Why is this castizo LARPing as a white man?
Nick Fuentes
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He’s white. People that say he’s not are divide-and-conquer shills or just retarded. Literally just look at him.
He's White. His family isn't. This is the problem with race mixed beaners.
Stopped paying attention to this faggot after he fully revealed his true effeminate estrogenic-legume boy nature.
Shill harder kike
>Little fan
You're dumber than shitlibs faggot kys
And hi swears he is italian.
His dad could get away with it. It's his sister I'm talking about. The beaner whore has to go back. This is the problem with "White" spics. They won't bw able to separate themselves from their families. I'd bang his mom though.
I have nothing against Little, he seems like an OK guy whose heart is in the right place. Fuentes on the other hand, is a repulsive effeminate twink.
He makes some good points but he is not white
He is more native american than italian.
Is that you nick.
He shills for the pope.
OP is hiding his Israeli flag. Flag-hiding was the worst thing to ever happen to Jow Forums. I miss the old days.
One drop rule.
He's a nigger.
he's just acting like a Christian really
how is that not why? kys purity faggot
he shills for the Church, you dip
My eyes tell me he is white.
I think all white-passing people should be accepted as Whites. Mesitzos should be distinguished from Castizos and Negroes should be distinguished from Mulattoes. Divide and conquer in action.
>I have nothing against Little, he seems like an OK guy whose heart is in the right place
You should. Little was entirely ineffective and now serves as a branding iron to burn conservative and anti-immigrant voices with.
Because niggers are White passing?
Castizo means racially pure, your question makes as much sense as asking "why is this nigger larping as a black man?"
>serves as a branding iron to burn conservatives
Little pioneered the new political movement of civic anti-Semitism which terrified the kikes. Little is not particularly conservative or anti-immigrant, he focuses primarily on the Jewish problem. Having Little in the political discourse puts kikes on the defensive and benefits us all, that is why limp-wristed shills like Fuentes went after him.
Niggers are not white-passing but it would be great if there were legal distinction between pure African negroes and Mulattoes (light-skinned). If we were able to divide them and make them hate each other, the Black would have lost some power they have and would have been embroiled in internal fights with other llight-skinned Blacks.
he tries to do the Trump thing where he says outrageous things and is "technically" in the free so he can laugh at his opponents
so he tries to be edgy about killing journalist and racism, but then denies allegations and acts like he caught lefties in a trap
he's also living at home, has twig arms and is friends with the ironybros
Rational thinking. Also we should accept Ashkenazi Jews as Whites and assimilate them.
Gib example
Classic Mutt
Great for who (light-skinned) niggers? Stop shilling Tyrone. Go be a nigger somewhere else.
What about east asians, indians and africans.
A mulatto is proof that racemixing with blacks is a bad idea for a fuctionable society. Mulatto are actually worse than their black counterparts due to the inherent psychological issues that come about when whites/blacks mix. The result being the end of a white lineage for a particular family.
For White nationalists. Light-skinned African Americans will fight with Dark-skinned African Americans. This will also decrease Black influence on politics.
I can't be fucked to do it now, but two cases come to mind
one was were he was implying that killing journalists is good
and then he compared censorship to the holocaust when rightwingers were kicked off twitter
The word castizo means by definition white you retard
Bet he’s whiter than you
I don't support race-mixing, I support people with African blood fighting each other. Without Mulattoes, Blacks will lose majority of their thinkers, rich people.
Shut up nigger with your fucking retard bullshit. All you want is unhindered access to White women. GTFO.
They are not White, they don't pass as White. Ashkenazi Jews do, and assimilating them we will defuse the Jewish threat.
No. I support making distinction between Blacks and Mulattoes. I explained why it would be beneficial for Whites.
So now asians aren't White but I'm supposed to accept niggers as White? Fucking nigger retard.
What purpose does this distinction serve? What exactly is supposed to happen?
>patrick little
>thinks that optics don't matter
How can one man be this stupid?
Wrong. He says he has italian blood. I bet you take him serious when he says he's mexican though, right?
Talking shit about your own family little Juan paco del la Fuentes?
if i dint know his last name id never have known he wasnt white
You are retarded. I don support accepting Africans and Mulattoes as Whites, I support making distinction between them and propagate internal fights between Dark-skinned and Light-skinned Blacks.
Is she white or not?
>If we were able to divide them and make them hate each other
They already do
Little is a marine who took personal offense at being manipulated into a painful and costly war by the kikes. He has dedicated his life to bringing the Jewish problem into the public sphere. Winning elections has nothing to do with it. Merely speaking in public about the JQ to a multi-racial audience puts the kikes into a panic.
