Italy's government wants to 'destroy Europe', says EU budget chief

>The European Union is under threat from some of its own members, including Italy, EU Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger has warned.

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>As well as outside opponents such as Russia and China, he said, "some within Europe want to weaken it or even destroy it – Poland, Hungary, Romania, the government of Italy."

Europe is falling apart.


based Italy

so you're saying Italy wants to destroy greater Israel?

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but in all seriousness, all Italy did was tell EU cucks that it wont pay into EU budget if germany doesnt stop with refugee bullshit

Roman Empire or bust

Sorry Gunther, we are not paying your pizzo anymore.

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They only want to destroy it until the Germans want in on the action.

How do we save the European Union?
Surely you don't want its destruction?
We were such a nice family, living in harmony.

in honour of your accomplishment, I wont break pasta next time I boil it

The EU like most Establishment institutions blame their opponents for that which they are guilty.

>EU: Let's flood Europe with Africans and Middle Easterners.
>Italy: No.
>EU: Italy wants to "destroy Europe"!!!

we literally already did sadly
why this faggot is still there anyway? this is not the first time he put fuel on the fire, is he the real murderer of the UE?

This is fucking stupid. If anyone's ruining europe it's the EU.
>The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

we create new european union consisting:
- germany
- france
- morocco
- uganda
- pakistan
and let them do whatever they want to themselves

>The EU cries out as it strikes you

>Surely you don't want its destruction?
Surely we do


It baffles me why nobody has stuck a knife into Oettinger yet. Seriously. He only got promoted to an EU job because he had become absulutely untenable here in Germany. I.e. we HAD to get rid of him and had no legal recourse.

We use the EU as our dumpingground it seems, I heard they might send von der leyen there if she cant keep latching on the military.

He's actually the best propaganda tool anti EU parties have in Italy.
He represents everything that is wrong with EU.

the only thing i am sure of is that after euro the prices of everything almost doubled, only hashish was cheaper after.. i must be ratarded but to this day i still don't understand what EU is about, beside making the average person poorer

good,fuck the EU

We don't want necessarily destroy the EU. We want the EU to be fair with everybody. almost all italians will tell you that the EU destroyed us. We fare better with a weak currency, as did the DDR (which in fact died with the western mark)
If Europe will prove to be resistant to change, it will break, otherwise, everybody will be cool.

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Good. Destroy the whole fuckin' EU.
Just think about those numerous generations that have fought for your right to your own sovereign country. Now imagine that all ownership of a country and power to make political decisions in that country is taken away from the people and given to a group of international globalists who do not belong to your nation and don't even give a crap about your country or it's people. That's EU.

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This x10

Italian E*ropeist and glo*alist will costantly suck his cock, using him as a symbol of the Union. It's funny hearing that he's considered a tool even in Germany. Shows how fucking incompetent our left is

>beside making the average person poorer
Exactly that.

You kidding? Are you wasting juicy free entries at the Louvre?


That guy's face. I see pedophile

Perfect girl.

They are so fucking retarded.
>we must stay united for next european elections, and follow Macron's lead
>Macron starts destabilizing Libya AGAIN not even 2 days after
It's like they are trying to lose as many votes as they can.
How the fuck could they ever think following that pompous retard was a good idea? The average italian absolutely hates frogs like him.

>Italy's government wants to 'destroy Europe', says EU budget chief
No, they want to save Europe by destroying the EU, that's different

LOL maybe stop annoying us and we'll stop """destroying""" europe

>we're organizing a MASSIVE parade against the government!
>in Rome, during Lazio-Rome derby
They have a self-harm fetish at this point

and it's beautiful!


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>conflating Europe and the (((EU)))

Speaking about pizzo why do southerners comply to pay that shit to the mafia? is like a huge parasite to your economy
Inb4 >they gonna kill you if you dont pay.
I know but i think you should lynch those fuckers

Yes, but nobody is doing anything to bring it down. We have had more than two fucking years since Brits decided to quit, and they haven't done it yet! Nor will they ever. We have Hungary and Poland saying no to EU sandniggers. Except now they will be allowing some of them in.

