Help me write a children's book

Help me write a children's book.
My Neighbor Muhammed.

My neighbor Muhammad, but we call him 'Moe'
We don't make him angry, or else he might blow!
He covers his wife from head to toe.
Whenever his family goes out to the show.
Some people say this behavior is strange.
In time they will love,
his Islamic ways...

Attached: 800px_COLOURBOX18794793.jpg (630x800, 33K)

Dude that's really fucking racist and generalizing millions of people. You should really feel ashamed brainwashing children into hatred.

That guy in the picture is Sikh

Muslims can't wear turbans as well as Sikhs do and Muslims shave their moustaches as well

He says it's peaceful, to make you sleep
Then kills you with a knife, in your sheets

The difference?

Stfu. They deserve it. This time the holocaust will not only be for (((them))) but for the muzzies too

Muslim moustaches must not touch their lips.
And when they fuck boys they use only the tip ;)

Based poo

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