What to do about the homeless:

What to do about the homeless:

What does Jow Forums do when asked for money by homeless?

Just moved back to London, and have been asked for money at least 50x.

I´m thinking the solution is to get business cards/flyers with churches or mosques addresses.

So the homeless go and ask them for the money and harass them. I´d print like "free cash for those in need". or free accomodation

Which would work best in pissing both parties off?

Whats likely to happen if hundreds of homeless turn up at a church or mosque?

...and which is a better target, mosque or church?

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I ignore the feral humans.

the solution to solving the homeless problem is in the branding.
calling them homeless when they never ask for homes, is the biggest problem.
they either want money, food, a job, or something else, but never a home.
as a result, the "homeless" have misidentified their own problems and thus attempt to apply the wrong solutions.
the solution is more accurately delineate everyone currently identifying as homeless then divide them into these genres so the public and churches can help them accordingly.
for example, those they need a job are in one group, those that need money in another group, those that need a home in another etc.
then we give them what they need.
if they fall into multiple categories, then we give them agency by allowing them to pick a single category to fall under. then we license them to ask for money, jobs, homes, food, and if caught asking for something else they will be fined or arrested.

Stop being a fucking rookie, walk around with earphones in even if you aren't listening to anything and just walk past them

Just ignore.

People do not become homeless by accident. If a person is homeless it means they have run every single person out of their lives. (Even their mothers, siblings, friends, teachers and neighbors) the homeless are dangerous and useless.

Just point them to the nearest dole queue

>needing headphones to ignore them
Pathetic. Walk past staring them in the eyes with a hint of disgust on your face.

former London homeless addict here..

They already have all those church addresses.. churches already give them free food, clothing and whatnot..

here is one:


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this will create a twofold result:
first it will force them to identify what is most important in their own lives instead of projecting what society says is important onto themselves: a home
second it will force them to be better stewards of the thing they are licensed to ask for, teaching them accountability, rationing, resource management, and stewardship, and responsibility which coincidentally are the very same character traits needed to remove oneself from the "homeless" paradigm.

Spot fucking on.

also during free food evening there is a queque of 50+ people at some churches..

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The best part about being a conscript is walking around in uniform. You just don't get asked for money anymore. It's great.

I only refer to them as vagrants.

>Not firmly telling them to go away in a commanding tone

Are you even trying, bong?

In parts of london you will get stabbed when you walk around in uniform.

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I wasn´t imagining that the church would actually help them...

if they wanted to, then they would house them and give them money etc, most people ignoring the bums are christians....

i have big over ear headphones, but i don´t want them to get angry if i ignore them and stick me with a heroin aids needle

well no. it doesn't work like that with mentally ill people.


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As a man fho works full week from 9 to 9 i NEVER EVER will give my hard-earned money to a grownup men and women who prefer to beg on the street

>if they wanted to, then they would house them and give them money etc, most people ignoring the bums are christians...

In south london churches do offer homeless people temporary shelter. They helped my girlfriend (who was homeless as well) get a place.

How the fuck haven't you formed neighbourhood militias yet?

Eat them. The human body contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals to sustain us. Why not?

because in certain neighborhoods literally everyone is scum/ ex convict/ addict and whatnot..

nobody gives a shit about anything.

I once lived in a block of flats... and literally all of them, no exception were smoking crack. the place looked like a mixture of mogadishu and baghdad..

Tell them: "I'm sorry, but I don't have any cash on me."

Do not help the homeless. They are people on their way out via overdose. Not helping them forces them to choose between life and drugs.

Giving them money leads to more drug use.

Watch the first 3 minute of this docu:


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Heroin aids,more stds etc
Also immoral as fuck youre inner nigger is showing.

