Lol, this faggot is on autoimpeach mode now

Lol, this faggot is on autoimpeach mode now.

Attached: Donald J- Trump on Twitter- -Thank you General Mattis- book is boring - untrue-… -.png (786x562, 105K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>1 post meme flaggot shill

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>2 posts enter, one man leave

>Book hasn't been released
>Trump has had time to read it
>Trump actually reads anything that's more than 140 characters...

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>Gook still has nukes

Well that handshake did a lot.

report back when drupfy is allowed to have a military parade like kimmy

>implying Trump read anything in his life longer than 200 characters

>insulting Mattis
wtf is he doing

Take a little naps where the roots all twist
Squished a rotten peach in my fist
And dreamed about you, woman,
I poked my finger down inside
Make a little room for an ant to hide
Nature's candy in my hand or can or a pie

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How behind are you? Mattis didn't write the book, he just commented on it being untrue. Honestly i believe the gorilla channel shit over the claim he wanted to assassinate assad.

does that mean he's fucking the peach? wtf

it's fucking nothing

>leftists can't even remember when lil Kim was firing missiles over the Sea of Japan
When did Obama get the leaders of North and South Korea to sit at the same table again?

OP is a faggot loser. That is all.

fuck off retard. dems are retarded just like drompf.

>combating lies is an impeachable offense

i had the same reaction. didn't he put out those tweets last night too?

Obama didn't sit with him because he knew it would do him any good. Just like it hasn't with Trump. Nuke Gook is playing the oldest Best Korea trick in the book. Negotiate and do nothing but make it look like your doing something but in reality just keep doing nothing.

>nigger reaction image

To let you know that this is NOT a witch hunt, here's a look at the facts so far in Mueller's investigation: 75 charges filed 19 people charged 5 GUILTY PLEAS 4 people cooperating 3 businesses indicted. This is NOT A witch hunt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look what you vote for. .....A criminal.

Thats a whole lot of projection. Keep taking the crazy-pills. Perhaps you need to increase your dose you kike.

We should arrest Muller's lawyer and confiscate everything in his office and see if we can't get a few convictions unrelated to Russia.

fuck off kike

And yet not a single charge actually related to what they’re actual supposed to be investigating.

Paranoia hitting him hard

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>1 post by this ID

yeah, he didn't do anything except sign a check. no concessions, no return of remains, no negotiations, just a payoff. then gook nukem was back at missile testing in a week.

That was all moon anyways, Trump just needed the image.

>fuck off kike
stop smoking tree syrup

This isn't some purse snatching nigger, this is hte president of the united states. Muller has to dot his I's and cross his t's

I'm glad he's taking his time to do the job right. An in reality, Trump should be helping him, not hindering him.

>Lol, this faggot is on autoimpeach mode now.
>said the increasingly nervous man for the 100th time

Laugh at this.......Special counsel Robert Mueller has indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities for allegedly meddling in the 2016 presidential election, charging them with conspiracy to defraud the United States. I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!! cheaters for trump!!!

>increasingly nervous man
why would i be nervous? i'm in europe. far,far away from your bozo manchild kike loving orange albino nigger.

Gave us back some remains, wow, such a sweeping change in Best Korea policies.

Yet NK is still as armed as ever. We haven't done any nuke testing in ages, does that mean the US has given up nuclear weapons?

>not doing anything and letting North Korea fire missiles over japan is better than making overtures trying to ease the tension

liberalism is a mental disorder

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nah m8, we all know you're in the (((middle east)))

Obama couldn't find North Korea on a map

>(((middle East)))

so yeah europe

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hes not from the middle east fuck face

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>a-a-any d-d-day n-n-now
do it faggot

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Know the best part?

This is the year Democrats win fucking everything.




Asshole will attack Syria, kill Assad, and leave the bald headed Russian cunt spitting mad.

Then Mueller will have Asshole and Vice Asshole arrested by summer.

Then President Nancy Pelosi (uhhhnnng fuck YAS) gets to declare national emergency right before the big blue tsunami in November.

Hey, don't forget the Russian cunt!

He'll do something incredibly stupid. Or we'll just tell you he did. ;)

Are you guys with me?



President Nancy Pelosi. Democratic supermajority. War and emergency powers.


We're literally literally going to be dragging far right pantshitters into FEMA camps this time next year. We'll literally be giving their big houses to refugees and undocumented immigrants. We'll LITERALLY be doing whatever the fuck we want and there's exactly FUCK ALL Skinhead cunts can do about it.

Congrats, babydicks.