I think the only way the EU could crumble is either Brussels being annihilated with all the vermin politicians in it, or one of the big players Germany, France, Benelux leaving. And REALLY leaving and not just dithering about like Bongistan.

Try thinking about it for 10 seconds. Or just dont post dumb shit you know nothing of

>the comments

They're just an established presence, people don't see them as enemies in some towns, they feel represented by them

Can I move to Gdansk then? I'll promise I'll be more Polish than the Poles!

>fill native European homelands with unaesthetic violent low iq foreigners
>Europeans rise up to elect parties to represent their national interest
>accuse them of destroying Europe

the globalists deserve only one fate

>tfw no reactionary qt

I thought most Europeans like being part of the EU. Doesn’t it let you flex your muscles at the US, China, and Russia? Outside of the refugee policies, what’s not to like?

no, you cannot move to Gdańsk you cunt
you will just take your friends and vote Gdańsk to become german city, this trick already happened twice and thats enough

>what’s not to like?
Having a single currency destroys our economy

lmao what muscles?
EU destabilized every country that's part of it, even Germany.

i'm italian not "european"

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How to immediately become best friends with those countries and at the same time fix 90% of various EU problems: make mass migration illegal and deport or genocide every single uneducated and not integrated migrant that arrived in the past decade or two. That's it, really.

I wouldn't be so hopeful, we're already chickening out. We managed to more or less stop the nigger ferrying, but it will be very hard to get them to go back. Also Lybia is a shitfest courtesy of Micron.

We'll probably run a 1,5~2% deficit for some tax cuts and pension/labour reforms, if the EU tries to stop this very modest plan then it'll be self-destructing and we won't be the ones to blame.

I don’t know. I would hate to have to use different currencies every time I visit another state for business or pleasure.

You really don’t think it helps to have the backing of the other European powers when you decide to fuck with or thumb your nose at the US, China, or Russia?

They still keep talking about Europe like it's synonymous to EU. Europe will still be there after EU is gone

>We'll probably run a 1,5~2%
2.7 ~ 2.9.
Keep in mind PD planned 0.8 for next year, that's 2 points higher.

What powers?
There is no EU army, every country economy is in shambles and everyone does it's interests without giving a fuck about other countries.

You may say you identify as an Italian first but you’re part of the bigger puzzle piece called Europe. That’s like me saying my being from Florida trumps that of me being American.

>Italy's government wants to destroy europe

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Why aren't these pro EU faggots not going full anti immigration?

The EU has other problems to be sure but it wouldn't be collapsing now if not for the mass migration

The euro is killing us, it helps germany because it's a weak currency for them but too strong for us and other southern european countries, why do you think Trump put more tariffs on turkish steel after the turkish lira went down?

You don’t honestly believe that there is no benefit of having a collective voice through that of the EU, do you? It’s like being part of a union (no pun intended). You instantly have more clout when dealing with others when you have a small gang behind you backing you.

no it's not the same, every country in europe have his own culture and traditions, also we don't have a Central government

>That’s like me saying my being from Florida trumps that of me being American
That's not similar at all, Florida doesn't have centuries of history of being a separate country from America, nor has a different language and different culture from it.
You can compare American states to Italian regions, not to European states.

Yeah, that's actually a good question.

>having a collective voice
No, because there is no power behind that voice and that voice can't represent the often opposite interests within the EU.

and it was beautiful

First they came for the Jews, and I didn't say anything because I'm not a Jew. Then they came for niggers, and I didn't say anything because I'm not a nigger. Then they came for the sandniggers, and I didn't say anything because I'm not a sandnigger.

Then the European Union ruled the world for a million years.

How would you feel if dc suddenly decided to screw over florida by destroying it's industries, it's banks and siphoned every job up to maryland or virginia? Would you still feel at home in the union?