If Im being approached by a bum, I cut them to the chase and ask them for a dollar, or a cigarett...even tho I dont smoke anymore. Usually works.
But there really should not be any homeless people, I dont know about bing land, but there are 4 times as many empty homes as there are homeless here.
Im no sociolist except for the national kind, but I abhor waste, planned obsolesence and false scarcity. There is so much suplus food and so many empty homes there is no reason anyone should be hungry, or homeless, at least in the states.

Where I live there are a fuck ton of drug addicted vagrants. At this point I just want them all gone, by any means necessary. They make parks unsafe for children, and contribute nothing. Its a shame most people in my community are pussies and all feel bad for them.

9 out of 10 times homeless is due to mental ilness like schizophrenia or borderline personality disorder , not because of debts, unemployment etc.

Homeless people are simply a waste of potential energy. They could be working, but they like drugs and alcohol more than prospering. And there will always be some cuck who will give them money even though they are stealing oxygen.

>i have big over ear headphones, but i don´t want them to get angry if i ignore them and stick me with a heroin aids needle

>implying that happens to everyone of the other 50000 people who also walk by and ignore them

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So many people are homeless by choice I no longer care.

>are homeless by choice

perhaps in sunny california.. but not in London I can assure you that..

Yes I am aware, but not all, I speak of those that do not wish to be homeless. Even still give a family that is struggling, in a small home apt w/e. Give them a nice house they can care for, its just going to waste anyway. And give the druggie the small apartment. At least get them off the street. Im not saying WEEEEE FREEEE, vet them, help them get better. The main issue tho is the false scarcity, if not free, shelter should be massivly reduced in cost. Especially given the utter waste. No one is making money off an empty house no one makes money off of rotting food. Some money for those things (based on income) is better than zero money.
The economy would improve as well if home costs were reduced, as there would be more disposable income. I pay almost 1000 dollars for a 2bed 2 bath 900 sq ft apt. I like it, the area is GREAT tons of stuff nearby, quite. But a 1000 dollars takes a massive % of my income. Waste is a sin, planned obsolesence is imoral and false scarcity is a lie. Which is also a sin.

I look them straight in the eye, give them a firm handshake, and tell them to get a job

>And give the druggie the small apartment.

I've seen my council in London doing that. And as a former addict I've seen those places.

people trash them and it's a walk in for a whole host of mad people at all hours of the day. Eventually they get kicked out...

at one of my friends place half the kitchen burned down (one of those free give away appartments) because a visitor was high on dope and forgot to turn off the oven..

Ive seen another place where a woman lived.. she kept pidgeons in her livingroom and bedroom, so everything was covered in bird shit..

gather up all those capable of work.
give them garbage bags and mechanical pincer claw thing, tell them to go pick up garbage.
give them food and board in a barracks style living.
give them wages too (admittedly, small).

it gets a lot of homeless off the streets
gets them contributing, even slightly, to the collective, instead of just being drains.
cleans up the nation (i dunno if anyone has done any cross country trips lately, but there is garbage EVERYWHERE; in the cities, along the highways, etc)

rounding up bums and forcing them to work (to set them free) will get you labeled as a Nazi really quick.
would cost some in tax money.

what do you think, too fascistic? i really do sympathize with those down on their luck, or born into situations that most people don't ever have to go through, and that are bums through no fault of their own...
...but, not everyone fits that category, and some people just want to abuse the altruistic feeling in others.

its literally illegal to be homeless in the UK.

i agree that 90% are homeless by choice.

>I´m thinking the solution is to get business cards/flyers with churches or mosques addresses.
I'm about to tell hobos to start begging chinks, as they're wealthier and easier to intimidate

"don't beg from me, simple hobo, go try that scrawny chinkess whose handbag alone is worth more than everything I have on me. don't worry if you have to hit her, she doesn't know how to summon help."

>its literally illegal to be homeless in the UK.

yeah but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I slept in an abandoned parking garage.. There were like 15 people sleeping every day/night..