And how is it that "WE" are supposed to do that?
No it doesn't. Normies look at him and ask themselves what the fuck he's thinking. Nobody cares about the truth but us.
Light-skinned Blacks and Dark-skinned Black will start hating each other and will fighting internal racial wars in ghettoes. They will stop consider themselves united Black people. Mullatoes will be proud of their White blood, Dark-skinned Blacks will be proud by the pure African bloodline and ask on forum whether X is Black or Who is Black enough.
Dumb fuck. I asked you how exactly are "We" supposed to do that?
>kikes have conditioned the public to love them
>therefore we should never criticize the kikes, it is a waste of time
Maybe, but I think Little should be allowed to give the new strategy of civic anti-Semitism a try.
Spick Gonzalez
With Ben Shapiro voice
With Stewie Griffin head
With zero muscle
With a preteen girl's giggle
With talking points he he constantly plagiarizes from other podcasts
Pretending to be white and relevant
What a fucking puto
Create multiple accounts on their forums, twitter accounts start shitposting. Asking whether Steph Curry or Barack Obama is Black, claiming that their bloood is contaminated by crackers muthufuckas. Then write that light-skinned Black are beautiful and smart, pure Africans are dumb and ugly "Proud to be a Mulatto"
Thank God for his last name then its nice to know 9 months after a smelly tiny spic cock was rammed up his mommy's pink and white vagina this little burrito was shitted out.
Castizos are white. European ancestry is what counts.
No, it doesn't. Let me define Latin American racial castes for you:
- peninsulare means born in Spain, living in the Americas
- criollo means born in the Americas, only descended from peninsulares or criollos
- indio means only descended from indios
- mestizo means half criollo/peninsulare, half indio
- castizo means mostly criollo, a little indio
Imagine this: a peninsulare marries an india and has a mestiza daughter. She marries a criollo. Their children are castizos.
These basically evolved into castes, so you have groups of criollos who basically only marry other criollos, castizos who marry castizos, mestizos who marry mestizos, etc., so even though the mixing wasn't the last generation the rough proportions still remain.
Fuentes is a castizo.
Fucking nigger retard. xDD
Why would I not shill for the dark sin niggers?
Why not shake up the narrative?
What is your vested interest in this?
>But I'm white!
He should change his name to Fitzpatrick less of a give away
If castizos were white the word wouldn't exist.
She’s pure pajeet.
He's white. You're gay. Deal w it.
These are it's parents you fucking nigger retard. That shitskin is White? xDDD
What are your counter-arguments?
This is the divide and conquer tactics. Niggers will be fighting each other.
They already do, when they are no whites around to team-up agaist.
He has brown eyes, brown hair, slightly tanned skin, is short, and doesn't have pink undertones. Look at his lips.
Yes, she is Pajeet, but she is White, too (unlike 98 % of Pajeets)
Her father can pass as White.
They should all change their names and stop the zog multicult machine dead in it's tracks.
White nationalists should encourage this.
My counter arguments? Retard internet posting. That doesn't require a counter argument? Who gives a shit about the internet?
My question is why do you not want to shill for the dark skin niggers? Would the effect not be the same?
250 IQ
Yikes. I’ll bet there’s a mutt flag behind that meme flag. 3rd time I’ve seen mutts claiming, not only she, but that one or both of her parents can pass as white.
Fucking shitskin put a bullet in your face. xDDD
God bless the internet and it's shill clowns. xDDD
Anyone selling weapons to militias in Africa, helps them kill eachother.
if they look like us and and act like us then im not too concerned, we have bigger problems then to sit around and purity spiral.
Deal with the more pressing issues first fella's
I think White nationalist should both sides fighting each other.
You guys are cringy fags discussing this "durr is he whyte" shit.
Civic anti-Semitism is good but Little is not the best guy to promote it. Nick just pointed out how he failed. It's not traitorous to point that out.
I just sold a truck load to militias in brazil. Same shit.
I bet wouldn't recognise her as non-white in a crowd of Southern Europeans.
Smells like a boarder jumping beaner
Remember when he got btfo by Dawson. He should stick to nick the knifing thots, he can't go up against people who know what the fuck they're talking about
Whiter than you Mohammad
It means 1/4 Indian
Yeah, and you think Nimrata Randhawa is White. Who gives a fuck what you think.
Optics cuck who wont name the jew
he looks like a young Jorge Ramos
garbage spic
Yeah he'd fit in with the blacks, asians or mexicans easily if he went to prison. I can't see him taking sides with the whites at all.
Niggers are nigger anywhere they go.