But we all know that only Germans can destroy Europe

The most recent poll now has Lega at 34%

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They are extremely clever instead
>ask for a protest during the most dangerous derby when it comes to ultras
>don't go, just let citizens go there
>let them get beaten by ultras that go to stadium only for violence
>prepare speeches against fascism, especially since Lazio is a neo-fascist team
If they only used all that brain on actual opposition they wouldn't have sinked from 29% to 12% in 6 years

>Günther Oettinger
who in the fuck is taking him serious ?

Dude, I can tell you there are wide differences in people from various states. While we may all seem like the dumb mutts to you, there is a HUGE difference between people from Nee Jersey, Arkansas, Wyoming, Texas, Massachusetts, and New York. But if you met them, they would say they’re American not a Wyomingan

Yeah, save yourself 5 minutes at exchangers instead of saving your economy and your rights as a nation

And each state is different. Don’t thin that you, Hans, Swen, and Pierre are more similar with one another than Bill from New York?

And ? The EU destroyed every NATION state that became its member.

We don't have collective voice. EU is fundamentally anti-democratic. We vote for a parliament that literally can't even propose legislation

Wtf I love shitaly now


>While we may all seem like the dumb mutts to you
never said that, i actually like trump, but america can't be compared to Europe, very different situation

Outside of the EU’s refugee insanity, haven’t they been a net benefit to Italy? Don’t their trade agreements with other major economies produce a net surplus for you than if you had to negotiate trade deals directly with the US, Canada, China, Brazil, etc.?

not the same thing at all

It’s very problematic to have different currencies. We tried that here with the colonies and then states and it was a complete fucking nightmare.

no, the EU is a political tool to control and destabilize other countries, there's no unity whatsoever if not to try and fuck each other burocratically and politically instead of waging war.
I'll give some examples
>France messing with Lybia to get italian oil concessions causing rapefugees crysis
>several billions of net contribution invested on east europe, their low wages are tough competition, we're basically paying taxes to export less and lower wages
>big italian companies transferring capital to tax heavens like luxemburg
im not even getting into other debates like the euro currency, limits to production imposed on countries etc.

The European Union is the coldest of cold monsters. Coldly the lie slips from its mouth: "I, the European Union, am Europe."

Don’t you guys vote on the representatives you send to Brussels? Is it not their responsibility to act in your country’s best interest? I thought it’s a similar setup as to how we have government at the state level (state congressmen, senators, and governor) and then federal legislators (congressman and senators) that are supposed to rep their respective state interests in DC?

No, if anything the fact that we can't make our own trade deals means we are forced to import low value crap from other countries like china and us that unfairly compete with our high quality products

Goddammit I wish I lived in Italy.

That makes no sense. Why would they aim to destabilize all of Europe? To have a singular European government and currency? Isn’t that the EU?

>Don’t thin that you, Hans, Swen, and Pierre are more similar with one another than Bill from New York?

No. They are just as different from each other as they are from Bill from New York.

Last time I asked an Italian on Jow Forums what they thought about leaving the EU they told me I was retarded for suggesting it and that I must clearly regret my Brexit vote, so what are your thoughts on it? Would you vote to leave if they held a referendum?

Mate, this guy is absolutely right.
You have no idea. For all of their screeching about united Europe, both France and Germany do nothing but pass protectionism policies for their home markets. They send us shit products of inferior quality and sell it for the same price they have at home.
It used to be that Germans were driving across the border to shop in our markets because the price difference was good enough to warrant even 50 miles trip. Nowadays the Czechs are driving across the border TO Germany for better produce, even though our purchasing power is five times lower than German one. It speaks volumes.

The European parliament is a meme that has very little power and only exists to make people think they have a voice. The commission members are appointed by each country, not voted, and they swear allegiance to EU rather than their own countries

I get they are different, but ultimately they share the same common ground and conscious/unconscious identity of “I’m European?”

Look at the pilpul going on here, the little verbal slights of hand. He implies Europe and the EU are synonymous.

I want to leave of course, i hate this eu crap and i hate even more the euro

no one thinks that.
the most liberal people at max think that they are "citizens of the world",no one says "i am European"