Sure they would be regulated, there would be rules, this is why you vet, this is why you only get the ones that WANT to do better. Daily inspections, then weekly, then monthly, then yearly, then hopefully by then they are on the right track. Plus it would create more jobs, you could even hire ones that used to be lost souls. Most people just want to be useful, have a purpose, this is why so many turns to drugs, they have no purpose, and the best way to help someone is to give them a purpose. Im a pragmatist, I understand it wont 100% fix everything, but it would improve things, even if just by a little.
Again, some money for a home, is better than no money.

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We should team up.

it's a cycle. they pretend to want to do better (after all they want free housing..) ,, and it goes wrong eventually, they get warning after warning. Eventually they get kicked out and end up on the street again.

After a while they get help again.. they pretend to want to better, get housing , get kicked out again etc....

I know people who lived at 10 /15 different places because of that.

Also drug addiction (especially crack) is not because of not having purpose but because of serious traumas... like sexual abuse as a child, loss of relatives domestic violence etc..

to numb the pain people turn to drugs.

You got better?
Thats one. Not trying to change the world my man, just make it a little better.

>Whats likely to happen if hundreds of homeless turn up at a church or mosque?
>...and which is a better target, mosque or church?

They're homeless, not stupid. They're black belts in grifting and your ploy won't fool them for a second. Just casually blast them with the mace and keep walking.

>Do not help the homeless. They are people on their way out via overdose.

Why not hand out free packets of spiked horse? A spate of OD'd corpses will clean up the streets some.

>its literally illegal to be homeless in the UK.
I want to believe this so badly

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yeah but in my case it was slightly different.

I literally got bored of being high all the time (kinda autistic I know) so eventually I stopped smoking crack.

Also I didn't got hooked on heroin... you cannot simply quit that... (crack is a bit different as it's not physically addictive only mentally just like tobacco)

Sometimes I give it them. Doesn’t bother me if they use it to get fucked up or feed themselves. Whatever helps ease the pain of another day on planet Earth.

prostitution is also illegal.. yet you see massage parlors all around picadilly circus..

based cringe

>prostitution is also illegal
Well that sucks. Why support the underground, criminal economy? Legalize it and tax it and make it safer for the women and the customers. I assume there are street hookers you can take to a hotel and that it's not all massage parlours in the UK.

even if you killed all the homeless in one day, you wouldn't fix the homeless problem.
the problem isn't that the homeless are breeding.
the problem seems to be the system is becoming more porous and that people are slipping through the cracks into bumhood.
failed system that puts children through school that in most cases does not prepare them for the real world, or in many cases (i.e. public school) is designed to deliberately dumb down the population and make them more docile.

>I´m thinking the solution is to get business cards/flyers with churches or mosques addresses.
You forgot synagogues.

This is your chance to save London. Start an army. Start an English National Volunteer Army.

there are street hookers all around. those are pretty easy to find (or backpage/craigslist hookers you can call)

The UK is pretty conservative in general... (degenerate London is not representative for the UK in general ) that's why it's illegal.

>the uk

Ok...so would you not have apprecited and succesfully used such a program?
I mean, yeah lots are lost causes, lots arent. Ive done plenty of drugs in my day, will probably do more in the future, never did JUST heroin...sure some E most likely had some on more than one occasion. But not everyone is hopeless...You are proof of that. And if you could help others wouldnt it make you happy to do so?
Its very fullfiling to know you saved a life, I promise you that.

If I was a president of a country that had a homeless population I'd mass arrest them give them health check-up to make sure they're clean divide the good looking into state owned brothels that pumps money back into the economy, and the uggos I'd harvest their organs and sell them to the wealthy who are willing to pay for it

I live in Los Angeles and it's really bad here. I hate all of them. I say line them up and execute them. I fantasize about using violence against bums.

homeless are by definition communist/ socialist--they should be put into a planned community/ prison and given menial work

Yeah it's "the system's" fault people are lazy and would rather drink beer in a park than go to work.

>give them a firm handshake


Tell them you’ll give a coin if he hits another homeless.

this lol