Is this considered black in the US? He visibly looks like la creatura

Is this considered black in the US? He visibly looks like la creatura.

Attached: colinkaepernick2.1524084033.jpg (1200x675, 74K)

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>1% rule

looks like a standard negro to me

No, this is considered pure white in america.

the one drop rule goes both ways
even 1% negroid like Shaun Creme is considered "black"

A touch of the tar brush

Mulatto half-breeds are the biggest tryhards when it comes to trying to gain “blackness” cred. It’s embarassing

Attached: C4EE4E30-C552-41E1-B4FF-9BB69F256683.jpg (720x720, 76K)

his mom is white but after delivering pregnancy she gave him up for adoption

his mom then went on to marry a white man and have white kids

he was adopted by white parents who gave him everything but he humilated them with his actions

the absolute united state of america

I noticed this years ago. The light skin negro in a group would always speak the thickest ebonics.

Shaun is 0%. What shit are you talking?

Kap would be "mixed race" in Aus, not black

50% jew + 50% nigger = 100% sand nigger

I would estimate:

65% Caucasian
20% Negroid
10% Native American
5% Other

2/3 WHITE. That is a white man. Like Obama was and is more a white man than a black man. Obama's genes are 50% white, he was brought up by a white mother and white grandparents, only had white friends throughout High School and Harvard. His first contact with Black America was his future wife and the streets of Chicago when he already was a grown man.

One drop rule and superficial traits are meaningless. Look at the DNA. If it's mostly white then the man/woman IS white. Fact. Period. End of thread.

he doesn't look negroid at all
his skin is not only relatively light, it looks like it has the same texture as caucasians
without his afro, he looks more like a south asian or even sometimes like an eastern european

Attached: i.png (350x254, 122K)

He's a nigger/jew mongrel, guaranteed. Wiki says his mom was white but she was obviously a kike. Look at the nose.

Attached: 63037d8579194cad029921c8a2b79ba8.jpg (800x576, 45K)

>what is a sandnigger?

Attached: north African immigrant.jpg (460x287, 48K)

Hes half white

Tusken raiders.

All "Blacks" in the US are mulattos.
No greater argument against race mixing.
They'd all be considered "coloured" in South Africa.
Pic related. All "Black" americans are between 17-34% white (on average).

Attached: Ancestry proporations USA.jpg (960x960, 225K)

You can't get rid of that MAOA gene.
Imagine if they were all really African.
As if it could get much worse, but it could.

Attached: MAOA gene.jpg (1136x2200, 812K)

Meanwhile American Whites surprisingly are over 98% European
See and pic

Attached: American White admixture.png (656x1493, 138K)

Arabs are white.

More readable format of article

He's half, so really it depends on who raises him and whether he acts like a nigger or not for most of society to consider him actually black. He is definitely considered black now though.

He is acting like a white SJW. Makes him even more white.

ive suspected that he was part kike on account of that shekel vacuum on his face

He wants his real Dad to come back so he acts like a Hotep Nigga.

I'm whiter than him therefore he's black

>his face
Never seen a more le 56% face in my life

he is about as African as shaun king. this nigger probably trace his roots to some middle eastern area.

this. I moved to the south recently and some of the negros down here are pitch black. I thought they would be awful but they're actually not as bad as the lighter skinned ones up north.

Just. One. Drop.

half dindu, half kike, aka los negros judios

No he is a mulatto.


He is seriously ugly.

He looks like an ugly Arab.


Looks like a literal pube alien. Do niggers actually think that a birds nest on their head looks good?

he grew his hair out to make sure he looked like a nigger

He is Starbucks coffee?

>Be mulatto
>Act black or white, whichever is more convenient for me at the time
>My demeanor ranges from Tariq Nashid tier black to Jow Forums tier white
You’ll never catch me

Attached: 18FD5ED7-8579-4848-8D55-8A7D56ADC023.jpg (637x476, 41K)

He's fucking goofy looking either way.

He is Minnie Mouse?

I might be mistaken but aren't he looks like Italian or something Mediterranean?

He's actually mixed. His black father knocked his mother up and then disappeared. What a surprise...

He does. This user here has the explanation I think

His mom is a coal-burner and he is literally 56% white


blacks are the only people who still follow the one drop rule because it's the only way they get to claim accomplishments as a group. luckily we've got a burgeoning population of high-performing actual african immigrants fucking up their calculus

Requesting someone put the meme filter on this pic because it's perfect

Attached: kaepernick-socks-cops-08-31-16.png (1200x675, 1011K)

He wouldn't look out of place being an ethnic in a cartoon drawn exactly the way he looks.

Kapernack reminds me of this other Tryhard.
Richard reid the Shoe Bomber

Attached: Richard reid.jpg (233x333, 21K)

No, he's considered a nigger

yup, that's him.