You beat your chests and thrust your little dicks thinking you'd won the entire world when Asshole beat Her.

Now, you get to find out what a big, brutal bloodthirsty bitch Hillary "Payback" Clinton is. And how much delicious mischief we'll do with no rules, no limits, and no more regressive shitfucks standing in our way.

>EU flag
shouldnt you be sucking old georgie boys cock right about now?

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Lol yeah, posting some ads on Facebook. How dare they!

Trump didn't do anything either, NK could fire a missile today over Japan an Trump couldn't stop it.

I do applaud Trump for trying, however he hasn't followed through.

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Ok your LARPing isn't going to help any.

#1 It's not even clear if the president can be charged with a crime while he is president. He would most likely have to be impeached first. EVEN if Trump was impeached, the chances of Pence also being impeached are near zero before he would serve out the last 2 years and face election.

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>responds to facts with jew memes

This is why there is no such thing as "white supremacy"

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You could go farther and hit his immediate family and business partners. Guaranteed you could get several with tax convictions. Why stop there, if you investigate everyone he has spoken to in the last 10 years we could easily have several with 300+ year sentences for tax evasion just like Manaford.

>mfw sage shill threads and get blessed with digits

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>Is your jew meme folder as big as your loli porn folder there jimbo?

When are they going after the entire country of Mexico for meddling in the election? Or how about Obama meddling in Israel and Brexit?

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The author insulted Mattis. I suspect that chapter is an elaborate suicide plot.

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yeah it kinda is. he went from low grade MAD extortion racket to conceding something.

protips: border deployments are an image thing. it's like how the poo and paki armies have danceoffs at the border. if you hear the sirens, its too late because the border is first to be flattened
also, having nukes or not doesn't really matter. that Pandoras box is already open. ending the war matters.

The only way to stop paying the danegeld is to stop stop paying the danes the geld. then you kill them when they chimp out. Trump stopped paying. its Kimmy's turn.

the ultimate goal is de-denuclearizing the peninsula for sure and that hasn't happened. I completely agree.

However, even though they still have the capability, the fact that they've actually held their end of the Singapore agreement and stopped launching missile tests over the Sea of Japan is a big step forward. This is something that Trump and the Chinese deserve dual credit for.

No, it hasn't stripped NK's capability of obliterating the South or Japan, but it's a step towards peace or reunification, depending on the two korea's ultimate goals

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>arrested by summer
but it’s September

How does it feel to get cucked by a childless former nazi ? That meme flag aswell lol you people deserve to be gassed, lets be honest euro cucks are worse than commies and jews combined

"Show me the man and I will show you the crime" - Laverty Beria, head of Stalin's secret police

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>Stalin's secret police
absolutely credible guys
its not like they made up crimes to get rid of political dissidents

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Wow, it's almost like stuff takes time to happen. NO WAY.

It’s as though that’s the point of the post.

Yes, that was my point. Justice starts with investigating a crime. Witchhunts start with investigating a person.

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Reverend Moon did nothing wrong

Because Obama is not a like faghot unlike trump.

Best post

how is an idiot having all this success though that's what im confused about

That's probably one of the best possible ways to make the book sell like hot cakes. Now every anti-Trumper is going to buy it because Trump says he hated it.

Trump is surrounded by crooks. He made the swamp bigger.
MFW the president Surrounds himself with swamp life.
t. Drain the swamp. Lol

Funny how the investigations start with Russian collusion and end up with a fuck tonne of different shit. It’s almost like the investigation was designed to do this. Lol

t. Sent remains of some random dead ppl. And (you) fell for it.

>Saying a book is boring is an Impeachable act
The absolute state of EU cucks

Why is trump so paranoid?

Surprise surprise. Stuff takes time.

Obama’s is WAY smarter then (((trump)))

don't kill my motherfuc bumping just incase

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Trump has been and is currently surrounded by crooks. He is a crook himself. Prolly get the-elected because muh electoral college.

That's very well put. With that, I would say Trump is most definitely victim of a witch hunt


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these fucker must have a record of crying everyday in twitter

how can anyone support this baby old fart??

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woah slow down your superiority complex John

whats up antifa

whats up antifa!


Was calling it boring really necessary? Fucking rude

wow you are a faggot jeez pls stop

I hate Trumpf so much.

Whether they have them or not is irrelevant, it’s whether they’ll use them, and a combination of friendship and intimidation are a damn good way to ensure they won’t. Remember less than a year ago when NK was constantly posturing and making threats? When was the last time you heard a peep from them?