Zero (0) scandals

Zero (0) scandals

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zero (0) things done in office

>Zero (0) scandals
... reported by the MSM

Then why do you keep REEEEEEEEEEEing about destroying his legacy?

What do you mean? Fox News screamed and cried about his tan suit.

Fast and Furious, Bengazi, Drone killing american citizens without a trial, just a few

Remember to sage these thread before you post

>zero (0) things done in office
Trump : I'll undo all the (0) thing Obama has done!

curiously before trump there was no "fake news" or "msm"

that's 3 scandals in 8years
Trump average score per week, sometimes days

Remember when trump had two scoops or drinks a lot of diet coke. Obama never had scandals like those

>Zero Scandals

Zero reported on scandals
Nice having the media jew on your side.

You forgot to add, "that we told you about."


>Zero (0) Independence

Don't care about scoops or diet cokes, don't care if he's a fat fuck

So more scandals than trump right
you guys are pathetic

Zero scandals (that the Dem media reported on)

Wow! It's almost like coverups cover things up

based & red-pilled

Fox News, Breibart etc reported like 5-15 scandals in 8 years

Everyone lost count of trump scandals

Thanks, Obama. +98.6k

define scandal?
in terms of modern political discourse, a scandal is something that gets a media spotlight for any given amount of time, is added to a popular cultural list curated by everyone and referenced and discussed in a disapproving way.
it doesn't matter what it is, from genocide to a failed healthcare plan, presidential scandal lists are simply pop culture sources to be cited during superficial political debates.
by this definition, yes obama had zero scandals, but this does not mean zero things happened during his presidency.
it is a matter from what list you cite sources.
if cite his failed healthcare plan from the list titled "Things That Happened" it won't mean as much unless it is cited from the list titled "Scandals"
this is what we call politics: or the science of government.

Why do non Americans think they know anything about what the US president did in the 8 years in office? All you have to tell you about what happens here is the news so you're all incredibly ignorant of anything that was or wasn't a big deal here. Some thing goes true for your countries, we don't know shit about happens in your countries, so shut the fuck up and stop shitposting for the sake of shitposting

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we bombed and assassinated some folks

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Trump could literally fuck a 300 pound prostitute on the White House lawn in broad daylight, I'm never going to support you open borders anti white nation wrecking scum.

I can name one, a nigger in the White house

>Elect me I'm human too!
Dumb americans voted twice for this

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>1 post by this id
This is a very low effort slide thread. Many such threads. Sad!

>goal posts are on the move boys, saddle up

wow, there are people this dumb?!
Its true, damn...

0 scandals? You mean, other than spying on the Republicans running for 2016 presidency? Or other than spying on the Senate Intelligence Committee? Or other than using a private email to conspire with Hillary on how to cover up their involvement in creating ISIS? Or how about Fast and Furious?
Obama had constant scandals. So many in fact, you can't recall them all because they were so numerous. Like redirecting NASA budget to Google just because the head guys at Google directly used Google data and Google resources to get him elected. Using conversations captured automatically by Andriod phones to spy on the reporters assigned to cover Obama during the 2012 elections. Etc etc etc.

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