? That they've been dealt a bad hand? Well, about that...


>Nuked twice, multiple cities reduced to ash due to firebombing raids
>Practically depleted natural resources
>*Still* contends with multiple catastrophic natural disasters
>Is now a global superpower, was 2nd biggest economy for a long time


>Devastated by two world wars, inherited socio-economic conditions from hell
>Rose up each time, gave the world a good kick in the nuts
>Split in two for 50 years
>Still managed to end up ruling Europe

South Africa (under the Afrikaners):

>Fought two wars against the British, last one was really bad
>We're talking scorched earth, concentration camps
>Still participated in two world wars
>Became a global military power in the 70s~80's *despite* severe sanctions
>5% minority

And now, the coup de gras...

South Africa (under the ANC):

>Started off with a developed country. No wars, no foreign occupation.
>Abundant natural resources AND *existing* infrastructre/manpower to exploit them
>Sanctions were lifted, have 95% majority
>Downgraded the whole country to trash status within 20 years
>Blame whites

lol, get rekt natives

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I don't freaking care about your problems in South Africa. Since you're not actually white.

I do freaking care about your ancestry. And what you'll pour into the US gene pool if you mate with us.

Why don't you post your DNA test results? Is it because your DNA test was godawful, with Khoisan, Bantu, Indian and Malay ancestry?

The word is pestilence

lol, you make me laugh, burgerman. I don't think you really understood the original post. Ironic, since its goal was to make things as understandable as possible. But, then again, you're American, so honestly why am I surprised.

And I don't have to answer anything, but I will because you challenged my honour.

I'm a white Afrikaner. My genes are purer than yours will ever be. End of story. There's nothing you can say that will change that. You literally picked a fight you're so laughably ill-equipped to win

This guy might have thought he was pure white too. Until he actually studied his ancestry back 400 years. onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1469-1809.2007.00363.x

It's a shame the South Africa churches kept such good marriage and birth records. Otherwise, the truth about your ancestry would have been unknown, at least until DNA tests became popular this decade.

Do you just sit on the catalog all day waiting to make this specific shitpost? Every fucking thread having anything to do with South Africa you're one of the top replies, that or this is the narrative of some shilling group

Your genes are purer than mine? Lol, if Jim Crow is ever brought back in the US, you'll have to use the exact same facilities as Cyril Ramaphosa. The nigger facilities. Due to your Khoisan and Bantu ancestries. And, yes, the Khoisans are niggers. And you have some Bantu ancestry anyway.

Your Indian and Malay ancestry isn't exactly a positive either. Although we never had hypodescent for those groups since they weren't present in the US.

this very study is a meme here. It's literally some guy who tried to prove Afrikaners have roots in Africa, and he failed. Anyway, I know full well my own family tree stretching back into both Holland and Germany.

>It's a shame the South Africa churches kept such good marriage and birth records

Not a shame for me, really. I told you, you're ill equipped. Try again?

my thoughts exactly. For someone who doesn't care about south africa, he sure knows a lot about it and jumps on board within seconds of a thread forming

Almost like the white South Africans should have fought back, prevented the ANC gaining power, asserted that they had the same rights to the land as Americans and Australians had to theirs and not been completely cucked by globalists.

And now you sit on your hands hoping the world will suddenly see through the propaganda while they come to slit your throats.

No sympathy for weakling Boers.